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ok, my bf won't talk to me. and has not talked to me for over two months. we got onto a HUGE fight the end of june. it was his fault because he cheated on me. i tried calling him to talk things thru but he won't answer or call me back. my friends say i need to give it more time and he never said we were broke up. so they think were not. i think when a guy doesn't answer your phone calls for two months it means he is done. should i move on?

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"it was his fault because he cheated on me."


May I ask why are you trying to patch things up with a man whom cheated on you? I would hope HE would be the one doing that, not the other way around. Cheating is a dealbreaker for me. Why have not you broken it off? You deserve better, don't you think?

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Yes. Move on.


Two months? That is both selfish and immature. He could at least let you know it's over or something if he doesn't want to talk to you anymore.


He cheated on you and now he's trying to play the victim here.


Don't even try to contact him anymore. He's not worth it.

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