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[sorry if this is all jumbled up, its just how the thoughts in my haed are]


Ok you know how in mag you can get those 'centre folds' and all that jaz?

Well i was reading my sisters and it had some pages of some guys and i was like eww and tryed to turn all the pages right past them...At my mates house we were on his bros computer and we found porn and i was so much more comfortable watching that.

latley my friend and girlfriend have told me there no longer attracted to men and i dont care and then i was trying to get girls out of my head.

the only guy im really attracted to is my current boyfriend.( i really like him hehhe)

Also some of my mates at school have been coming up to me and saying i dont think your really bi, i think your just doing it to fit in.

i ignored them..And then i started thinking of who im really attracted to.As they say, you can tell if your attracted to guys or girls at a young age.

i thougt about that fact the most, my first real kiss was a girl and everything else like that


What im really trying to say is that i think i need help.i need to be attracted to guys dont i?


please help meee

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Why do you need to be attracted to guys?


1. They don't smell as nice as girls.

2. They give you stubble rash

3. They can ruin your day with a throwaway comment

4. They're messy

5. They don't appreciate a nicely wrapped gift.


You're attracted to who you're attracted to. It's not something you can change. You can try and force yourself to be atracted to someone but it'll only make you unhappy. It's okay to be a bit confused. Being a teenager is a confusing time. Just go with your flow and see where it takes you.

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You lied to me. I asked if it was just those men or men in general and you said "them". I like to think of it this way, if your attracted to your boyfriend then you like men because, your so devoted to each other and perfect you wouldn't even look at another guy because yours is so perfect. But you look at other girls because you don't have a girlfriend so its sorta association. I dunno.

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