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This question comes from dealing with all the different types of pain and sadness that my ex gf left me with when she broke up with me and I found out she had been leading a double life. I found out about cheating, lying, and a non-stop parade of schizophrenic B.S. I don't know everything that she may have done behind my back, but what I did find out shook me to my core.


My question concerns the general morals and self-respect of today's young women. Back in about 1999 when I was in college the "Girls Gone Wild" videos started to be advertised. Eventually someone I knew bought the first round and I watched them. I have to say it was surprising and I got a "rise" out of it. I was really shocked at the number of decent looking girls that I thought were genuinely attractive who would lift up their shirts or pull down their pants for some guys holding a camera. If you have never seen the videos there are some hot chicks who show everything they have to show while sitting in a car with friends. Now everybody knows about these so when girls show off their goods for the cameras they know it's going to be sold and viewed by anybody. It still haunts me to think that the one-time love of my life sort of acted (behind my back) like the girls in these videos. Ladies, be honest here: Are you all like that know? How many of you would spread your legs or jiggle your chest for some dorks standing in the middle of the road with a camera? I think it's sad, but I used to think that only a small percentage of sluts would stoop that low and now I think it must be 75% of girls today who would jump at the chance to get naked for free in some dark alley. How many of you do and what are your opinions?

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I don't think its anywhere near that high... the camera people went to party places...at 2:00 am and then are able to find a higher percentage of people who woudl be willing to do that.



Its kind of like those undercover reporters.. or whoever, or the general punter who goes to the after party of an all night club or rave at 10:00 in the morning and finds a whole gaggle of people who've taken 3 or four ecstasy tablets adn they're all dancing away.


Then out comes a report that 80% of young people do exstacy at parties..


Well... if you go to a party like that at 10:00 am of course you're going to find the majority to be on some sort of drug.



just like if you pick the right party at the right trashy bar, you're going to find those girls who spread'em.


I love to party and dance all night... and all day!... but would never get to the stage of flashing anyone... I have never seen that at any of the places i've been to...and I've been to some 3 day benders.


The girls and guys on those videos just look like pure trash and the parties they go to look like trash too.


To answer your question... no.. would never do anything like that

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I think they are young, drunk, and immature, looking for attention. It's ok, I mean we've all been there. But it's a serious lapse in judgement. If any of these women want to run for office in 10, 20, or 30 years, those videos will come back to bite them on their bare butt!


On a related note, there is a similar "guys gone wild" video. A lot of those guys are also embarrassed the next day.

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These are good replies, I guess. I hope I'm not right by my estimates above. I am actually appalled and saddened by the behavior I've seen in a lot of girls today. And by behavior I'm talking about morals and ethics and how they act when they "think" they can get away with things. I'm referencing girls I've known who come from fair to good backgrounds with parents who do their best to raise them right.


I think some of you need to watch some of these videos, although not for pleasure's sake. A lot of these girls are well dressed, well spoken college girls riding around in the car that daddy bought them at 2 in the afternoon.


Yeah, I sort of enjoyed watching these videos when I was 19 or 20. Now I get sick and change the channel whenever I see the ads on late at night. It's deplorable. It makes me never want to have a daughter and it makes me cringe at the thought of my ex engaging in damaging behavior like that. I think the last thing a society has is the quality and integrity of its women. If you've heard the phrase women and children first, that comes as a general univeral truth saying that if you lose the women and children you've lost everything.


I just want a sexy girlfriend who's not a * * * *. I'm trying to hold out hope that one actually exists out there for me. I want to feel the way about her that I felt about my ex. Only this time I actually want the girl to be real person and not some vacant soul reflecting my own good qualities back at me.

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My ex left me and I found out that she cheated on me. She's become my innocent sweet girl into this party animal who can't stop drinking and doing the wild girl thing with guys twice her age.


However not all girls are like this. It's such a generalization.


Remember that some of these people are actors, or college kids who are paid to do something like this. It may not be genuine. Plus, the younger crowd does tend to get a lil' crazy and drunk at their age, so it's not a moral crime.


It's true however, it may haunt them in the future when voters, their kids, co-workers, bosses, fans, etc... ask them "hey is this you?"

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I hate girls like this, I tend to look down on them. I'm quite old fashioned in my views I suppose. Though I enjoy dressing to look good, never would I lift my top for a camera, or a promise of money. So called 'party animals' that do this are just sluts or girls in the wrong place at the wrong time.. Even the well groomed college girls, I suppose they think they're being 'wild'.

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All that I see here is most of you bashing the original poster and mocking his concern. I feel that gives YOU, the posters, a 'holier-than-thou' attitude instead. The chap just asked a concerned question based on his experience and only a handful of you answered it without being all judgemental of him.


To answer the original topic: I doubt many girls are the way you saw in the video and as Sheyda said, the location and atmosphere will greatly manipulate the percentage of women who might behave that way. I can understand your concern about this and I see nothing wrong with you watching the video, even if on purpose, and then deciding you want someone different. But please also keep in mind that it might all be staged and that many people will do all sorts of dumb things for money; just look at stupid TV shows such as 'The Amazing Race' and 'Fear Factor'. Hence girls flashing skin for a few extra bucks is nothing to be concerned about. They're of legal age and thereforeeee responsible for their actions.

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Thanks, for the support. I don't know where some of those last comments came from condemning me. I watched some of these videos years ago and I didn't really care for them ever. Sure, I like looking at hot naked chicks, but I couldn't believe what I was seeing. No, I never supported this kind of crap because I have never purchased any of these videos. I've seen ones that other people have purchased.


If I'm focusing on anything, it's the fact that I'm concerned about the number of girls that appear to be wholesome and moral one day and then as soon as some guy says, "Hey, show me your goods down there" they do it. Holier than thou? Where does that come from? You know what, I have never pulled out my unit and flashed it at anyone in the middle of a spring break traffic jam. Nor have I gotten drunk and had sex with my best friend while some guy filmed it to sell on late night cable commercials. Has anybody been on the internet since it was popularized? There's no shortage of sites where daddy's girl gets paid $200 to do all sorts of things that would make Jenna Jameson blush. I'm sure there are plenty of girlfriends out there going behind there man's back to hook up with some porn producer for textbook money. I'm glad none of you seem to have any experience with this or know someone who has. I've just been shocked lately at the endless supply of 18 to 30 year old women who will do anything for a camera. I've been thinking it was probably more than a select few. Maybe, maybe not.

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It's a simple philosophical debate. I tend to agree with him, and for the record the only person I've flashed have been my girlfriend, and the poor ups guy who I had to get the package from and that only happened because my dog must have thought it'd be funny pulling the towel at that one opportune moment!


I think what the op is saying is as a whole why are the morales and values of people declining. Yes he is insinuating that women are the best "look" to these declines. He's not saying that Women are the only ones who do it, he is saying that its amazing to see how/what is happening. Such as in the 50's you would hardly find a woman who would do that particular thing at all.


My question for you all is why are women and men both devaluing themselves in such a way, or valuing themselves for money? Heck, I could even tell you WORSE examples of women who will sleep with guy for a single cigarette. Come on, why are women (or shall we say) young women valuing themselves for such small amounts.


ah yes, you could say immaturity. Granted, immaturity is a female dog. I was immature, but I still didn't do that. I have a few friends that sleep with guys just because they felt like it was wrong for them not to as it could have been implied.


Why is it that you can goto a bar on a friday night, and 9 times out of 10 (if you are talented with women) get a one night stand that night. Why can you get online (I've done this sadly) find a woman, and meet up with them and have sex with them off the bat? I pose these questions to you. Not in a condemning way and not in a "women are evil" way (they are just in different ways, I keed I keed). I ask why have morales and self worth/value gone down so much in today's society. I do not speak of porn stars mind you if they can make one movie and live for a year, or make a 500k of one movie thats pretty dang nice but why are women just "giving" it up, and for that matter why are men?


Why is it allowed to think Human's aren't supposed to have 1 partner, and why is it that we are to think that we are?


Quite honestly my fellow enotaloners its simple, We're in the handbasket, and I'm starting to sweat.


Budman /out

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