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Hi, this is my first poem I've ever written. It's about my ex a year and a half ago and I've never really gotten over it till now. I hope you guys understand my feelings. I think this is the only poem I'll ever write as I don't normally pen down my feelings. Mods, I'm sorry if my poem has a swear word, but it's my feelings.


Since you've been gone,

Laughter doesn't seem to work anymore

And for the depression,

It's like a sore thumb I just can't ignore


Since you've been gone,

My heart beats a different pace

And for the memories,

The memories bring tears to my face


Since you've been gone,

I reflect upon life and the rejection

I never understood why,

My mind dwells on this damn unanswered question?


Since you've been gone,

Smiling has never been this easy to fake

It forms new relationships, but I fear them,

It reminds me way too much of this burning heartache


Since you've been gone,

You never once looked back

I'm not sure how the heck you do it,

It's like nothing happened and everything's intact


Since you've been gone,

I've always felt like this, I'm not sure why

And although the void still remains,

I'm happy to let you be

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I glad you guys liked it and could relate to it. It's not made up or anything, so I found it quite easy to write. I highly doubt I could write another poem as I'm not exactly sure what else to write. But once again thanks. But I've been reading alot of poems here and I do enjoy them, sometimes it makes my heart feel all so heavy and I start to think about things again.

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