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How do I handle this?


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Ok, so right now i'm in a long distance relationship with my g/f of seven months. (seven months today as a matter-of-fact) and last night she went out with her female friend for the night. well they ended up staying in some guys house... and my g/f ended up staying in his bed...


She told me this morning, she told me that nothing happened.


I just want to get it out and say that i believe her. She has been cheated on before and would never do the same thing to someone else. But what i need to know is how do i handle this? I'm in no way comfortable with it but i don't really know what to say... I just... maybe i just needed to talk about it...

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Well, was she in the bed alone? Or was he in the same bed? In my opinion, I don't think she did anything, because why else would she tell you? If she was feeling guilty about it then she probably wouldn't even have said anything, being that you guys are in a LDR and you probably won't even find out about it. You just need to ask yourself, do YOU trust her?

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Hey D,


I think that it's very difficult to just assume that she somehow ended up in someone else's bed. I'd wonder why she had to sleep IN this persons bed as well. It's good that she told you, but on the other hand, I'd want to know the complete story.


It has happened to me only once, that I had to spend the night with someone unexpectedly (I was taking a course in another town and we all went for dinner and I had no train back after that). The guy gave me his bed and he slept on the couch. I was single, but I am sure that if I wasn't, I'd call the partner to tell them before spending the night there. Talk to her if you are bothered and if you feel you have questions about this. I think it's totally ok for you to have boundaries you feel comfortable with when you gf spends the night somewhere else. And I think very very few people would be ok if their partner would spend the night in someone elses bed (unless the other person is not a potential partner gender-wise).


Edit: this was based on the impression I got that she spent the night in his bed, and he did too. If she just slept in his bed and he was on the couch, obviously that is a different story! I'd agree with confused25 in that case





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well they ended up staying in some guys house... and my g/f ended up staying in his bed...


I would tell her that you feel uncomfortable with your girlfriend sleeping in another man's bed. Set some ground rules, because that is unacceptable behavior for someone in a committed relationship to be doing.


One other thing. Cheaters in relationships almost always say they won't cheat.

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Personally I think her behavior is suspect, nothing might have happened but she did put herself into that situation which is already highly questionable. In the least your gf did not make a smart choice, I would discuss that with her but I would also realize that this could be the beginning of bigger issues to come.

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Ok, so right now i'm in a long distance relationship with my g/f of seven months. (seven months today as a matter-of-fact) and last night she went out with her female friend for the night. well they ended up staying in some guys house... and my g/f ended up staying in his bed...


She told me this morning, she told me that nothing happened.


I just want to get it out and say that i believe her. She has been cheated on before and would never do the same thing to someone else. But what i need to know is how do i handle this? I'm in no way comfortable with it but i don't really know what to say... I just... maybe i just needed to talk about it...


Personally thats breakup material for me. She should have enough respect for you to not put herself into a situation like this that has you on this board asking us for this kind of advice. Theres no reason to be sleeping in another mans bed unless hes not in it. Even then... Id be upset about her just being there for the night without you being informed first. Her telling you could just be the get out of trouble card, if she plays it now... itll blow over and no worries later.


Plus, just because she has been cheated on, doesnt mean she wont.

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The only thing i wonder is... both of the people who have told me she did it have reason to manipulate the relationship...


You see one of them is my EX and her Best Friend. Her name is Meg. I dated Meg for about six months last year. After a long and painful breakup i started to date chelle... Meg was so upset when she found out... And my other witness is Meg's best friend.

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Ok, but you said you broke of the relationship due to other reasons, not the possibility of cheating, so the fact that Meg and her friend had stories to tell was really not the big reason for the breakup.


I'm sorry your heart is broken. It is always hard to be in a LDR, especially when there is not complete trust between the two partners.

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