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Girlfriend talking to this guy online

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My girlfriend told me about this guy she met when she first moved over here. She said she could have dated him, but he turned out to be a real jerk. Yet, I see her asking him how he's doing, saying he looks cute in pictures, and stuff like that on her myspace. She did tell him that I was her boyfriend though, so who knows. Am I overreacting?

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I don't think you're overreacting at all, I mean, what the hell, she's telling some other guy he's attractive on his MySpace for all of the world to see. It's making you look like an idiot, like hey what's his girlfriend doing saying this to this other guy?


Get on that, tell her 'hey what's the deal, do you know what that looks like?' And it's beyond just that...

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BRO! same spot, my past 3 relationships all ended in relation to myspace. They would NOT stop meeting guys on there, nomatter what i did. 1 year relationship down the drain because of myspace.


Listen to me and helloladies. That is the best advice i have read, EVER! its soo true.


You could be with the most faithful girl ever, but if you dont set boundarys and stick up for yourself, you WILL get dumped/cheated on, happeneded to me 7 times, with 7 different girls.



For instance, ive been with this girl for some time now, and she was probably the most loyal girl i have met. She told me she doesnt drink/party/talk to other guys, and is totally mature bla bla bla....sure, i believed her for a while, but she would talk to her ex on myspace, then go see him. I was ok with it.


Now last night i was cheated on, by a girl i never expected to EVER cheat on me. I treated this girl like a god. NEVER AGAIN! stick up foryourself!



As hard as it might be, im with you in this fight, i have to let my girlfriend go, as she wants to be with some other guy, for who knows what reason.


I switched roles with my girlfriends...im supposed to be the alpha dog, im better supported/stable than most girls i meet. I just dont act like a "guy" i want to spend all my time with the girl, and not go out and party/raise hell. Being in the prime of my life, and blessed with good looks/personality/charisma, i should be taking advantage of the single stages....


however 18-22yrs old, i spent about 70% of my time mourning over a girl, or getting cheated on.


The more you put up with this, the more your soul gets broken down, till your just a carpet for other females.


....and to make it easier to break up with her, pretend like you dont even know her....it might be hard, but a month later you will be happy, because human nature will make her chase you. much easier that way.

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I talked to my girlfriend about it today on the phone. She told me that it's nothing and she's just being friendly. That she loves me and would never do anything like cheating, because it's happened to her in the past. She kept saying she was really sorry that I thought it was more than what it was, and she felt really bad.


These are the picture comments that I found btw:


"you look freaky...but cute...lol j/k"

"cute ben lol"

"aww you look nice"


I guess they aren't that bad, but still.


This is a reoccurring problem with you that you don't react strong enough. You hold your emotions inside and don't stick up for yourself enough. This all leads to the eventual getting dumped/cheated on.


I'm trying to work on that more. I've always been an introverted guy, but I realize where you're coming from. I don't want to lose my girlfriend because of it, because she really is the greatest girl I've ever met.

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Just tell her how you feel, and that you do not appreciate your gf telling other guys how cute they look on myspace. It gives them the wrong impression, which causes all sorts of problems later. Even if shes just being friendly the guy will start thinking with 'the other head' if you know what I mean. He will assume its more than just idle chitchat and will try to progress things.


Just tell her to nip this whole thing in the bud right now and not to do it again if shes going to be with you.

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At the end of the day its up to you. Those comments dont really look to bad to me.


However her response "She told me that it's nothing and she's just being friendly. That she loves me and would never do anything like cheating, because it's happened to her in the past. " Means nothing really. I would bet all the cash I have in the bank that 99% of people who have been cheated on have been told this.


You need to not pay attention to this and focus on her actions and if it bothers you that she even looks at another guy you need to let her know. Its no use feeling hurt about something and letting it continue. You show and lead with your actions not your mouth.


If you dont like the colour purple would you date a girl who wore all purple? So if you dont like her going on MySpace and flirting with guys you need to let her know. Its more fair to both you and her because she can decide if you are the right guy for her and you can decide the same. Maybe she needs to find a guy who is totally cool with her being on Myspace, I dont know. But I do know you need to set YOUR boundaries wherever they may lie.

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If you dont like the colour purple would you date a girl who wore all purple? So if you dont like her going on MySpace and flirting with guys you need to let her know. Its more fair to both you and her because she can decide if you are the right guy for her and you can decide the same. Maybe she needs to find a guy who is totally cool with her being on Myspace, I dont know. But I do know you need to set YOUR boundaries wherever they may lie.



That is very well said.

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Yeah, myspace is bad friggin news!...gives all the right people all the wrong reasons to flirt & get freak nasty. My husband has been caught red handed asking one of his myspace girls if she likes her butthole licked!....I had my suspisions long ago when he tol dme she wanted his "other head"...I wondered why & it's cause he's givin her the come on!....the best of it is, she's just newly married & sooooooooo unatractive it's unreal, but still he gets a pervy kick out of flirting with her!

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you need to stay away from girls on myspace. first of all, if she needs the internet to 'hang out' with people and chat, you need to get out now. i don't used myspace at all. i think the site is ridiculous. i went to my friend's house a while back and some chicks came over. all they wanted to do was show us their myspace pages. i was scarred by the whole thing. i don't talk to them anymore. you need people outside of the box. when i say box, i mean pc. i mean yeah, email is cool, but adding 'friends' and staying up all night, etc. like some people do. kind of freaky.


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