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pretty much Z~YES. Lol j/k You are my hero in leather!


The little fuzzball is fine. Today being "soft food day" (her treat)

she followed me in the kitchen and about tripped me twice while I was making coffee.

I think she's having friends over today

while I am working though, I saw a fuzzy balck and white face duck from behing the corner as I was locking up the apartment to leave.

Bahhh, I might as well have a woman. lol


Desert~can if we want to! lol (sticks out tongue and wags it it Desert)


Good Morning Brit, I see the men have kept you entertained here this morning. lol!

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Sweet Jesus, give me strength!


For those of you that know my ongoing struggle with my ex in the workplace...


She just phoned me "just to say hello" I seriously don't understand what part of "please do not contact me unless you have to at work or you want to get back together" she doesn't get.


Her "I thought I'd say hi as we had spoken in a while"

Me ".............................."

Her "Unless I'm not allowed to..."

Me "Not really, no. I was serious about what I said before"

Her "Just guess I'm trying to defeat my boredom"

Me "nice..."


I've been feeling so much better recently, she must sense that and feels the need to bring me right back down or something.


Plus with this sort of situation I always end up wondering if I handled it right or not, should I just allow her a little access to me to remind her of what she's missing to draw her back in? Be aloof but charming etc?



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