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day 70..exhusted from yesterday night...got some much attention from some many girls. dance with so many girls too, its not even funny. i think the highlight of my night was when 3 different asian girls asked for my number. but for some odd reason, i sorta resisted and gave them, that, "sorry, i just wanna dance, not nothing more.!" ahh stupid me. but i honestly thought, i don't wanna start that whole settling b.s. watever. i just want to have fun, and "explore" around. yesterday, to me was considered one of many more fun nights to come. well today is my pops birthday. had lunch, and pretty much it for now. I think im going to take him out to Chuckie Cheese or something later. I'm funny like that. yes, i am. anyways..my whole vibe of the whole ex-girlfriend deal is finally gone. i feel kind of bad though, i sort of avoid that talk with several girls yesterday. "hey you, have a girlfriend?,(me) nooooo!!!"..and the nicest part is i didn't bring up anything of my break up, which i don't ever intend to. it feels like i denied having a long term relationship with my ex. lol, oh well. but yes, i love the atmosphere of the single life and being that center of attention. i guess good stuff happen to people when bad stuff happened them before. well i'm off to the gym now, if you wanna keep being the center of attention, you gotta continue working at it.

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Day 23....


Been a real up and down day. Right now? Feeling a bit down. Part of me right now just wants to start dating again, but I know that right now I'm not ready for anything serious. I'm just thinking it would do wonders for my healing process and my confidence. I've worked on everything else regarding my confidence except that, so I am thinking that I should attempt to work on that now. Don't misunderstand me, I want my ex back, but I feel like this is a much needed step for me.


Is it wrong to start dating again just for the fun of it? With no intention of getting serious? I am a little worried at the idea because I don't want to hurt the person I date the way I got hurt.

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Is it wrong to start dating again just for the fun of it? With no intention of getting serious? I am a little worried at the idea because I don't want to hurt the person I date the way I got hurt.


NAW!!! its not wrong at all, thats exactly what i want to do too..nothing serious at the moment..


personally i think its good, because you get to open up your options that you once closed for that one person.


i say go for it..just my ".02 cents"

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i guess i'm back to day two after having talked to him two days ago. crap. i've had a fun/good weekend, spending lots of time with friends doing fun things, but for some reason i just can't stop crying tonight (and yeah, i'd been feeling like this before we talked too) i feel terribly lonely and miserable and not just because i want to be with someone, but b/c i want to be with HIM. that's what i'm realizing lately, that i just don't miss the love and affection and being in a relationship generally (like people kept telling me), that it really is HIM i miss. this weekend i just kept picturing how much fun we would have had together if he had been up to visit (like we used to do since it was long distance....). isn't this supposed to be getting easier?!! it's been 3 months.. what's my problem??!!!

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It's nearly 3 months since my ex told me it was over. I moved out of the home just over a month ago. Have had no contact at all since then...except!....I let my sister tell me what they talked about over lunch last week. Gah!!! I'll get there....I will.

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Congrats on making it through the challenge! I've been so happy to see you progress through the 30 days, while also lending so much of yourself to the struggles and successes of the other posters.


How are you doing now?





And Kate, how are you holding up?

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Day 16


NC will probably end tonight, as I am going to probably get in contact with my ex to thank her for checking in on me and letting her know I am doing well. Her leaving me the message made me think about her more than normal yesterday, so I may just send her a text thank you. Not sure yet.


Yesterday was good. Going out was nice, I met some people that may be future coworkers, and I had a few drinks. It was very close to where my ex was hanging out, so I was a little on edge, but did ok for the most part.



Today I feel: Confident, Depressed, Tired, and Scared.

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Day 24...


Feeling particularly strong today. Had a good conversation with my father last night about relationships and God, and it helped me clarify a few thoughts in my head. I've found that the moments of my greatest weakness are when I doubt God's ability to help me during these times. When I doubt He's listening to me, helping me, is when I feel the worst. I feel the worst because I feel like I have to do something, and I just don't have the answers.


I started reading the Book of Job in the Bible. There was a man who had everything, lost it all, and never lost faith in God. In the end, he got everything back, twice-fold, because he believed in God. After reading that, I came to the conclusion that I must do the same... I must continue to trust in him, and let him take care of my situation and my life. I am more than certain he will provide for me.


I've always assumed things happen for a reason. Perhaps He had this happen because I needed to work on my life for a while. Perhaps He had this happen because there is another.


Who knows. I'll just keep going, and He'll let me know when to break NC.

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Day 74 NC - went to a birthday party yesterday; and i met someone who was in need of relationship advice. Funny thing is that we had the same problem and I told him about the NC and everything. He asked me if he should send a text/email and i told him no to everything. It's funny, because I acted the exact same way when I was fresh from the break up. I can only hope he follows my advice.

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ONE MONTH???, he called on monday. He wanted to apologize, he has realized he love me and wants to be with me....Apologies, apologies, apologies.


He said that when I told him to not call me again, I was dignified to his eyes


I'm cautious

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Congrats on making it through the challenge! I've been so happy to see you progress through the 30 days, while also lending so much of yourself to the struggles and successes of the other posters.


How are you doing now?





And Kate, how are you holding up?


Hi Shaker,


Thanks for asking. It's so hard. For some reason I don't find not contacting him hard. Perhaps I have alot of pride, or perhaps I know that I prefer to give him space if he wants it. Maybe it's a combination. I ruminate about the idea of contact sometimes but maybe I am too gutless to do it.


Had nightmares about it last night. I seem to get these a few times a week.


I just can't believe after 3 years he has disappeared. Kaput.


How are you going Shaker? Your ex came back didn't he? How long did it take? How do you feel lately? How's the new neighbourhood?

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Day 35. Hadn't heard from him in over a week, thought he was getting the message. Then his sister sends a whole bunch of people including me some pictures from a charity race his whole family has been running in for years...and the new horse, I mean girlfriend is in the pictures too. Guess she has joined the family tradition. Super, I'm so glad to learn that.


His sister is a complete idiot so I might just be on her old distribution list for other pictures she sent from when the ex and I were dating but I don't know if he was behind it or not. And I hate wondering about it. I suck


I'm in really bad shape but trying my best.

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day71...im tired...i am attracted to this one girl at church. its weird how i saw her on the road hours later. major eye contact at that. my mom says go for it..but i would like to know if she has a b/f first before i make my move. lol. well thats about it..NC is really pushing me forward like no other.

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Haven't posted in a while...just to say it is not NC any more but a lifestyle. Don't want my ex anymore. life's just too good!!!


ROSIE...I have read all of your posts. Well done sweetheart! I am proud of you. You keep getting stronger by the day and one day your Prince will come and you will thank Rex for leaving you free to be happy x


And PapaL... what can I say that hasn't already been said, no thanks needed just you being you is enough xxx

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Day 17


I didn't call my ex back yet. I was planning to last night, and even took some Xanex to help calm me before the storm. I ended up talking to a friend for too long, and decided not to call late. I might call tonight. I don't feel any pressure to call, but I feel that putting it off seems weird. The sooner the better I guess.


I feel ok today. I have the daunting task of applying for several jobs today. It's a little overwhelming because it happened so quickly. I haven't had time to pull my thoughts together. Just kinda winging it, which isn't good. I gotta get it right the first time.



Today I feel; Confident, Bummed, Wary, and Apprehensive.

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Day 67 for me and I'm afraid I don't feel particularly encouragd about it today.

Yes NC did help me stay sane, take care of myself, keep my dignity.

But it was so hard to start (he finally got to the point where he asked if he could still email me...I wouldn't have to respond, he just wanted to write me!??) I felt like he almost forced me to break up with him. NC was easy in that I didn't want to see him. I knew it would hurt. He moved within a block from my home right before we broke up and I catch a glimpse of him often....it feels bad.


But even though I feel stronger, and have taken very good care of myself, I still miss him. Every minute. UGH! When will this end?


Sorry if this is discouraging, I don't mean it to be. There is no set time table, I know.


Gotta get back to work. All

your posts have kept me on the path. Thanks

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day72...tired..did some traveling with mom. for some reason my mom brought up the issue with the ex cause of my dad. dude still isn't over it..oh well..like they said, time will heal all! right? it did for me..but yeah, i think my mom likes the girl that i find attractive at church. potential girlfriend? how knows..lol seems like my mom would like us to hook up..cool!

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Hi Ottersmom, i know how you feel! I feel like my ex also forced me to break-up whcih makes NC more confusing since I formally did the breaking up-though was almost imminent. He continues to e-mail me, telling me to be careful of the ice snow, etc... and it's really difficult. anyways, every day is hard. I'm on day 33 and it's so hard. some days good some days more difficult. I feel as though he might have been trying to test waters by sending me sweet e-mails, but since i don't really respond, he's giving up now. I am deluding myself. he is a nice guy and wants to be my friend, nothing more. Oh, i have to think about the positives... i started the process to apply to grad school, motivated me to start making friends by joining political campaign group 08, and other meetups/organizations, finally getting my apartment and new furniture of my own...and a life of my own instead of revolving around his. i guess this is what needs to happen and it's all in perspective now. i actually feel better than when i was in the relationship...so dependent and needy. i feel like i'm getting a lot more done...

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