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Dating New Year's Resolutions?

Kevin T

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Being that it is January 2007 (already? lol), I wondered if anyone here has decided to make any New Year's resolutions, in regard to their dating/romantic life? For instance, maybe you were really shy before, but have now decided you're not going to be anymore? Or maybe you've decided to cut off a bad relationship and start fresh? Or maybe you're decided to take some time out for YOU, and take a break from the whole dating scene?


Kind of a weird topic, but it's the new year, and I was curious. lol

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Yeah I think I fall into the shy guy category and have decided that this is the year I need to do something about it, get out and be seen and start dating and socialising with girls. Hopefully it will happen, I am fed up being lonely and on my own on so many occasions! Generally quite happy with my life most of the time but need and want to get out more and so far in my life I have shyed away from this.

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Yeah, that's good. Shyness, especially with the opposite sex, can be crippling... if you let it be. It's important to take steps to get out there and face situations that you fear. But don't see it as "hopefully it will happen," see it as "it will definitely happen! That kind of thinking will motivate you to act more.

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Kind of a weird topic, but it's the new year, and I was curious. lol


I think it's a GREAT topic, and I was wondering why there weren't more New Years Resolution-type threads up. So thanks for making one!


(I'm in a relationship, so don't have any dating resolutions to offer, but if I was single, it would be...seek new and different ways to meet a kindred spirit!)

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I want to date 100 girls this year. I figure that around 1 in every 7 girls I ask out on a date will say yes. So if I ask 2 girls out each day, then I will get 100dates this year.


Wow. Hopefully they will be Starbucks dates unless you're rich.


Dinner Scenario 100 dates x $40 = $4000 on dating, not including second dates and beyond.


Coffee Scenario 100 dates x $10 = $1000, not including the caffeine headaches you'll be getting from all that coffee.


Good luck and have fun.

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I want to date 100 girls this year. I figure that around 1 in every 7 girls I ask out on a date will say yes. So if I ask 2 girls out each day, then I will get 100dates this year.


That's gonna require a lot of bus riding, not to mention spending even more money on baked goods and casseroles to get 100 girls talking to you!


(for anyone wondering what the heck I'm talking about, NP has a truly unique way of meeting women.)

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- If things start to suck, I will say so and then leave.

- No more putting a guy on a pedestal.




I was going to say run away as fast as possible whenever I see something resembling a man, but I like yours better. I'm adopting them.

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I think one hundred dates in a year is an admirable goal. Not sure if it's attainable, but it sure is admirable. lol


Anyway, if you were serious... just stick to coffee. It'll be much less expensive for you, that way! (Unless, of course, they pay!)

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It's hard to think what my dating resolutions would be since I'm in a relationship. In terms of what I would do if I was single would be:


1) Well I improve on my shyness so that's no problem anymore, but at times I have trouble opening up verbally, sometimes I feel just like a guy. I can't open up easily like most girls can do but I'm working on it, it does take time.


2) Spend less time on the computer and perhaps quit with the checkers


Sorry can't think of anymore. I would list more if I was single, hard to when you're not single anymore.



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Well, if you're in a relationship, then your resolution could be to improve a certain aspect of it. For instance, if you were long-term, maybe thinking about ways to make your partner happier, or maybe spending more time with them, stuff like that. Or maybe thinking about the future of the said relationship.


It's a fatal flaw to think that just because one is in a relationship, that no further work is required. That hubris has led many relationships astray.

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Already stocking up on the tuna and mozzarella cheese for the casseroles...


That's gonna require a lot of bus riding, not to mention spending even more money on baked goods and casseroles to get 100 girls talking to you!


(for anyone wondering what the heck I'm talking about, NP has a truly unique way of meeting women.)

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I seem to be encountering a bad case of being the "fifth" wheel. It seems all my good friends are now married, and as a result, want to hang out with other married (or dating couples). There's nothing wrong with this, of course, but it leaves the "single guy" like me, out of the picture. Even when I get included by them (which I usually do), I never really fit in. I feel aloof and odd, since I'm the odd man out. I hate it.


I resolve to fix this. Somehow, someway. Whether it be by meeting someone great myself... or maybe just getting new friends. lol

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Know what you mean Kevin... ALmost all my friends are married and the others have a gf...


They make plans to go out and I don't get included because I am not married...Feel like it would be uncomfortable so I don't get asked but if there is a party or get together then I am invited...


ALso when just the guys go out I am asked also...

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Know what you mean Kevin... ALmost all my friends are married and the others have a gf...


They make plans to go out and I don't get included because I am not married...Feel like it would be uncomfortable so I don't get asked but if there is a party or get together then I am invited...


ALso when just the guys go out I am asked also...


Well, I've decided I have to do something about this, myself. If I don't nothing will change.


If I'm back here whining about my situation in another year from now, then it shows I didn't do my part! Being shy and passive has helped me none.


I can't speak for your situation, but I know my idleness is to blame, and I've got to simply fix this problem on my own. Can't expect someone great to just fall from the sky into my lap.

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I seem to be encountering a bad case of being the "fifth" wheel. It seems all my good friends are now married, and as a result, want to hang out with other married (or dating couples). There's nothing wrong with this, of course, but it leaves the "single guy" like me, out of the picture. Even when I get included by them (which I usually do), I never really fit in. I feel aloof and odd, since I'm the odd man out. I hate it.


I resolve to fix this. Somehow, someway. Whether it be by meeting someone great myself... or maybe just getting new friends. lol


That's definitely happened to me when I was single. I had some friends that basically would blow me off whenever their couple friends would ask them to do something, even if we had made plans beforehand. It really hurt my feelings. But I don't think every couple is like this, 'cause a few years later, I met two other couples who always included me in things, and in fact, went out of their way to.

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I've decided this year to attempt to get over my shyness. I have a little experiment of sitting down next to random woman (alone of course and I will ask if I can sit down) and just casually engage them in conversation. In theory this will work, but I'm going to be so nervous when I actually start it..lol.

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I've decided this year to attempt to get over my shyness. I have a little experiment of sitting down next to random woman (alone of course and I will ask if I can sit down) and just casually engage them in conversation. In theory this will work, but I'm going to be so nervous when I actually start it..lol.


I have a suggestion for you, another good experiment, Always say hi to people that you walk by. (doesn't matter there reaction).


Of course unless you live in NY where there are 100's of people you walk by in a block.


Go walking in a park, and say Hi to everyone and smile. It helps and its harder than you think =D

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I have a suggestion for you, another good experiment, Always say hi to people that you walk by. (doesn't matter there reaction).


Of course unless you live in NY where there are 100's of people you walk by in a block.


Go walking in a park, and say Hi to everyone and smile. It helps and its harder than you think =D


It also makes people feel more cheerful themselves, when they encounter eye-contact and a genuinely warm smile. It just doesn't hurt to spread a little more friendliness in the world, and also as Budman is saying here, is good practice for ourselves in terms of coming out of our shell a bit. In fact, I think I'd practice this a lot first before I launched right into sitting next to strangers and starting a conversation with them. Actually, I'm not sure I could even do the latter without some kind of conversation first.

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To actually START dating come spring/summer. I don't feel emotionally or mentally prepared at this point.


When the dust settles with my divorce i'd like to feel all those gut wrenching sensations again.


Of course, i know that there is also all the game playing/crap that comes with the dating world.


Overall...i'm excited

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