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I'm 26 years old and I have never accomplished anything. At least for myself.

Relationships --- never had one, never been on a "real" date, never been kissed, etc...

School --- Who gives a crap about my stupid degree? That was 5 years of waste... I didn't learn a thing! In one ear and out the other! And now I am about to get an associates degree in something I don't care about. Maybe an accomplishment to other people, who actually wanted to go to school.

Money --- don't have much...Didn't get my first job until I was 24. I'm a cart attendant.


What are you suppose to accomplish by the time you get to my age,? 26?

I feel like a complete failure!!!



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The first step is for you probably will be finding a good job. A good job is the first step because it will give you the resources and opportunity to accomplish other things.


It's always hard to find that first job. One of the best ways to get your foot in the door is to go through a staffing agency. That is what I did. I applied to lots of places on my own, atleast 60 or 70, with not a single response. But once i started working with an agency, they helped my find a good paying job with opportunities and benefits. Its a good place to start.

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I get this kind of feeling all the time... I've always wanted to try and find something that I can just leap into and make my life, and me, a gazzilion times better. But I never know just what that is, or if I find something I'm too gutless to do it...


I've very recently started making very small steps in trying to improve my life... Trying to phase out everything that makes it unenjoyable, and to be more active in the things I do...


Just start trying new things, even if it's something your so uncomfortable with that it will kill you. Just do it. Don't worry, I'm not QUITE up to that stage yet, but like I said, if you take small steps, I'm told that with enough confidence built up you can start taking bigger and bigger leaps...


Happiness starts within yourself.

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At times, most of us flail around wanting something to happen. We want a sign or inspriration to trigger our grand accomplishments.

We wait and grow bitter.


Become a Surgeon? Too difficult.

Join the Mariines? Too grueling.

Work at a bank? Too dull.

Go back to school? Too social,


Best to stick with the current job until something happens.

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I've very recently started making very small steps in trying to improve my life... Trying to phase out everything that makes it unenjoyable, and to be more active in the things I do...


Just start trying new things, even if it's something your so uncomfortable with that it will kill you. Just do it. Don't worry, I'm not QUITE up to that stage yet, but like I said, if you take small steps, I'm told that with enough confidence built up you can start taking bigger and bigger leaps...

I completely agree. Any accomplishment is made in baby steps. But it helps to know what direction you want to walk.


What should you accomplish by 26? I don't know. There's no set standard. For me, 26 came and went. I was working in retail at the time, trying to figure out what to do with my life! Eventually I went back to school and now I'm in a career I like (most of the time). And it pays the bills. And I can tell people my job without looking at the ground and shuffling my feet.


You probably would be wise to explore possible career paths at this point. Go to a career center or take those "interest inventory" tests to find out what you (a) like to do and (b) are skilled at and © could do as a career. Personally, I LOVED this stage of life because, heck, you're just starting out and there's no pressure! It's all exploration, man! I changed my mind four times to get where I am now. No problem. I just made sure I enjoyed what I was doing at the time.


It takes patience to get somewhere. If you're thinking, "I need to be in a fantastic job six months from now," well, you might be setting yourself up for frustration. Set a realistic six-month goal -- "I'll have decided what career I want to explore and I will enroll in several classes to see if I like it." That way, it's do-able and you'll experience a feeling of success as you go along.


Also, a little perspective: 26 is not that old. Take it from someone who wishes she were that young again!

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I want to be part of the A&R department for a record label. Maybe a talent scout. The problem is my age... seriously. Record labels want young scouts.

Most record labels have internship programs, but are unpaid and usually you need to be in college. I'm in my last semester for Video Production. I tried to get an internship with a record label but my school thought it was a little silly, since I am a Video Production Major.

My parents are a BIG problem. They pretty much control me. It's hard to break it....I mean, they support me financial...since the only thing I officially own is my labtop and a few movies.

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