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Really bad problem lol

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Well, theres this very attractive girl I tried talking to and getting with, so I get one of my friends to ask if she had a boyfriend, and she said no. So im like nice, so I go talking to her and stuff and we play around alot and then I find out shes a lesbian?? I was shocked and now, I have no idea what to do, should I give up? I don't know if theres a way to change her sexuality preference.

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I'd give up. I know everyone is saying keep trying...but think about it, would you really want a gay guy hitting on you cause he liked you, knowing that you weren't gay? Trying to sort of persuade you? If she's confused, and it turns out she isn't lesbian and she likes you, let her come to you. But I wouldn't press the issue, might hurt your friendship.

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I'd give up. I know everyone is saying keep trying...but think about it, would you really want a gay guy hitting on you cause he liked you, knowing that you weren't gay? Trying to sort of persuade you? If she's confused, and it turns out she isn't lesbian and she likes you, let her come to you. But I wouldn't press the issue, might hurt your friendship.


heck nah, i wouldn't want that lol. i agree, don't persuade her nor try to change her, but just be dead cert that she is indeed a lesbian.

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Hey there,


I agree w/ what most of the posters have said above: please do not pursue this any further. Not only is it a futile pursuit for you but it is rather disrespectul towards her.


Also, I respectfully disagree w/ some of the posters who suggested that you keep asking her out in hopes that perhaps she'll change her mind.


Well, think of it this way; if a guy keeps asking you out, even after you've indicated to him that you are straight, how would you feel? Unless you are bisexual, would you appreciate his advances or even take his advances as serious?

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OK, I did not read into it that a mind was to be changed. I simply thought that she was just being coy. However, if she flat out likes girls and HAS told you without joking, that there is nothing going to happen, then let it go.


Also, what is with the "rug muncher" comment? Anyway, if she doesn't want you then she doesn't want you...good luck.

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