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Sex or Food- which would you choose?


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you obviously don't realise how painful starvation is. you might regret it. lol


Dont get me wrong, theres no happy ending to a situation like that.

I would still rather die a slow painful death than give up the deep and intense bond, and satisfaction that results from some excellent sex.


It's been my experience that even a significant percentage of those disabled from the waist down can enjoy sex, I'll cite you the article if i can find it, or I'll refer you to my ex if i can find her, lol.

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I'm not sure everyone understood the question. See, you get to eat and you'll live no matter what. The only possible loss here is any kind of sexual gratification. So basically, the question amounts to: which one would you pick: good flavored food or sex. If you pick the food, you get no sex. If you pick the sex, you get bland food but you will still live.


Oh, I assure you I understood the question. And if I was faced with a life of continual sexual pleasure but no food-related sensual pleasure, I wouldn't want it.

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I've eated all the time to stay alive for 30 years, but never had sex.

This is a no-brainer. Obviously food.


I had this rational thought once, if I had the last money in my wallet to buy a couple of weeks groceries, or wasted it on 30 minutes to be with a hooker, where would I spend that money. When you get close to broke, you always feel that you are losing your last opportunity to have sex in the back of your head.

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To a point I'd choose sex over many things....

1) I'd give up the possibility of being wealthy

2) I'd give up the pleasure of food

3) I'd work a meaningless 40 hour a week job, so long as I was....the rest of the time


I could really make a long list I think! Sex wins most of the time.

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I've eated all the time to stay alive for 30 years, but never had sex.

This is a no-brainer. Obviously food.


I had this rational thought once, if I had the last money in my wallet to buy a couple of weeks groceries, or wasted it on 30 minutes to be with a hooker, where would I spend that money. When you get close to broke, you always feel that you are losing your last opportunity to have sex in the back of your head.


Luke your post is funny!!

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I suppose we all get fed so well, we're jaded to the sensual delight of eating whatever we want. Want a steak, a burger, curry, sushi? Just do it. I've never gone more than a few days without eating, but the pleasure still means something to me.


I'm old, celibate and cranky.


I'm hungry now...

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I suppose we all get fed so well, we're jaded to the sensual delight of eating whatever we want.


Particularly with the way many Americans eat....which is frequently too fast and often times with a sense of guilt that they're eating something "bad." When food is essentially inhaled because one is always in a hurry with a million things to do, or food is eaten while you're feeling guilty about the fat/calories/carbs it contains, much of the sensual pleasure of a meal is missed.


Then again, there are also just folks who are not foodies and don't care about those sorts of things. 2 of the 4 long term relationships I've had have been with non-foodies, and I swear that was a minor contributing factor to the demise of those relationships. Both of these guys couldn't slow down enough to fully enjoy a meal even occasionally, and would complain becaue I was "taking too long" to finish dinner at a restaurant. It was unusual if they took more than 15-20 minutes when we'd eat at home. Which can be quite frustrating for someone who had spent an hour or more trying out a new recipe (namely, me), and then watched him just shovel it in as fast as possible so he could go on to something else.


Now that I think back on it, I can see their approach to sex was similiar. Oh, they wanted it fairly frequently...but it was with the same sort of inability to really slow down and enjoy the subtleties that they exhibited in their relationship with food.


It's one of the reasons I used to love going out with my friend Ray. He was as much a foodie as I am, and between talking and savoring, we could take over 2 hours to have dinner at our favorite restaurant. And it's not that we were eating a huge quantity of food...heck, we often took home leftovers of our entrees...it's that we were taking time to savor every bite. Slow service at a restaurant never bothered us...it just gave us more time to nibble our way through our salads.

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I would choose food. There are plenty of alternatives to sexual pleasure, i.e. sports, artistic expression via painting or writing, going out with friends.


But can you imagine never again having any of the following: bacon and eggs, pizza, chinese, steak n onions, kfc, strawberries n cream, chocolate, doughnuts. i can't imagine eating muesli for every meal.

mmm i'm hungry now.

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The reason I started this thread is that as a paraplegic this decision has already been made for me. (I can't feel from the waist down). I'm glad people are choosing food (although it is mostly women, interestingly)!


Just feel sorry for the poor saps who are fed through a tube.


Have you seen Murderball? I am not at all meaning to patronize - I have a close personal connection to that film and - as someone who did not know much about paraplegics prior to seeing it - thought it dealt well with the topic of sex.

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I guess my take on food is that in this country, and in other prosperous countries, eating is practically form of recreation, rather than nourishment to sustain the body. The end result is often a lot of health problems, not to mention millions of animals slaughtered every year or kept in deplorable conditions so we can get certain ingredients from them, i.e., milk, cheese, and eggs. Of course, to be fair, there are plenty of vegans who over-gorge on food.


Sex (and not just in the form of intercourse), on the other hand, is a way to express physical intimacy, which leads to emotional intimacy, and love. I'm pro-love!


I can think of many examples (not personal ones) where sex does not lead to emotional intimacy, much less love.


Also not sure why the perspective on food should be simply nourishment to sustain the body. Reminds me of when I made my "seduction cookies" once (they are just toll house from scratch - recipe on the bag), gave them to a man I'd been dating for a few months to also give some to his mother on mother's day. He said she had a two-word reaction "marry her." Way easier (and less riskS!) than your sex -emotional intimacy-love theory ;-).

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Mr.Mister and spunkmaster,


I would love to see you guys give up food for 1 year for sex.I bet you two wouldn't last. . come on!! you know very will you can live off of sex. A man can't keep an erection and a woman can't have an orgasm 365 days.You're going to be one hungry person waiting for that next orgasms and erection.I'm not crazy Food.

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Mr.Mister and spunkmaster, I would love to see you guys give up food for 1 year for sex.I bet you two wouldn't last. . come on!!...

Giving up food all together wasn't the question. I could give up delicious-tasting foods for sex any day haha. Heck, I'm already used to eating bland food, since, growing up, my parents never used any good spices in their food (my mom is allergic to most spices). haha.

...You have to forgo either all sexual pleasure, or the pleasure of food, for the rest of your life. (I'm not suggesting you starve, merely you can only eat tasteless pap for all your meals)...

I mostly eat food for sustenance anyway; there are some foods I love to eat, but I don't eat them very often, since they are normally not very healthy for me. Also, I rarely eat desserts, since they are just extra calories that don't have any health benefit.

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