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I should get used to this, but I just hate the fact that I'm alone on a Friday night. When I was in a relationship, I loved being alone on a Friday night (I had a living-in boyfriend) and enjoyed a glass of wine just for myself with my favourite TV shows or dramas. I've been single for several months now, and I tried to keep myself busy, but I was just thinking, I had too much of this. Friday night used to be my favourite time, but now I am not so sure. I made new friends in the new city over the past 3 mo, but I still feel like I don't belong here. I need to go out to make friends, I know I know.


Just wondering what do you do to make yourself happy in a situation like this. Am I the only one feeling like this? I feel a lot better now than few weeks ago, but am having just another lonleny Friday night...sigh.

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I know how you feel. I haven't recently broke up with anyone, but I moved to this city for graduate school and never really found my niche. I had a good friend here that I usually go out with at least once a weekend, but it's the only thing I can count on. It was such a hard transition for me to go from active social live in undergrad to a much less active one in grad school.


What I've learned to do is just keep busy. I kind of expect to stay in one night of the weekend. Luckily school work fills up that time and I really should be staying in, and that helps a lot. Why don't you call up one of those friends and ask them to go out to dinner or a movie? It's still relaxing but you get to be a little social at the same time. Another idea is to pick up a solo hobby that you really love to do. I'm a knitter and just started a new scarf and I'm actually excited about spending a lot of time knitting this weekend.


Hope this helps some!

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Don't feel badly.I am in the same boat..and I am supposed to be with someone (go figure)and I am alone...


I usually rent a movie or talk to a friend on the phone I have not talked to in awhile,or a call a friend and see if they are avalible to hang out.

Recently I have noticed in myself I am not minding it so much.

I have a night to myself to do whatever I want to do have a couple glasses of wine,write poetry,write in my journal..or just listen to my favorite music.Time for myself..prehaps I will have a nice bubble bath tonight ,pamper yourself do something nice for u.

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Hey Daligal83,


Thanks for your reply. I too came here for a graduate school, but it's in a different country and the school sytems here are quite different from those in the US. I'm doing my own research (solitary PhD student) here, and I don't have to take lectures. I worked from home today and I feel like I'm a monk in a mountain to decipline myself by cutting out all the human contacts.


I'm very social person and am not usually like this. I'm gonna go out tomorrow night with my new friends, but I just don't want to bother them all the time. I wanted to go swimming, but the gym at school closes at 7pm, assuming that ordinally people would have plans on Friday night!

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Hey Kleopatra71,


I actually had a nice herb buth for myself and it was nice. I watched the sex and the city dvd for an hour after that, but I stopped because it reminded me of my ex (he gave me the whole 6 seasons as my birthday gift, and we watched them together often).....


I had a nice red curry (ready made) for dinner and am on the 3rd glass of wine.

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Do you like to read? That can really pass the time if you get sucked into a book.


Have you thought about signing up for a class in your new city? I'm sure you're really busy with your research, but it might be worth the effort to find some sort of class (exercise, art, book club) where you'd be able to meet people that you already know have a similar interest.

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I recently finished The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards. GREAT book! I was completely sucked in. It's about this doctor who delivers his own baby, but it turns out to be twins. He immediately realizes one of them has Down's Syndrome and tells the nurse to take her to an institution (this is on the 70's). Instead, she disappears with the child and raises her on her own. Again, amazing book.


I read a lot of Oprah's book club books and love them. Anything by Jody Picoult is great. I've read My Sister's Keeper (amazing) and Vanishing Acts. My Sister's Keeper is about a family with three kids. The middle child has cancer and they had the youngest girl inorder to use her embilical cord to treat the older one. From then on, whenever the girl got sick the younger sister would go through a medical procedure to save her. Then she decides to be empancipated (sp?) from her parents so she doesn't have to do this anymore. There's a great twist to this. Vanishing Acts is about a woman who thinks her mother is dead, then as an adult finds out that she's alive.


A really long book but a great read is I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb. It's 900 pages but I was honestly sad when I finished it. It's about twin brothers and one is schizophrenic.


I don't know if these are the kinds of books that you like, but I highly recommend all of them.

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You said you signed up for swimming and Aikido already, have you met any people in those classes?


Not really. But Aikido class may have a potential to make friends. For swimming, I usually swim about 30min vigorously and I am usually in my own little world I feel great though.


SuperDave71, do you cook for yourself? I love cooking, but just don't feel like cooking a nice meal just for myself...


hazey_amber, pay per view porn would be a good thing to enjoy when you are alone

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i usually rent a bunch of movies and snuggle up in bed and munch on a plate of snacks Try renting comedy, suspense thrillers and family themed movies. those usually do the trick.

I am watching Lady in the Water tonight (the M. Night Shyamalan one).

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Why don't you cook a lot of food and freeze it so you can eat a nice home cooked meal on days when you don't have time to cook? I've made it my new years resolution to do that once a week and so far so good! Unfortunately I'm not much of a cook and I've only got one more recipe left that I already know how to make haha.

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hey longhaircats, hope you had a good evening? how did you spend it?

i went and ate dinner with my best friend and we both saw Lady in the water and its a pretty good movie. typical M. Night Shyamalan story.

renaissancewoman, i think you will enjoy it.

Good night everyone!

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