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Broken Bones - Experiences? My daughter broke her collarbone today!

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Okay - so yep.. I'm feeling a little alone here right now! My 3.5 year old daughter got injured while sledding with her father today. I knew I should have insisted he not take her! Anyway - - - She got plowed into by another sledder while she was standing. She immediately started babying her left arm and was clearly in pain.


They called me and we met at the med center. Confirmed. Greenstick fracture / break in her still forming bones.


I've never had experience with broken bones! We go to the orthopedic doctor today. Anyone have any experiences to share? Poor girl! She's such a trooper but it took alot to find a comfy position for her to go to sleep.. I'm sure it will be a very long night! I'm anxious about our appt tomorrow!

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Thank you very much, Awdree! Yes, I'll definitely keep you all posted!


Tonight, she was in pain but still demanded to play for awhile. I think it was mostly due to her being unable to get comfortable while lying down. She is such a doll and I can't believe my baby has a broken bone!


And just to clarify - yes, we are going to the doctor today (technically.) I'll be calling the dr office at 9am setting up an appointment. I'm sure we will have a very broken night of sleep. I'm guessing she will wake up as soon as her ibuprofen wears out. I just wish I could take her pain away!

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Little ones heal amazingly fast. If a 30-40 year old breaks their collarbone they're a mess for months. A 3 year old will be up and around in days or weeks.


Don't beat yourself up over the sledding accident. This is part of what being a kid is all about. Accidents happen. Kids get hurt. They heal and life goes on. You can't have your child walk around wrapped in bubble wrap, so you just have to take these things as they come.


Keep up the ibuprofin so she's comfortable. The doctor will tell you whether they need to set the bone or whether it will heal on it's own.


It's going to be just fine you'll see.

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The only thing I'll say (I've only ever fractured a finger no broken bones, but I've had certain other injuries) is when it comes to physiotherapy - it is most important even though it can be quite painful and ditressing (mine was).

She has to be very disciplined about doing it, it will serve well in the future for regaining maximum movement with minimum stiffness.

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At 5, my brother broke both his radius and ulna, to the shape of a BANANA. Its normally a nasty break, but because he was so young he was up and at 'em again within a couple of weeks. Thank the lord your little'un is still growing - it will be an advantage in her healing process. I'm wishing her the best, with little lumps of candy along the way x

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Little kids are healing machines. I remember when I broke my thumb in 7th grade twice in PE doing the same thing, breaking the same thumb, only having the break be 6 months apart from each other. Healing took forever.


Your little one will be up and at 'em again, reeking havoc once more

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I broke my collarbone when I was 5 too....playing football with the older boys on my street!


Lots of my friends have as well....most common bone break in mountain biking and road cycling.


She will be okay, they heal faster at that age and she will be back to running around in no time


I would advise though you do not let this cause you to keep her from experiencing things in life, as she will learn that fear from you and really miss out on some things!

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Greenstick fractures of the collarbone normally heal within a couple of weeks. I would think that all she'll need is her arm in a sling to reduce movement for a week or so. Greenstick basically means it's broken only on one side, like when you bend a green stick until it breaks....it normally only splits on one side doesn't it? hence the name greenstick fracture.

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Over the years, my now grow up son , suffered through quite a few broken bones during his childhood. HE was very active in sports and played hard at everything he did physically. THere were more trips to the ER than I ever imagined when he was growing up , for stitches, x-rays for broken bones,etc.


When he was 15 he suffered a broken collar bone during a basketball game. He was put in a shoulder ( figure 8 )brace for about three weeks to keep everything in line .


He also once had a broken foot in a motorcycle accident while dirt bike racing when he was 16.


When he was 17 he suffered a broken arm during a football game.


All of his fractures healed up nicely and quickly.


As for my personal experience with bone fractures,,,,,When I was 5 years old I broke my left arm when I fell and rolled down a hill in the snow. The doctor "set" the fracture, but somehow it ended up being out of line and I ended up having to have a closed reduction to correct that.


About 15 years ago I fell in a work shop and hit a steel beam with my arm that was lying on the floor. It crushed my arm from my left elbow and down the forearm about 5 inches. The bone in my arm was in about 5 pieces. I had to have open reduction surgery to repair the bone.


I still to this day have a stainless steel plate and screws in about half of my left forearm. Even having had such a horrible break and surgery ,that fracture healed nicely and I only have a minor limitation in my left elbow joint.

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Thank you for all your words of encouragement and experience! Very nice of all of you!


We went to the Orthopedic Doctor this morning. They gave us a sling and a prescription for pain meds (that we will unlikely use - sticking to ibuprofen) and said that she should heal smoothly and quickly!


She's been quite a busy bee today - resting but also playing alot! My little strong trooper!!!

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Thank you for all your words of encouragement and experience! Very nice of all of you!


We went to the Orthopedic Doctor this morning. They gave us a sling and a prescription for pain meds (that we will unlikely use - sticking to ibuprofen) and said that she should heal smoothly and quickly!


She's been quite a busy bee today - resting but also playing alot! My little strong trooper!!!



I am glad you daughter seems to be feeling good and doing well . I feel certain she will recuperate from this nicely. Most kids do !! As I said before I have been through many a broken bone and childhood injuries with both my kids as well as myself. Active kids that get out and play and enjoy physical activity are just bound to get some of these injuries as they grow up.

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I am glad you daughter seems to be feeling good and doing well . I feel certain she will recuperate from this nicely. Most kids do !! As I said before I have been through many a broken bone and childhood injuries with both my kids as well as myself. Active kids that get out and play and enjoy physical activity are just bound to get some of these injuries as they grow up.


Thanks coollady! My family and I have said before that she'd be the first out of 9 grandchildren to have a broken bone. And that she was! She likes to have fun, is tough, and likes to keep up with her brothers and everyone else!

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Thank you for all your words of encouragement and experience! Very nice of all of you!


We went to the Orthopedic Doctor this morning. They gave us a sling and a prescription for pain meds (that we will unlikely use - sticking to ibuprofen) and said that she should heal smoothly and quickly!


She's been quite a busy bee today - resting but also playing alot! My little strong trooper!!!


Glad she's doing much better. Children are SuperChildren and heal at the speed of light....make sure her dad doesn't take her sledding again

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Thank you All!


My daughter only complained of pain a couple times yesterday. Unfortunately, I had to let her go to her dad's for the next two days so I could get back into the office!


I know she's doing super well! She's an amazing strong trooper! But I still want to be with her constantly - both of my kids for that matter! We go back to the Ortho Dr in a couple weeks... I'll let ya all know! Thanks again!

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