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GUYS: want your opinions about boobs!


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Ok. So I was wondering what you guys think when a girl wears push/padded bras??? I mean it's kinda false advertisement don't ya think? I mean imagin meeting this girl who you think has an awesome chest, then you get intimate and later find out it was fake! do you care? I don't wear them because I don't want some guy thinking I have something that I don't. Plus....it's not very fun for touching..it just feels like he's grabbing a pad! and you don't feel a thing! lol, it does make a girls chest look nicer though...so what go you men think or prefer????

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My friend used to wear those jelly-filled things that you stick in your bra. Actually, she used to wear two of them at a time. Once she slept over at a guy's house and couldn't find them in the morning. She never saw them again.


So try not to do that.

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If you want to be technical bras themselves are false advertising because breasts are not going to look like that without the support of the bra. There are all kinds of tricks that women can use to make their boobs look better than they actually are. If you are a smart man then you will realize that her boobs wont look like that and she is using something to enhance them or make them look better than they actually are.

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hope this doesnt offend anybody but, women are stereotypical when it comes to mens concern on breast size. sure big boobs are great, but something even more atractive is a girl who's comfortable with who she is


Kind of a big generalization, isn't it?


It's like saying all men put too much thought into women's concern about penis size. Not everyone fits into that catagory.

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Okay Yvette, I'll spell it out.


A woman with a padded bra is attempting to cater to a dumb social misconception. Imagine a man trying to enlarge his penis, when you just want a guy who has a bigger heart. A padded bra doesn't make a woman a better human.


If I met someone with a padded bra, I'd feel sorry for them, not because they had skeeterbites, but because they felt they should wear a gizmo to compensate for a perceived shortfall that matters not at all.


Now, where did I leave my codpiece?

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Ok, not one person has answerd my question!!! lol


your question was "what do men think or prefer", and this was my attempt at an answer:


i briefly had a girfriend in 9th grade (no sex) who wore a THICK padded bra. i wasn't disappointed when she told me, just a little embarrassed over her feeling that she needed to 'enhance' herself that way, especially at such a young age.


as i've said before on ENA: as long as a woman has a pair of responsive nipples on her chest, i'm good.

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I found this post most interesting as I went bra shopping for the first time since my surgery. (I had a breast reduction 2 weeks ago- so all those VS 36D and DD need to find their way on to e-bay!)


I am not allowed to wear underwire for an entire year- the surgeon actually strongly suggested not wearing them ever! The lovely thing is now at a C cup and as perky as junior high school I do not have to wear underwire!!! YAY!


But I digress my point was that I had just ran in to Target to get some meds and thought I could just snatch up a couple of bras minus the underwire for alter- I still have to wear a sports bra 24/7 for 2 more weeks.


GIRL you cannot buy a normal bra WITHOUT MAJOR padding and underwire in their unless it was for an A or B cup. I thought my bra shopping woes were over. I had imagined always finding a cute bra with ease now that I am smaller. WRONG!!!! We have an entire market of false advertisement in the form of fake boobies in our local grocery stores! lol Seriously I cannot wait to be completely healed to get myself to Vicotria's Secret.


So to answer your question. Yes i think major padding is false advertising- but I have always had large breast. Maybe if I had been flat I would have been all about that padding?! I do like what one of the gentlmen said about a man padding his winkie- girls you know we would think he was a freak show!!! These are thing that make you go hmmmmmm.....

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So I was wondering what you guys think when a girl wears push/padded bras??? I mean it's kinda false advertisement don't ya think? I mean imagin meeting this girl who you think has an awesome chest, then you get intimate and later find out it was fake! do you care?


i honestly wouldn't care. i haven't seen too many in my life, but the ones i've seen are fine. they're great. lovely, silky, fits great in your hand... etc haha


anyways, why would someone really care? if it makes her feel better to wear them, go ahead. i'd probably tease her, but we all have our insecurities in life. if it's a real relationship, the physical aspect tends to really not be that important. i don't know any guys stuffing their trousers though lol...

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gnabna, I am so excited for you and glad to hear how well it went. I've seriously considered going that route (even got the ok from the surgeon) and can only imagine how wonderful your back must feel right now. aaaahhh. relief!


Is this true that a large portion of the A and B cups are of the padded variety?!

That is insane. I've always longed to be able to wear one of those sans-underwire pretty bras. And slinky undershirts without a gdamn bra! (you know, without being uncomfortable after half an hour).


Free all breasts of underwires and padding...!! If only.

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hmmmmm... A male that does not even CARE about boobs, that is the first time I have ever read/seen/heard of that.


As far as obsessed with physical appearance- even a pedicure is something we ladies do to treat ourselves, to take care of ourselves and so on... So it seems like a contradiction to say to wear a padded bra is an obsession with physical appearance but pedicures (which is physical appearance maintenance) is fine and dandy in your book. We all have dif opinons of course, dif likes and dislikes.


All I am saying is that it is too much of a generalization to say that it is an obsession. I do not think padded bras are right or wrong- my earlier post was very much a joke. I have met many a man that has a foot fetish- absolutely nothing wrong with that- but it is an obsession just as you have claimed that woman wearing padded bras is an obsession.

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hmmmmm... A male that does not even CARE about boobs, that is the first time I have ever read/seen/heard of that.



I know there are a lot of stereotypes in society about what men like or don't like. I'm trying to break this stereotype. It may be the first time you've heard of it but it's way more common than you might think.

Oh and you have a point Maybe I was being a little hypocritical there. Feet or boobs though, I don't respect women who take obsessive care of their body (beyond health) , or for that matter a guy who tries to enlarge his penis.

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It depends on why a woman wants to have larger breasts. If they want them because they think that'ss what men want, then it is the wrong reason. If it makes THEM feel sexier or more confident, then they should get implants or whatever. Faking it with pads is kinda deceptive. What about push-up bras? Those aren't really deceptive since a lot of women wear them.


Personally, if we're talking about physical attraction to a woman, breasts aren't a deal breaker with me. A woman with smaller breasts can be more attractive than one with larger breasts. I'm short so when I see girls my height they generally have average to small breasts. Breast size makes no difference to me if they have a fit body. I think a woman's flat stomach and hips/legs are what turns me on. If I may be shallow for a second, I'd consider: legs, stomach, * * *, lips, eyes on a woman (not necessarily in that order) before I care about her breasts. And goes without saying, but personaliy before everything, especially something as trivial as breasts.

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