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How do you get people to take you seriously?

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I have been upset about my grandson for some time now. He is 4 & 1/2 now. After visits with his father he does strange things. Like stick his finger in his butt and say, "look hole". Bend down and try and lick his privates. Bend over spread his butt cheeks. He never did this before and only does it after a visit with his dad. He doesn't mind going with his dad so I don't think there is sexual abuse involved. But someone mentioned his father could get big money for child porn. The thought sickens me. So tonight I asked him and I recorded it without his knowledge. I didn't make a scene. He was watching a movie and I said I just wanted to pause it for a second. I then asked him if daddy takes pictures of him. He said no, I said oh, then he said daddy takes pictures of my butt and pee pee. He said daddy takes pictures of his butt when poop is there when it comes out and pictures of his pee pee when he pees. I kept it happy and that was hard. I asked if I took pictures of his butt, he said no. I asked if mommy did and he said no. I asked if daddy's girlfriend took pictures of his butt and he said no she takes pictures of daddy. He then said he took a picture of daddy's butt. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or do we have something to worry about. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks a concerned grandmother

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itspainfultosee, you handled this extremely well. I believe there is a reason your grandson is telling you these things. He's too young to quite understand something is wrong, and is trying best he can to communicate to you, his trusted grandmother, that something is wrong.


I think you need to call the authorities. This is disturbing information. Please, don't try to talk yourself out of it. Your grandson's emotional and physical safety is at stake here. I realize you are probably very scared to pursue this, but what he is probably experiencing is going to leave him with nightmares for the rest of his life, or worse, if someone doesn't stop it. No child should ever be subjected to such trauma. Please, help him. Right now, you're the only one who can.

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How could this possibly be normal!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have a choice if he goes w/his father? What I mean is, will you get in some sort of trouble if you forbid the father from taking your grandson? Please, by all means act upon this. I have no idea why a 4 yr old would say these things if it were not true. Was he distracted and just answering yes or no randomly? He made clear distinctions though on the people who performed these sick acts.


Please let us know how this turned out.

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I totally agree with Scout, you've handled the whole situation extremely well but don't stop now. For the sake of your grandson & your own piece of mind please contact the proper authorities.


I have nightmares about this sort of thing going on now that I have a child of my own. A childs innocence should be preserved.

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He's being sexually abused.


If you check up what the signs of sexual molestation are on the internet, it says that kids who are being molested, often display inappropriate sexual behavior and sexual aggression.


Also, molestors often indoctrinate children to molestation by first getting them used to pornography.


This sounds very much like the warning signs of child molestation that I have read about. In fact, it fits it exactly.

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