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My Uncle Commited Suicide Three Days Ago

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Recently, three days ago, I found out that my uncle had acted on suicide. Right now I am so confused, hurt, angry, disappointed, and lossed all at once. The only thoughts in my mind is the action that he commited over and over again, like its haunting me with torment that will never end, of how he used his rifle to the head. I am so angry at him for giving up, but at the same time wished I could have done something. I realize I can not take blame, and it is only how I feel for the moment. The fact of how he commited the act is what is making me so emotional.


I mostly feel sorry for my father, his brother was the only family left that he had and since my Uncle had no children. Me and my brother are the only ones to carry down the line of the family name. It was just a month ago I remember him with us for Thanksgiving break, showing no signs of depressions then, only now by me reading information on suidice that they were there. So much has happened to my family in the past 5 years with my sister that almost died and in critical condition. Miraculously she survived Then my grandmother had a stroke and grandfather passed away. I just needed to express my feelings because I am having a hard time dealing with this. I understand that people who commit suicide feel like they can not go on any longer, and I'm not here to say they are wrong because it's not a choice at the moment.. but they the effect of the family and friends it has on the suicidal person, is the part that seems left out.

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It's very sad and he must have been in a bad way to do this. You will go through the grieving process just as with any other death but with a little more confusion and anger. Remember that your emotional journey right now is the way you and your family will deal with this traumatic event and you must all pull together to help one another through.



Wishing you well.

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I am very sorry to hear about your uncle. It is always terribly sad and tragic when someone decides to take their own life. There are always questions that go unanswered. You wonder that brings people to such desperate measures.


I never had a relative of mine do this- but in high school one of our classmates killed herself, and a neighbor accross the street from me hung himself. In both cases I felt very sad and wondered was there something I "could have done" to prevent it. For instance, the day before my neighbor hung himself I had noticed him standing outside in the pouring rain, smoking a cigarette with a strange look to him. He really did not look well, there was something very disturbing about it. I always wished I said "hello" to him when I noticed that or asked if everything was alright when I saw him like that. i.e. Would it have made a difference somehow? - If I felt that way about a neighbor that I was not close to, I can only imagine how I would feel if it were a family member.


Stick close to your family during this difficult time, and if you believe in any kind of higher power, praying might be comforting to you.



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I am sorry to hear this, and do not know any other words to make this easier for you or your family. Be there for your family. And I think those words are very good, be there. If ever you have such thoughts, if you ever know of anyone who does, tell them what is happening with your family, let them know how it is affecting your father, and the rest of your family. Too often people think no one cares or will notice or that they are relieving people of a burden, when the real result is that suicide devastates a family. Sorry you and your family are experiencing this now.

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There are a few important things to say here.


First off all, people who commit suicide aren't doing it to hurt others. They are so selfconsumed with their problems that they don't review how you would get hurt by it, they have a feeling that no one cares about them, and that no one will miss them nor get hurt if they are gone. This is obviously wrong as you see how darkness has entered your life and that of your family. I wouldn't really mind the family name, as a name is just a name and does not do justice to the person wearing it.


The second thing is the most important, a soul who commits suicide is bounded by the consequenses of its actions. This is why its essensial that you forgive your uncle for what he has done, and you must plead to your dad that he also forgives what his brother has done. Otherwhise his soul can't find peace. You must not give in to the darkness that has entered your life by his actions, and continue to bring happyness and light in your life and others by loving and helping people on a continues basis.


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He will find peace and love. His suffering, which was unbearable, is over. There is no greater punishment to be inflicted on him.


I know that you loved him, because of the degree of suffering that you are going through now. He knew that his family loved him, but in depression, all of that knowledge recedes out of the mind and leaves just the pain. It is not for anyone else to judge him, only understand that out of this tragedy can come the understanding of how valuable we all are to each other -- even strangers standing in the rain.

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