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This is an age old question that will amybe never be answered definitively, but what are your views on religion, its sooooo confusing.


I dont go to church, did as a kid and my parents go etc etc, as we were brought up in a little working class village and the chursh being like a cebtral focus of the community etc, but now i dont go to church other than weddings funerals christenings.


But i feel a real love for god, i pray to him at home regularly and talk to 'him' like a friend (I know i sound nuts!), but i find it very comforting, i believe we go somewhere when we die, and i beelive in the forces of good and evil.


I also think that ll religions be it christianity, muslim, hinuism, etc etc are all real theyre all just different cultures interpretaions of the same thing.


But why does religion cause so muich pain so much death, so much suffering, almost every war etc, was/is based on religious issues. Tragically ironic.

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WOW! Loaded thread.....


We all have our own spiritual relationship views on God and that is the answer. A relationship with God. I'm a Christian and my beliefs are base not on religion but on following the word of Christ for my own well being. I don't preach, I let my actions speak; I don't judge, I let my God have the final say; I don't hate, I let the devil take care of that; and so on , and so on....


Being a member of a non-denominational church that interprets my belief base on the word than the single belief of some interpreter on a stage is what I enjoy from my faith. Of course we may be in the minority since we truly believe that we are all sinners and understand we're not perfect so thereforeeee understand human failings. It's a daily battle to make the right decission based on our betraying emotions we all feel. It's hard to do right. This is where a lot of people have an issue with spirituality versus religion. Sadly, I'd have to admit that religion is a perversion of spirituality.


As for all the world's religions trying to dominate each other, once again it's the perversion of religion. I feel that there wouldn't be any wars if all faiths followed the true teaching of peace and cooperation.

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WOHA now that was a loaded thread, thanks.


What do you think about sins though, ive sinned (infidelity) thats the reason why i joined this site yesterday for some guidance and help etc,


Do you think ill go to hell for what ive done? Ive wanted to talk to a priest about this for a long time but havent, im sure its not as clear cut as yes or no but im trying to make things better, and im generally a good person compassionate etc etc.

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Look, we all sin. Let me give you an example. I don't believe in premarritual sex, yet I've been dealing with the issue of sleeping with some one I dated last year. It was a tough thing to reconcile with my disapointment in me, but after a lot of prayer and reflection of how i backslid I was able to remember that God loves me and thereforeeee forgives me for what I did as long as I acknowledge the sinful deed. I repented and continue to stugle with this sex issue as a man full of testastorone. Remember the prodical son, if we truly repent and forgive our sins than God will accept our forgiveness.

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If everyone who has done wrong goes to hell, heaven's population would be . . . . zero.


There are very compelling arguments AGAINST God. For example, The Paradox of The Stone:


"Is it possible for a God to create a stone too heavy for him to lift?"


This shows you that believing in a God who can do anything is somewhat dodgy. After all, if he CAN create that stone, he CAN'T lift it, so thereforeeee cannot be omnipotent.


In addition, can God do the logically impossible? In other words, if God can do anything, could he make a round circle? If he can't, is logic more powerful than God?


Then again, some people would argue that such questions are irrelevant and God cannot be judged in our terms, ie he/she/it is beyond our understanding. Some say God should not be anthromorphised (sp), but seen as a divine, unfathomable, overruling presense which we cannot know of lest our minds be blown.


I personally believe, as someone studying Religion formally, that a man known as Jesus certainly did exist historically and that by following his messages/teachings (even though they are virtually all recorded as metaphors in the Bible which many people grossly misinterpret) we can indeed be "saved" - from misery - HERE, on this earth. The afterlife seems almost irrelevant - what can you do about it anyway? - but Jesus gave us teachings to abide by right now, so that we may improve our lives and those around us.


Mostly, if not all of these issues are down to opinion and interpretation though. It's up to you. Attempt to carve your own image of God, and be content.

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I separate religion and faith, I see them as two completely different things.


I do not need a church to tell me how I *should* feel.


I believe in God, I have my own personal relationship with Him and I know 100% he is there for me, even when he tests me.


I don't need man's view of God rammed down my throat at church. If other people enjoy going then that is great, however God know's why I don't go and God know's that i'm sincere in my reasoning.

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This thred could get all out of shape so befor it dos ill add my small bit


OK im a Taoist which means I have faith in the tao which is only and word that tryes to hold in it meaning beyound logic.


What i found is the you can not use Logic on faith and use faith on logic.

Its like compearing sight and sound.


Whats the sound of RED?


See what I mean, Your fiath is your belief not mine, for each and every one of us it differs and each carrys his and hers own god.


What we need to ask is did god make in its image or did we make it in ours.

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I am a christian. I attend church because I need it. I need it for my continued spiritual growth. My walk with god is a personal one and has gotten me through many things in my life.


I have had times where I have been angry at what has happened, and doubted things. But its a constant struggle to seek more and to learn more. To become a better person.

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Do you think ill go to hell for what ive done? Ive wanted to talk to a priest about this for a long time but havent, im sure its not as clear cut as yes or no but im trying to make things better, and im generally a good person compassionate etc etc.[/Quote]


No, I dont. If you talk to god just like your best friend. Tell him you are sorry for what you have done and ask for help and strenght to stop this. Do so with an open heart and belief that it will be answered, and it will be answered. None of us are perfect.

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I don't believe in Christianity, ergo I am not a Christian.


For that matter I don't believe in any religion.


However, I do believe that there is a perfect and omnipotent force that created the universe...


God invented man. Man invented religion.


I subscribe to the ideology of AntiLove Superstar regarding this issue...


I think religion, in and of itself, is just mankind attempting to figure out his origins. However, with science we are more advance and know, on some Darwinian level, where we began--as far as Earth is concerned--thanks to fossils, carbon dating, and all of that good stuff...


I used to be a dyed in the wool evangelical Christian; but, The Bible is no longer relevant to my life in the sense of needing a belief...


1.) I don't believe humanity needs a savior...


2.) I don't believe that humans are inately evil or "born in sin and shaped in iniquity"


3.) And I don't believe that everybody who doesn't believe in a particular dogma is going to burn in hell...


I believe men can be evil. But I also believe men can be good.


Furthermore, I believe that GOD is bigger than any religion or set of rules...


Religion causes pain and death because it is about territory. People create their religions so that they can gather together those of like minds to fight against each other to ascertain god knows(pun intended) what...

Sorta of like the Israelis and Palestinians. What are they fighting over? Territory.


Man, even in his complexity, is base level creature.


As it is I believe in an after life of eternal peace. I believe so because I want to see the people I adore for all eternity...

But if all there is is oblivion that wouldn't be so bad either...

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Religeon to me is only about control. I often wonder what is the point of our own existence and what makes us all individual, is it the soul?


The thing is not to let someone tell you what you believe. It's to follow your heart and educate yourself. It's not important to pick a religeon, it is important to have faith in something.


Get educated and put your faith in something. I'm not into any religeon, but yet I'm catholic. I never go to church, but believe in god.


I just can't believe in rules that some other person wrote though, I can put my faith into what I believe God is. If there is a god though, I believe god is love.


We all have love inside us, so I guess you could say there is a little bit of god in all of us.


I say, the best thing for you is to get educated and make your own decision about faith, don't let someone else tell you what to believe in.

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I would like to add, take special note in how the people that say talk about God always refer to god as a MAN. They refer to god as "him" and "he".


As if god can't god be female. If god was even a sex, it would probably be closer to female in my opinion. It's just an observation I make when people claim to be not religeous then refer to god as a man.


Woman actually embody the essense of what god really is. A creator.


Woman give birth to life, life is created in them. Similar to what we believe god is, a creator. It's just rediculous to give god a sex.

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I think religion has a few components which make this a difficult and almost pointless thing to try and talk about- there's no resolution and it should be a personal thing. But I want to try anyway- because its 3am here and I cant sleep.


I think God is important. I think a big problem with Western (dare I say American?) culture is an overwhelming individualism which helps in some ways- but stops us from achieving so much. How can you be humble and productive if you're walking around thinking you're your own God- when that's so obviously not the case. You could die at any moment- lose everything, be beaten down by someone stronger. God helps us to be small- creating something bigger gives us something to work for- and a respect for each other. Thats why Alchoholics benefit from a higher power. Because what right do you have to damage yourself when you are subject to something greater. God complex causes selfdestruction- so the separation of God from yourself is healthly


What that "God" maybe is for you to decide. Some people believe in pick n mix spirituality- but often I think thats a symptom of the God complex and not being willing to accept weakness. Because if you can design your own spirituality doesnt that make you God?


On the other hand- there are so many different flavors of what is essentially the same thing. So you have many to choose from- and in the end it's simply what works for you. So as long as your not going for some watered down version to fit in with your busy godlike schedule then its healthy right?


Religion often comes to those who suddenly experience their mortality. Because the knowledge of your own death is terrifying and its helpful to know that life is meant to be a certain way- that there is some reason.


And really what could explain all this? If we dont know we build a working idea- and then we back that up and support it- and we need that consensus.


I dont think its ok to smoke in a restaurant. But even 30 years ago to complain about it would be ridiculous. Things change- but the way of ideas remain the same-


we try to fit things into our world- and sometimes that becomes so certain for us and that we would do anything.


We have a history of religious conquest and wars by two main religions because Kings power came from God they believed- so they had to be the best- and that meant beating others. And getting as much as possible. That's what happens when you think you're God on earth- that's why we deal with selfish blind people every day. Because people have no godliness and no grace- no sense of their ridiculous smallness.


I don't believe in any kind of god. I think essentially religions have a lot to say- if you study them. But like with anything- deciding for other people, or letting other people decide for you, just leads to your own spiritual death.


The world speaks to me- by telling me whats right for me. I dont know if thats just my voice inside my head but when I listen to it the world spins more smoothly.


Religion causes pain when people start to think something is wrong with the way things are and try to change them- force themselves and everyone else upstream.


I say go outside and look at some water now. See how nothing stops its path. It always finds a way and everything in its path suffers. When you try and control it, it doesnt stop, even if you think you have- the river is playing the long game and will still be flowing lonng after you've gone. What right do you have to try to change its course- or even not accept its superiority.


I reckons ........ strange paradox of an arrogant rant about arrogance.

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Happytown, ironically, America is a VERY religious country, moreso than any other at anytime in history.

But I might disagree on your second point. Why do you need to believe in god in order to have the natural drive for self preservation?


Maybe you might want to quit alcohol because you have family, friends, and loved ones that you want to live for. Perhaps you have other motivations besides addiction?

Getting well is not only motivated by the potential threat of eternal damnation...


What if there is actually nothing? What if there is just oblivion after you die? That is always a possibility and another reason a person--who does not believe--would live his or her life to the fullest right now.


I agree with your whole post for the most part.

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Happytown, ironically, America is a VERY religious country, moreso than any other at anytime in history.

But I might disagree on your second point. Why do you need to believe in god in order to have the natural drive for self preservation?


I know what you mean Foxlocke but I'd say there is a great difference between organised Religiousness- which helps to alleviate the ache of powerlessness in a culture based on having everything by offering God as a reason for your smallness (and explains why those with the least are the most religious)- and gracefulness and godliness- which involves an awareness of the greatness of your surroundings and your place in them. I'm using the word "God" because if I say "world spirit" or something even more hippyish I'll feel stupid. And I think God is a better word.


I think you need that to live a healthly life because if you believe it's inside you- if you're responsible for keeping everything the way you want it- then you make yourself miserable trying to control everything. That doesnt mean you have to believe in the "the will of god"- just simply you arent responsible for everything in your life- there are some major things you can do nothing about. And accepting those makes you less angry and less guilty and less confused.



Obviously I come from somewhere where religion isnt so in your face. And so my ideas are completely different. I've seen enough about American religiousness to to see how stressful it must be if you're surrounded by something you dont want to buy into.

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