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I broke up from my 4 month boyfriend 2 days ago. We have a long distance relationship, and i only saw him at the weekend. Ive never felt so much pain and upset in my life. Coming up to the ending of our relationship he was really horrible. Telling me to "go away" when i went 2 hold hands with him and taking the mickey out of me for liking disney films saying its too babyish for me (im 17 and hes 18) But before he was the loveist guy ever. He told me he loved me first, and soon i fell in love with him, he ment everything too me.


I broke up with him, just because the last day i saw him he told me he didnt feel the same way as me anymre. I cudnt cope knowing my boyfriend didnt love me back, and had too split.


The day i split from him i didnt sleep at all. i had horrible dreams, i woke up being sick all night, and had a horrible headache.


Im writing on here because im not eating anymre, Its not because i dont want too eat because i love eating!! its just i never feel hungry anymore, my family and friends are worried for me, and im worried for myself, but to be honest, why eat when i dont feel hungry anymore??


i feel used. On wednesday, the last day i saw him, he allowed himself to have his hands all over me and do anything he wanted too, to me (we havent slept together) then 5 minutes later when my dad picked me up, told me he doesnt feel the same anymore. Well to be honest, he didnt even tell me. I asked him why he didnt tell me he loved me anymore, and he replied with "im being masculine, i dont want people thinking im a pu$$y"


ive never been in such pain in my life, he wants to be friends, but thats too hard for me. Knowing my boyfriend didnt love me back hit me hard. Its the worst feeling in the world, and to be honest, its beating being sexually abused by a different boyfriend anyday (which happened to me a year ago)


i just feel let down. after what happened to me, he promised he wouldnt hurt me. And he did...


im just fearing for my sanity,and health now.

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yes its hard but you can't let this run or even ruin your life. You have to get back to being you


we all go through the no sleep, not eating, not being able to focus or concentrate stages. Hell, i'm still there right now but it does get better. It's only been 2 days for you, I'm going on almost 4 weeks and it still hurts like hell. But i've been through this once before after a 5 year long relationship and i made it through.

Take care of yourself and live your life, don't dwell on things that you can't change.

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i'm there with you girl. i've been going through the same thing in my LDR, and i even tried to break up with him yesterday but he turned it around on me and now i have no idea whats happening. But hes really been hurting me, and all i can do is stare at the computer screen and chain smoke. I don't eat either. Its too hard to swallow food. Anyways, long distance relationships are hard to make happen because its so easy to lose the feelings you once had once that person is gone for awhile. I think you did the best thing by breaking up with him and moving on, give yourself time to be sad, and then move on. I think its a good idea not to be friends with him. When I lived with my old roommate we used to go buy the best ice cream we could find when we got upset, and it was awesome. It made us feel so much better. Maybe you should try that. I hope you feel better and if u want to pm me u are more than welcome to.

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breaking up is very difficult indeed. and really, if it werent this hard there wouldnt be this forum to help people through their problems. there are plenty of great people out there and i know you'll find someone one day that will be the answer to all your dreams. it may be really hard right now, but hang in there and it will all get better soon. you'll move on and find someone who appreciates you and shows you real love. i just know it!

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ive just found out my aunty is dying. Now i was shocked to hear this, but just turned back round and carried on playing on my computor. I dont think i can take any more pain to be honest, and losing some-one else in my life. Im just not accepting to cry, im not accepting at all that this is happening.

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