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Quick input wud be appreciated!!!

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I know I have been quite for quiet some time, but would just drop by to read other posts. I need input on my latest "developments".


I would like mostly the sistas to share their views with me.

I have just sent an sms to my ex (16/08). It goes thus, "I'm listening to "Kenny&Chante's album " and reading their life story. Thanx 4 great memories!!!


Just to put things into perspective: I know that she's been trying to contact me but in vain, the reason being my mobile is always off - just they way I prefer it. I've gotten a couple of sms' from her - and I know that she tried calling me cos she told me so.

About two months ago one Sunday morning I get an sms from her saying "Wilson is playing Kenny&Chante and it brought memories". (Wislon is one South African DJ). I did not know what to make of the message as I was not sure what memories those are. You see Kenny&Chante came to SA last year and we attended that concert and drove for six hours after that to see my family - to introduce her.

She has recently sent another sms asking where I'm hiding and hoping I'm well. I ignored all of these until last weekend. I called her and she sounded pleased to hear from me. It was a brief friendly call. She says she was wondering if she had said or done something for me to keep my distance - (like duh just read through my posts to know where I come from). Sher told me that my phone was always off - that's how I know she tried to contact me.

She promised to email me...but hasn't. So on Monday morning I sent her this message: "Here's to a beautiful day ahead of you". I'm not sure if she tried to respond because I since lost my mobile.


One of the reasons I sent her today's sms is because somehow I know that I'm ready to meet her, either just for a friendly or anything that goes.

However, I must emphasise that I have my feelings in check.


What's do you make of this guys?

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Id prefer real contact over virtual contact.


i don't know what your up to but if you don't want to be contacted don't have a mobile in the first place, that thing makes no sense this way, also you have to be clear , do you want to be with her or do you not want to be with her. Its not nice being left out in the dark, not knowing wether someone is interested in you or not. It be nice for her if she knew what your stance is, that way she can either engage or move on with her life.

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Thanks for your input robowarrior.


Believe you me I want to meet her in person and get this over and done with. However I'm reluctant to be the one to initiate a possible meeting. I don't want her to have a "position of power" over me. I'm of the thinking that since she's the one who initiated the "break" - then she should be the one to suggest in bold words that we meet. I'm not about to fix what I didn't break.


For now her messages are not clear.


I would love to be with her but until she initiates that process it will be a question of let's wait and see.


What do you think?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot read your previous posts as the page comes up with an error.

so from what you've written here I would suggest being friends for now and seeing where that leads, maybe just friends is good, it sounds as though you would both like that. Hope this helps a bit, considering I don't know the full history about it all.

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