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Day 19, feelin good. Had a minor setback yesterday (on previous page) but I pulled through like a trooper. It helps to realize that certain individuals that disrespect you are not worth your time. If they disrespect you now you will not have to wait till you die to go through hell just tie the knot. My take anyway. NC, keeping it up!

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Day 16


Today has not been so bad. I got some stuff done, relaxed a bit, and have been on ENA alot. I started a thread about sending my ex an email and have gotten great advice on it. I think knowing that I am going to send her a good and positive email in the future has helped me heal a bit.


I did look at her myspace page last night. Technically, it was not me but my mother who pulled it up. I only looked at it after my mother told me that nothing on her myspace page had changed. She has not even logged in in over a month. I guess she is really spending alot of time with her new dude.

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Now, if only I could bring myself to delete the pictures of us.


Funny thing. I deleted all her pictures and with in 2 hours she sent me 2 new great pictures of her...I just said WOW. That was her last contact with me 3 days ago. I can't bring myself to delete those yet.

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Has anyone else experienced their ex not contacting at all?


It's funny you ask that today, because I am feeling upset today that my ex hasn't contacted me during my period of NC--even though in my case I specifically told him not to until mid-April at the earliest, so really I should be glad he's honoring my wishes...


So, even though in my case I'm being completely irrational, I can sympathize with the feeling of anger that they appear to have forgotten completely about us and thereforeeee seem to be completely healed while we're still hurting. But the truth is, we don't know what they're really thinking. It's easy to interpret silence as indifference but probably both our exes still think about us and miss us at least occasionally. I hope.


Anyway, I'm on Day #14 of this go round...Day #24 if you don't count the job-related e-mails.


Oh, and I did notice that Honeyspur is gone! I miss her support!

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Well today was day 30?, a month regardless.


She has texted me 4 times within the past few days, I never responded. Today I went out with some buddies and we drank and what not, and well.... I called her..... she didn't answer. Within a few minutes I received a text message "Do you need something?". I responded 10 minutes later, "Just wanted to clear up some stuff. Call me later if u want to talk. If not, maybe another day." All her texts were angry toned and she was pissed at me for whatever reasons. Literally 1 minute later she called. We talked for like 15 minutes. I played my hard attitude and acted like nothing bothered me. She broke down a few times. Nothing bad, just the norm since we went from 5.5 years dating to me ignoring her for a month solid. It was ok~ I supose. I ended the conversation prematurely and told her I would talk to her eventually. I texted her back 30 minutes later. "Look, I want to be friends. We need to just meet up one day this week and have lunch and end on a good note. Not over the phone." Besides feeling the way I do, I showed no weakness, I don't want her thinking she has me on the ropes. I wish I never ever called her tonight b/c yesterday she was the last thing on my mind now she's the only thing on my mind!!! Maybe when all the alchohol wears off I will feel better?... I just miss her now, and I already broke down by sending her a text, even though it wasn't nothing sappy. GOD THIS SUCKS.

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Kinda feeling down today I guess. I wanted to pick up the phone just to hear her voice. If I did she would have been cold as usual. There is something to be said about someone who just walks over you and keeps on going. And there are those who want those individuals back. My mind tells me that the logic is flawed. But my heart does not listen. Everytime someone breaks it I just get harder and harder and my reluctance to open up gets stronger. Maybe I'm just bitter.

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Ok well I just found this, and it looks like a good idea so I figured I'd post I posted a few places about my situation so really no need to bring it up again, this is day 3 of my NC of her. Much to my dismay she has some of my movies still DVD and clothes but I am going to let it go. I feel sad at times I guess, I miss her kid sometimes also....but I guess a lot of the time I feel really relieved. Glad almost I don't have to deal with watching her kid all the time or listening to her negativity.


I am happy I can go to bed when I want and not fight over silly things, not be told all the things I'm doing wrong and just well do what I want when I want on my own terms.

But sometimes at day I get sad and want to cry and maybe do a little, but a quote I read in some post about NC here was something like "Don't like the pain you are feeling from your situation?NC is the bus that take it away."

or something along those lines and it helped a lot. I have been through massive break ups before and even with this current girl, and this time doesn't feel as bad I guess.


Because I need to do things in my life need to work on myself which I am, I have to remember how to be happy and have fun and find myself. I will keep this up forever if I can. NC from her , but I doubt I will hear from her until the 30th of this month(my birthday) since that's when I heard from her when we split last time. I will be strong and not talk back.

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New here but i'd like to get in.


My g/f of 3 months dumped me on Easter and I'll start today.


Said she didn't like me enough and just wanted to be friends.I couldn't deal with that so I waled out have spoken to her since.

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Day 13. From the day we first started talking, I have never gone this long without talking to him. It feels weird. I have even more I would like to tell him and have written the email about 83 times, but still not sent it. Maybe I will in a day or two, and maybe I won't. Who knows?

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My ex hasn’t bothered to contact me since the end of January. Has anyone else experienced their ex not contacting at all?


I haven' contacted my ex since late January. And I've changed my number so he cannot contact me. I've blocked him on MSN till my 30 days are up. And when I unblocked him, he instantly contacts me but I never replied anyway since what he was just trying to be friendly, and he continued trying to get me to talk for the next four days. And then silence, and then I blocked him again til 2 weeks ago. And this time he doesn't even bother to really say anything, just merely nudging me. And only twice.


It doesn't matter if they contact. What matters is what they say when they initiate contact.

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21 days, I will not pick up the phone but I would like it if she calls. Just to know that she still thinks about me.

She might ,It takes 3 to 4 weeks of NC before they start to feel lonely and think about you.

Give it another week or 2.

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21 days, I will not pick up the phone but I would like it if she calls. Just to know that she still thinks about me.


Guys its almost like I sensed it. She just called my work phone and I picked up! I kept it real short and told her I had to go to a meeting. Did I do the wrong thing by picking up the phone?

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My ex told me from Asia that she wanted to think about us because she didn’t have those love feeling for me. It was 8th Marsh and we just communicated through E-mails. I didn’t respond to the last E-mail. She returned to Sweden 17th Marsh and dumped me the same day on the phone. I called her 26th Marsh asking for my stuff and asked if she wanted to hang out. She said she wanted to talk instead. I told her that I know her password to her Hotmail account and I know that she was unfaithful in Asia.


We started to fight and she told me that she didn’t have those love feelings for me but didn’t know about the future. I called her the 28th Marsh. She was angry about the account and with me spying on her. She told me that she didn’t know if she wanted to meet me. The 29th Marsh I got a SMS saying that she didn’t had the energy to meet me but we should see each other later and that she was sorry about this.


It has been 7 days with no contact and I haven’t seen her for about 2 months. We have just talked four times in this time space. One time when she called from Asia when we were a couple, and then when she dumped me, then after two weeks and then 2 days after the last time we spoke.

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lilj - what did she say when she called you? how did you leave it when you got off the phone? what a nice sign, at least the she is thinking about you (at a minimum). Great move getting off the phone in a short period too. You 'da man!


I would love it if my Ex contacted me in anyway. I am on Day 8 of NC, but only broken before when I sent her a couple emails and got one friendly but otherwise non-beneficial email back from her - that was Day 17 of my first NC period. Must make it to 30 and re-evaluate. She broke up with me because I got mad and yelled at her as she was very non-committal. I called her all sorts of names - said she was crazy, was robotic, couldn't make a decision to save her life. Yes, I was a jerk, but I felt that she was acting distant and cold for the month prior and was almost baiting me into it. I should have handled it differently, but the issues were there and I sent a sincere apology email soon after. Well, this was a couple months ago, then there was a period of about 6 weeks where I was emailing with her and we ended up going out 2 times. Then she called me about a month ago and said she couldn't do it anymore and that we both needed to "move on". She said she did not want to date anyone else but that she needed to heal. It hurt but it was better in some respects than the limbo stage I was in. After 17 days I missed her so much I sent the flury of emails, not asking about getting back together, just friendly questions, updates on me. So, I think being back in NC is the right thing, but I just wish she would show some indication she's thinking of me!

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Her first words were "I didn't think you would pick up the phone" I kept it cool and talked about work she did the same. I talked briefly about my new living conditions likewise she did the same and I told her I had to go. Short and sweet. I will not speak to her again until she calls. She needs to want that not me.

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