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Day 1 ended.


My ex messaged me saying she wants to return my money back. I politely replied ok.


In the evening i felt very low, called couple of friends and spoke. I felt really bad, but still managed to smile. Im able to imagine a life without her.. But still miss her n love her.


I stopped checking her profile in networking site. Im happy about that.

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Okay, I don't understand this. I wrote my ex a very detailed letter stating why I agree with him on the breakup because I realized it was my fault and what I did wrong..and how I got too clingy... but I know that there's no more chances of us getting back together and that Im going to move on... and my friend read it, she said it was very sincere... I told him to be friends when he's ready... why doesn't he even ack. my letter that I have accepted the breakup?

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sunkist - maybe because there's nothing left for him to say since you told him everything and he agreed?


Either way, it was NOT nice of him and NOW you have to be STRONG with NC and let him go. Maybe when he sees he lost you and you are not clingy anymore, he might miss you. If not, NC is the best way for you to move on.

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I'm on day 8 (is that all?!). Feeling good today after a terrible weekend and I've made sure I have plans every night this week to take my mind off her, if only for a while.


Every time I think I want to contact her, I remind myself that she has a new boyfriend and is happier with him than she was with me. I also remember that she doesn't care about me, think about me or miss me anymore. It makes is easier to think of her as a stranger sometimes, despite the fact that I would give anything to see her face and hold her again.

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I'm on Day 8 as well... my weekend had highs and lows, but mostly highs because I managed to go out both days and meet other people.


I'm regaining my energies as I have work, classes and studying to do, but heck, I'm 21, going out again tomorrow!!


(NC hurts because it feels like we are giving them space to fall for the new people, but it's still our best bet)


I really think the BEST idea is to find somebody else. Be honest with them, of course, but try to be with someone else, we are all young and deserve to give ourselves another chance. For guys it's SO easy, just you know, try to date other people. If anything, it will affect your ex. Just don't play with their emotions, keep things light and casual.

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Ahhhhh battle stations.... Incoming.... Message just received....!


"Hi, hows things with you?


i was jus wondering if you would be able to have a look @ the TV when you get a chance? Don't worry if you can't I'll get someone else to do it. can you just let me know either way pls?


Thankyou x"



What do I do?


tell her to f*** off

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I really think the BEST idea is to find somebody else. Be honest with them, of course, but try to be with someone else, we are all young and deserve to give ourselves another chance. For guys it's SO easy, just you know, try to date other people. If anything, it will affect your ex. Just don't play with their emotions, keep things light and casual.


Even i feel this is the best and easy way to forget our ex.. But we shud be careful not to get hurt again. We should learn from past relationship what went wrong, and try not to repeat the same mistakes.

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I really think the BEST idea is to find somebody else. Be honest with them, of course, but try to be with someone else, we are all young and deserve to give ourselves another chance. For guys it's SO easy, just you know, try to date other people. If anything, it will affect your ex. Just don't play with their emotions, keep things light and casual.


I've seen a girl a couple of times in the past week and even got another girl's number on Friday night (random or what?) but I am not interested in any romance with anyone at the moment. It's just not there for me until I am healed - the next few months are for me to find out about myself and hopefully get my joy for life back. Still, it's nice to have the confidence boost! If anyone asks me who I'm going out with I'm quick to assure them it's just a female 'friend' - even though I know my ex wouldn't care if she found out. Strange, really. Why do I care?


I forgot to mention earlier that the last time me and my ex spoke and I said I was going NC she scoffed and said "Yeah right, I've heard that before". She's right: on previous occasions when I've said the same I've always broken the supposed NC via text messages. But for some reason, her not believing me this time makes me more determined. Kind of like "Yeah you're right, you HAVE heard it before, but this time it's for real, just watch".

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Day 18? got the flu, never felt so rough, head aches shivering the lot, so trying not to think of her and bring myself down any further. Been stuck in for 3 days. Cant wait to get right, and get out again, this has really made me think that people with illneses feel like this a lot of the time, and cant actually do anything, so going to try and apriciate waht ive got, not what i havent 4 out of 10

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TLguy, I envy you. I wish I could go 4 hours without thinking about him. He even invades my sleep.


Being ultimately stressed with college coursework helps...



Feeling lonely now...had a good day today but Ive come down. NC still going strong though.

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20 days I think. This week has been hard, but will stay in NC. I'm not sure if he'd answer my call and that keeps me here.


TLguy, I envy you. I wish I could go 4 hours without thinking about him. He even invades my sleep.


Me too - I wish I could go ONE hour without thinking of her. Sleep is the only thing that gives me a break from the thoughts, but now I'm having difficulty doing that, so it looks like even that won't give me peace anymore.


Had a good day today and was even feeling positive this afternoon for once, but then as soon as work ends the same thing happens: it's time to come home and I start thinking about her and her new boyfriend cuddling up on the sofa watching TV and making love, while I come home to an empty house, a meal for one and a cold empty bed.

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Today is my first officialy day of NC.


He broke up with me on February 8th, and today is February 10th. (I contacted on the 9th to tell him that I agree with the break-up, and to apologize for my part in the demise of the relationship, and for the way I reacted to the break-up, and to ask for an acceptance of my apology. He accepted.)


Today, I have not cried all day. I've thought of him, but it hasn't hurt me as much. I did some jogging today, and have been actively trying to be happier, and I have been praying for strength.


March 10th, we'll see what happens. I have to be honest though...if anyone knows my man, it's me. And he will definitely try to get back together with me before then. So I'll need some help being strong!

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It's funny, I actually realised that I'm finding NC pretty damn easy and I never thought I would. I guess it's because I know that it won't make a difference either way if she hears from me and I'll just be setting myself up for a fall - her having a new bf is definitely the thing keeping me strong. Weird or what?! I'm even getting more confident that if she gets in touch with me (yeah, right!) that I would be completely fine just ignoring her.


If anyone has any doubts or moments of weakness concering NC, all I will say is that not hearing about my ex's life in any way shape or form is the thing that is helping me heal the quickest. I'm even telling friends that I don't want them to mention her name around me anymore, let alone tell me how she is doing. I find it easier to not care, or at least pretend not to care. I still want her back, but she is now a stranger to me and I need to start taking time for myself now - self preservation all the way.


Remember, NC is for YOU and YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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I forgot to mention earlier that the last time me and my ex spoke and I said I was going NC she scoffed and said "Yeah right, I've heard that before". She's right: on previous occasions when I've said the same I've always broken the supposed NC via text messages. But for some reason, her not believing me this time makes me more determined. Kind of like "Yeah you're right, you HAVE heard it before, but this time it's for real, just watch".


Nice to that BrokenheartUK. She must be confused and worried how you are continuing your NC. It is for your good. Keep going and be strong.

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Today started off well and kind of ended with me a bit anxious.


I went driving down the highway for a few hours and hung out with some family friends. My mind was only on my ex in an abstract kind of way. I didn't feel that sick feeling most of the day. I also didn't even have much of an urge to look at his Myspace page. I was successful in not contacting him at all.


Then I found out someone's son is getting married. When I found out, I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I logged online and went to my "friend/dating" website that I had posted an ad on. The guy who has been writing to me for a few days wrote me a disappointing email. He barely answered my questions or said much about himself. I don't like it when people are vague. It's not interesting and doesn't make me want to know him more. I probably won't write him or any others back. I'm not going to focus on meeting new men for a while, at least not on line. I've been accepting that it might be over for good with my ex but I really don't want anyone else for a while.

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