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Was wondering if any of you have been physically ill from your heartbreak???

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Hi all, Well I was just wondering if you have symptoms like nausea, stomach pain , headaches and just plain tired, no energy. Most of the time I feel like I'm losing my mind. I can't stop obsessing and doing the what ifs. I even have vivid dreams quite often..... I feel like this is taking over my life. I miss him soooo much and am so lonely. Plus I have guilt about ruining the relationship with my fiance. (No I did'nt cheat on him) I've been reading the posts on here for awhile now and they have helped a bit. I sure wish I had done the NC or LC at least. I've truly made an idiot out of myself. But I'll tell you this is the worst pain in the world. I wish I could fast forward my life, but I know I will always love him, he is my soulmate. Thanks for listening1

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Hey istillluvu06, yes I agree about that pain you feel physically. I couldn't get out of bed and would have a hard time eating. I would go the whole day without eating instead I would be biting my nails and think of "what ifs or could have beens". I would even have trouble walking, I felt like a baby learning to walk again, just stumbling and latching to things. One time I was driving in the rain crying and my car lost control, I ended up impacting another car, but luckily I just hit the tire rim! it was a miracle that the car I hit the girl did not get hurt and she didn't think about exchanging numbers since no harm was done to her car. From that moment I realize that life is fragile and precious and shouldn't be wasted on dwelling on someone that probably wouldn't have attended my funeral had I died that day. Sorry to tell you this but I figure that too much dwelling on the past will get to you somehow. You will get a wake up call sooner or later and realize to enjoy life for the moment.

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Definitely. A little seperation that wasn't even a break up ( but I was affraid of losing him ) sent me into a depression. I couldn't eat, slept very little, cried all the time.

You may have to force yourself to eat something bland. Cry when you need to. Call someone who will be patient and listen to your ramble on about lost love. Go on a nice long walk or get some excercise outdoors, It kept my mind off him temporarily. Long hot baths.

It's all normal. I felt like I was losing a piece of myself. I was scared. But I have a history with depression too.

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Yes! Have you every heard the term "heart-sick" before? There is a reason for it! Our physical state is very effected my our emotional state as the two are always connected.


Also, often with heartbreak people also stop taking care of themselves as much as they should.. Ever feel like not showering? Not eating or eating too much? Not getting out and just sitting around? None of these things will make YOU feel any better. I know it's hard but sometimes you just have to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and carry on.


Try doing something that you enjoy before bed.. Maybe tape your favorite show and watch it at a later time or read a book by your favorite author.. Something that you like and that will distract your thoughts.. These things, if they are the most prominent in your mind before you fall asleep may help you at night with your dreams. I remember myself how disturbing dreams of an ex can be.. And getting better sleep with help you feel better during the day too.


In time you will heal.. The pain will subside and eventually it will disappear. Look towards your future and know that love will enter your life again.

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it's been about 3 months since the breakup, but we have had way too much contact, so in a way I have not really begun the healing process cause I was in denial for so long. Another problem is that he says he will always love me and needs time to heal, wants to be friends, etc. My story is really long and complicated and I wanna post it but I just don't wanna rehash it all right now. We still have a few ties. He has the title to my car and the keys to the storage unit where all OUR stuff from our house is. He has the title to the car cause he bought it for me for Christmas and he just got around to notorizing it. I really think he was trying to hold on to small things for some reason. He says he can never trust me again with his heart, or anyone else for that matter. He says he forgives me but can't get past some of the stuff that I did to him, (being mean, irritable etc. I had alot of depressive problems and we went too fast in the beginning of our relationship)I keep praying that maybe someday he will be able to look past all of this. I am the first person he has ever truly loved and he's 37, and I feel the same about him. Thanks for all your kind words and support, I think I'm going to be posting on here alot more often as I'm going to need all the moral support I can get.....Thanks

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I lost 27 pounds and just about lost my appetite completely. This happened in a span of 2 1/2 months. I wanted to lose some weight anyway, even when I was happy, but I think I've lost too much and would like to put on about 10 pounds of muscle. I've started to get a complex because everyone keeps telling me how skinny I am like it's a bad thing.


I used to smoke a little during the day and thats increased to about a pack a day, which I consider as just an emotional crutch until I'm happy again. That and the depression is probably why I lost all the weight.


I never had a problem sleeping and had no problems going to bed, but when I wake up now in the early hours of the morning I can't go back to sleep, where as I never had a problem with that before. I even got on anti depressants.


Heart ache sucks and in my opinion emotional pain like a heart ache is 10 times worse than any physical pain. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

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With my last breakup, I stopped eating so much and would only eat a little each day. I was very broken up in the beginning and had no appetite. I ended up losing about 15 lbs. The anxiety and depression also caused problems with my asthma, not so good.


How do you mean problems with your astma (cause I have astma as well.. I think I only have hyperventilating more often)


I've had things like that as well. But I found out things would have been better if I continued my life as quickly as possible..

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Yeah it's like the whole NC thing. If I moved on or would have act that I've moved on and have 'a life' then I guess there would have been more chance that he came back.. at the moment HE is the one who has everything in his hands and who's making fun with girls and even tells me not to be this silly to feel sad

Maybe try to 'transform' your feelings in something a little bit positive like doing something with is for ex. writing poems and learn about yourself

And that you feel it so deep means you really love him and that it is true, so nothing bad about YOU!

I still keep feelings for him, feel love for him even now he's together with somebody else. But I don't want to hurt myself with it anymore, especially b/c I can't stand that girl and I don't feel myself less worth than her!!!! So it's not up te ME not express myself and not to be taken good care of. I want to keep healthy now. I hope I can get back with him but I won't force anything and keep myself at the background at this moment.

Maybe try to see things from the point of an outsider and objective, then you probably will see it's not (only) your fault what went wrong.

Good luck

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weight loss .. personally it was great for me since i am about 15-20lbs overweight!


i lost a good 10 lbs over 2/3 weeks when i was depressed over the breakup. i know my ex, who dumped me, lost some weight too ... i knew she was hurting too. not hurting as much as me, but i could see her poor physical and emotional state at the time.


a few months later, i started putting on weight just as quickly as i lost it! that's when i realized i was starting to move on ... slowly but surely we all move on.


hehehe, i need another break up soon !! lose those extra lbs...

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the icky thing is that i still have vivid dreams about the ex, not so much day dreams as i keep myself occupied with other potential romantic intersts ... but i do have dreams at night


just last night i dreamt of the ex, her mom, me and my mom .. chatting in an airport lounge about my ex's dad .. who is a doctor .. seemed like a nice family conversation ...


hmmm .. what's up with that?


ex-dreams please go away...

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in my case it was weight loss and hair loss, no sleeps for days, obsessed about the phone ringing in the middle of the night, no gettin out of bed, hated to brush, clean my room, ahh well....so ya it took a toll on me


I coped by cuttin all contact from my ex and concentratin on me each day lil more....and also that means strict no contact, i didn't see a future with this lady. Getting back wud have been cause of pure insecurity.


so its normal for anyone, hang in there cause its temporary and don't feel bad about yourself or this phase of your life ....cause life is very short for all this.

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Yep, stress and anxiety is amazing for weight loss. I lost 29 lbs, felt sick every time I thought about food, couldnt sleep, even now I only manage 3 or 4 hours a night (and that is with a sleeping tablet), was on anti depressants, cried all the time, couldn't concentrate on anything for more than two minutes. I felt i was dying, and every passing day I died a bit more.


Nearly 6 months on, things are a little better. Weight loss las levelled out, not on anti depressants anymore, can actually read a book or watch TV now, cry a little less, can speak openly about my feelings. Still cant sleep though, still have palpitations every time I see him, still take phones to bed with me every night "just incase", and still over analyse everything he says and does. It is better than it was though.


So, even though it feels terrible and takes such a long time for some people, it is completely normal. Chin up, you will get there in the end.

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in my case it was weight loss and hair loss, no sleeps for days, obsessed about the phone ringing in the middle of the night, no gettin out of bed, hated to brush, clean my room, ahh well....so ya it took a toll on me


I coped by cuttin all contact from my ex and concentratin on me each day lil more....and also that means strict no contact, i didn't see a future with this lady. Getting back wud have been cause of pure insecurity.


so its normal for anyone, hang in there cause its temporary and don't feel bad about yourself or this phase of your life ....cause life is very short for all this.


so maybe it IS the reason of my hairloss.. I lose it very easily (see one of my topics if you're interested). Did it came back or happened again and was it a loss in a specific area?


@ Renaissancewoman(101) Thanks for explaining, I understand and recognise from when I was a child. But now I take Seretide discus two times a day (kind of prevention agains astma attacks) and I almost never get an attack anymore (won't say that that stuff is healthy..)

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  • 2 months later...

I was looking for a thread like this so I guess I'll revive it, hehe.


It's been 7 weeks into my ex breaking up with me. Right now emotionally I am feeling better and in fact stronger, since I know myself better and than before the relationship.


However, currently I'm having the worst stomach upsets even though I am eating regulary and healthy. I'm frequently tired [to the point of nauseating fatigue], wake up late for school, and dream of her. I know I can't can't control these because they're probably because of the stress of the breakup and final exam week.


However, what I can do is stay healthy and active. I am grateful that I always kept myself in shape so I don't feel even worse or incur injuries/ sickness because of this.


So no matter what symptoms your experiencing now or whther you are or not in a relationship you WILL take care of yourself by:


1) Staying physically active [asides from work]: actually going out and exercising.


2) Eat multiple meals a day consisting of all the food groups even though your stomach is a mess and you may have diarrhea or be a lil' gassy. Though if it persists, seek medical help. Stress does cause gastro-intestinal problems, esp. when you grieve.


3) Sleep, even if you have to lie there with your eyes open. Meditate to empty your mind if it's torturing you.


4) Do things you love, whether it be volunteering, building models, driving, working on your business, exercise, music, reading, going out with or making new friends, spend time with family, camping, etc... Try not to sulk in your room 24/7 dwelling on something that is out of your hands. Devote that time and energy to your endeavours.




Heart ache sucks and in my opinion emotional pain like a heart ache is 10 times worse than any physical pain. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Your so right. Being in the battlefield with bullets flying passed your head or even getting hit with one of them probably hurts less. At least that ends it right then and there, or you have the chance to avoid it; you actually have some control. Whereares with heartache, there is an end, but you can't forecast it.

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Heh, total newbie here. Just wandering around.


Yeah, definitely been physically ill from a breakup. When my ex broke up with me, I would literally barf if I tried to eat or drink anything, and it was a challenge to keep down crackers and water. It was scary...I'd never felt anything like that before. Loss of appatite from stress, sure, but not like this. I think there was about 72 hours where I couldn't eat at all, then a couple weeks where I'd feel okay for a while then get sick again as soon as I started to think about things.

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Yep Koopa. You nailed all those symptoms.


I went through this 2.5 weeks ago when my GF initiated NC with me. I didn't eat anything at all for 3 days, and since then it has been minimal. There are days here and there where I get a ravenous hunger and will eat like normal, and then a few more days of no appetite and wanting to barf.


Sleep has also been affected. The first 4 nights or so I barely slept at all because she was in all my dreams. I would wake up thinking about her and not be able to go back to sleep the rest of the night. Thankfully, that has gotten a lot better.


On the bright side, my grocery budget and waist line have been very thankful for this break. I am down 10 lbs since the breakup, and have only been to the store once. Plus, if she ever does decide to come back, I'm gonna be all buff and she won't even recognize me.


So I guess there is always a silver lining if you look hard enough.

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On the bright side, my grocery budget and waist line have been very thankful for this break. I am down 10 lbs since the breakup, and have only been to the store once. Plus, if she ever does decide to come back, I'm gonna be all buff and she won't even recognize me.


So I guess there is always a silver lining if you look hard enough.


Hahaha damn straight. If only the diet industry would catch on - who needs pills and gyms when you can just date instead? Yeah, okay, I'm being bitter. But I had the weight loss as well, as well as saving money on the food I didn't buy, so after I recovered enough to have coherent thoughts, I was sitting there all like "HA, if I ever see her again, I look hot and she's totally going to notice and I hope she's got a big fat butt from smoking all that pot" and then I took the money I'd saved on food and bought myself some makeup, which made me feel even better. Yes, I can be a superficial twit sometimes. XP


And ARGH, don't even get me started on the dreams. Those are evil, evil EVIL things. Especially when some nights it's dreams about the ex (which just re-opens the wound as soon as you wake up), and other nights it's random scary dreams that don't relate to anything directly but just seem to be your brain's way of yelling at you for stressing it out.

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