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Best wishes for southerngirl!


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Hey all,


Yesterday was the due-date for southerngirl. Let's make a welcome-back post for her (and welcome to her little one!).


So here it is:


Girl, my best wishes for the birth, I pray for an easy birth and a healthy baby!


Can't wait for the pics of the newly-born!!!



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Hey everyone! Thank you for your kind thoughts, the surgery went well and baby is now here!


She was born healthy, 6 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long. She is beautiful! She looks alot like my oldest son who is nine, and he got a real kick out of that! Im still in alot of pain and they have me on pain meds for it, but sent us home today! Im so happy to be out of there, the food is not good let me tell you.


Have to go back to the hospital though first thing in the morning because baby needs blood tests. They think she may be jaundiced.. they tell me not to worry but of course it worries me... Im hoping since they did let her come home that they were not that concerned but they do want me there to have her tested as a precaution.

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My nephew was jaundice and he's the most healthy, beautiful little boy I have ever seen. In my prenatal class, they said that is one of the most common things that happen to babies, I'm sure she will be fine.


CONGRATULATIONS on your new arrival!!


Much luck and I hope you get all the rest you need so you can recover quickly!!!

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Hi and Welcome back!


They probably just want to check the baby's bilirubin levels, and typically the cure for jaundice is lying naked under an ultraviolet light for a few hours a day for several days to help the body excrete the excess bilirubin. Most of the time it's pretty easy.


What's her name?

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We went there this morning to have her blood tested again. They said that her count is still really off and that we need to go again in the morning for yet another blood test. They want to moniter her. I was so afraid they will tell me that I will have to leave her there. I am hoping whatever treatment she may need that it can be done at home.


We named her Linda after my mother who passed away Aug 25 2004. She sure is pretty, name fits her =-)

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We went there this morning to have her blood tested again. They said that her count is still really off and that we need to go again in the morning for yet another blood test. They want to moniter her. I was so afraid they will tell me that I will have to leave her there. I am hoping whatever treatment she may need that it can be done at home.


We named her Linda after my mother who passed away Aug 25 2004. She sure is pretty, name fits her =-)


Some hospitals will allow you to do UV phototherapy at home- my friends had a baby with pretty severe jaundice and she wore a gown at home that was connected to a UV machine- did almost all of her phototherapy at home and then got her bili levels checked at the hospital in between.


But it depends on the facility- some require it is done with close supervision at the hospital- it depends. But you can definitely ask.

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I hope so, the thought of having to leave her there scares me to death.


Plus , whenever the baby is in the nursery at the hospital in labor and delivery its like they just let them cry. broke my heart when they took her to do testing the next morning. I hobbled down there when she'd been gone an hour and i could see her just laying there screaming, I mean, they could have at least gave her her pacifier or something. I was nursing her at that time, and told them she was probally hungry. Im not anymore, thats a whole topic of its own why not, blah they were no help when I had problems even though I did nurse for the first 50 hours or so... now they hurt and are cracked and bruised, and now the milks come in and are hard and sore.. now that Im not using them its all drying up, I dont know what to do for them either =-(


So I said to the nurse were they done testing her because if they were just going to leave her lying there I would take her back to my room till they were ready. They were done so I hobbled my way back to the room with her. Oh what a nightmare if I had to actually leave her there for hours at a time. Oh, I probally wouldnt leave, but wait there on pins and needles but ugh...


I will definitely ask them if I can do the treatment at home, besides its Christmas.

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when I had problems even though I did nurse for the first 50 hours or so... now they hurt and are cracked and bruised, and now the milks come in and are hard and sore.. now that Im not using them its all drying up, I dont know what to do for them either =-(
You can pump your breasts to keep the milk production up while she is in the hospital, and you can freeze the breastmilk, for up to 12 weeks. Most hospitals will rent you a breast pump if you don't have one at home.



Hope this helps!

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