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Followup on celticghirl story

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I dont think anybody is being hateful. I think the people who believe this WASNT a hoax are just trying to lay this out in a rational way.

That all of it doesn't add up. The timeframe, the people who were first contacted. Even if the mother were to some how call her friends first off it would be a good friend that the mother knows too.



It was a hoax, a sham, a bamboozle, a hoodwink, whatever you want to call it. 2 girls that had way too much time on their hands played an awful, morbid joke. I think if you are as troubled or looking for attention it's time to seek professional help because a forum is not going to help on that level. They may even have new screen names on this site and portraying new characters.


Also FALLOUT said Indi was in India for 2 weeks and she is not online. How could a girl who was practically dieing of anorexia make a trip to India?


Doesn't add up.

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I totally agree with Annie, and echo the rationality of her statement.


Take the emotion out of the situation and the pieces don't add up, they never did.


Please try not to alienate Indi, though. I just somehow still believe that she was as much a victim of whatever this turns out to be as we were. (and btw, the trip was not a choice for her, but a family necessity) Until she gets home in a few days, and we can talk to her rationally, lets not start the name calling, please?


I try to believe the best about people and hope the world returns the favor. Indi has been a friend, and until she gets the chance to speak for herself, I hope you people endeavor to keep her out of this mess.

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Im very saddend with this thread, everyone is at eachothers throats when they should be supporting and helping one and other, thats why the forum exists right?


I wish we could just put this behind us (true or not), we are putting so much dedication to this when we should be helping eachother


Fallout, I feel really sorry for you *hugs* I hope you find the strength to overcome this ordeal.



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why would they not? Isn't that PUBLIC info?

Yea it is I can go down to the city records and get the info if I am willing to pay the cost. It is not that much only 50-200$ depends where you are. The police cant tell you a name but they can tell you if someone was killed during the time frame.

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At least in California, births, deaths, real estate ownership, and a whole lot more is all public knowledge. The matter of paying fees isn't to buy the info, but merely to cover administrative costs. With the internet, much of that is now free. Anyone into geneology can access this info to trace the births and deaths among the family tree.

The UK is the source of most basic laws in the US and Canada, so I imagine Scotland is similar.

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I am going to trust indy until there is evidence to the contrary... I was talking to her when she had a chest seizure and believe me, noone could have faked that...


So, in the meantime, I would like to ask worknprogress and others that commented on indi to please refrain from it until we know anything for sure at least...

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I am convinced that moderators checked up the necessary info very carefully before informing us about this.

It is a proof that they're trying to make this forum as real as it can be due to the fact that this is only internet. We don't know eachother in person and it is wise to take into account that all the stories we read her are not the truth.


But there is no need to be disappointed, horrified or hurt. Even if you helped someone with a false story or identity it is irrelevant. The fact is that many times you got a chance to help people with real problems, where you advice was taken seriously, in the same extent you took the poster who was hurt seriously.


I was sad about the news that Celtic girl died, but it is better that this girl is alive.


Also next time I suggest a check up before such an info is posted. And if it is posted without moderators knowledge it should be deleted until it is checked up. Maybe it is a little bit harsh, but it is better to have very strict rules about these things.

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If the mods had to check up on all posts for this type of content before if could be allowed (meaning specifically in this situation a possible death, but easily extended to ANY situation involving legal authorities and by further extension from that, any number of posts) then hardly anything would ever get posted in the first place. So many of the posts on this board stem from markedly unpleasant situations.


Part of the beauty of eNotAlone is the fact just about anybody can post just about anything. We take it one faith that the majority of the posts are sincere and are willing to give the poster the benefit of the doubt.


As to the exact details surround the original issue on this thread, perhaps we'll never really know.


But there are things I know about the help, advice and life stories I post on this site and that is that they are given freely and without terms and conditions. Whoever I reply to and the greater population in general is free to interpret what I say in whatever way they wish. They may or may not acknowledge any words I write. They are free to come and go from this site (as I often do myself).


All I can think in this situation is that there was unlikely an explicit attempt made to hurt or upset us and that Celticghirl had her own personal reasons for the things she appeared to have done and the way in which she chose to leave this community. Further to that and because of who we are and what we do on this site, and because we attempt not to be judgemental (right???!!!) that we would offer her our support and compassion when and if she should need it now or in the future. If it truly was a malicious act (which I personally doubt honestly speaking) then I would also think she is remorseful and it would be up to her to set the record straight and apologize rather than the rest of us shutting her out.


As for Indi, same thing about her part in this. People go through tough times in life. Some have it very rough. They turn to friends for help, support and yes .. for attention too. Generally it is because they're not getting the attention, love, caring or compassion in other places and part of what we all do here is provide some of that. And again, it's given freely and nothing is expected in return.


So, to Celticghirl, alive and well or otherwise, whatever place you're in I hope things are going okay and that you can see some happiness if not now, then in the future.


As for the rest of you (us!!) ... you just keep on doing the great work you

always do. Thanks so much for all of it.

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Well last time i posted on this thread i got a few of my post deleted, for my behaver being outta line. I just wanted to say i am sorry everyone if i offerened any of yous and sorry Mods for wasting your time deleting my immature post and wasting your time

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  • 2 weeks later...

](*,) wow this is totally crazy..... how could someone do this.... I just hope that she is ok. Mayb she challeneged the difficulties in her life into this whole situation, and needed the attention....


There have been a lot of accusations thrown about in this thread which i guess is just a way of dealing with it.... I don't think they were personal drillings on anyone, it looks as if that people were just angry at the situation.... I guess being an internet forum there are bound to be, from time to time, some of these sort of situations and the mods do their best to filter them out.


](*,) ](*,)

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