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I hate fake people.


I hate so-called friends that call me up and want something and then if I dont have money to lend or whatever they dont call till they want something more.... heh.... sure.... im sure they would like to be friends with an atm machine but I am not one!


I hate so-called friendly types that make small talk with me and dont know me and ask how im doing etc when you know they really dont care at all



I want people to be real with me and not fake. I just hate people today.


Know what I really hate? This lady........ she is a member of a church we have been going to, and we decided we arent going back. LONG STORY. Well now that Im not going there she'd care less to talk to me. Shes one of the ladies that works at my kids pediatrician... any other time its 'oh how are they doing blah blah blah'... Now yesterday?? She couldnt care how they were doing... dont talk to her she seemed to not give a crap.. Eh thats fake and shes fake. If she cared she would care regardless.... Fake witch! ..........I hate her fakeness.



What about someone says 'HOW ARE YOU?' to you and they dont even know you??? Like they really care. What if I just bust out with, "Im having a bad day with all this crap happening & my tooth hurts & my car is busted & I hate the weather.. how are you? ." Would they fall over in shock?

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Dude - I totally hear you!!! ( iknow you're a girl - i call everyone dude....)


I hate people EVERYDAY!! Partly for that very reason....partly because they always think they're the only one who's right....they're the only one that matters...


The only ways to combat fakeness are head on or if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em...or beat 'em at their own game....


...or just beat 'em!!



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I understand way too well...


And what about all the two faced people out there? People who are your best friend to your face and then when you aren't around they talk all kinds of crap...


The thing with fake people is (from what I can tell about the ones I know) most people know they are fake. NOt only does the fake person know how fake they are, but the people around them can usually tell.

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I'm not exactly at the hate point, but I do dislike how everyone seems to be using the "How are you?" line. I know the polite thing to say is, "Fine, how are you?" (which is what everyone says), but it just feels so fake to me.


One thing I do hate is people who have "backup" friends. I've known several people who can't do anything alone. So when their friends that they usually hang out with bail on them or are busy, they call up their backup friends to do something. I have no respect for people like that.

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Yeah, its just polite, although if I am having a crappy day it is weird answering that. I'm pretty sure most people don't want to hear it. Maybe we just need to (to steal a line from Seinfeld) just say "Acknowledge"


"Hi, I acknowledge you"



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I never met a back stabber or is it really that don't care what a person thinks about me when I turn my back!

Yeah, that's the answer: I DON'T CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT ME!



For example - if I meet a girl whos been on the same college as I did but I don't like her at all I am still going to be nice toward her. Why? Because I see no use in being rude. The fact I don't like her, is my own thing!


And one more thing: lets be realistic you sense when someone is polite just not to be rude but actually isn't honest. Than i go with the flow. i am also nice but i don't get too close with that person.

So always use listen to your gut instinct when it comes to people.


Looks like my moon in Gemini is on the work here.

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Yeah, fake people are all round now-a-days, they like you when they need something from you - they'll call you, email you, txt you, laff for nothing and say nice things to you - once you full-fill there needs you don't hear them until they come back with something else!


I hate these type of human beings too and without guts, they call themselves friends..

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For example - if I meet a girl whos been on the same college as I did but I don't like her at all I am still going to be nice toward her. Why? Because I see no use in being rude. The fact I don't like her, is my own thing!


I totally agree with you on that one, whats the point in being rude just for the sake of being rude! It basically just makes you look like a jerk, and in my opinion, would just make everyone be even more fake towards you.


Unfortunately polite society has us ALL be fake, at least once in a while. You have all done it....


But I agree with the degree of fake some of you are talking about, the back up friends, and the talking behind someones back, that is actually being rude just for the sake of being rude.

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Of course, I absolutely avoid talking behind someones back.


But than again if someone chooses to do that to me I really don't care.

They say (I've red that somewhere) noboady kicks a dead dog - meaning they wouldn't talk about you if you were not interesting enough, or better to be said if they're not jelous of you.

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