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What's so wrong with interracial dating?

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I went to this payed group discussion today(65 bills in my pocket) that talked about interracial dating. We got heavy into asian women/men being the most closed when it comes to dating outside their race. There were two asian people(women) there that said that their parents are extremely strict on who they should date/be friends with/marry. I see asian women all the time that seem interested in me, but I don't pursue because I keep thinking I'm not going to get anywhere(I'm black). They sometimes would be with an asian male and for some strange reason they look as if they don't want to be with them. Is it an insecurity issue? I mean I live in america where there are people of all different flavors. Why is interracial dating considered taboo?

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Good question. I have no freaking idea. It's just the COLOR OF YOUR SKIN. Big deal!!!! There's more to someone than skin color.


I think that maybe the parents care because of what their grandkids will look like? I know, it's sick. I really don't have an answer to this though.


As long as you LOVE that person, nothing else matters. YOU are the one loving him... YOU are the one who will spend your life with him... no one else.

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Well actually its all about the parents wanting the best for their children. The parents have this idea that if they dont marry within their own race they will have problems with differnces, for example, what languages should the kids learn, what culture should they follow, what religon they follow, how their lifestyle is etc. I know these things becuase my parents want me to marry within my race, however they know its my choice in the end.


Its all about culture.


Oh and I forgot to add... love isnt the answer to everything, marriage aint all about love, you need much more then love to make a marriage/relationship work.

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I'm full-blooded Asian and it's cultural. Most Asian parents want their kids to date within their own race mainly because of cultural issues. My mother would rather I date other Asians because they would understand our way of doing things and understanding issues. Doesn't mean that I listen to her. I mostly date white guys. But, listening to my mom and her friends (all old school Asians), they rather prefer that their kids date other Asians.

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My dad is extremely racist and I absolutely hate it. I yell at him atleast 10 or more times a day for saying racial slurrs infront of my nephew and I will not put up with it in front of my son.


In America, a lot of people in their 50's and older were raised in the time when it wasn't accepted to be with other races and sometimes even be friends with them but in these days, theres nothing wrong with it.


I don't see why some people just can't be more understanding or atleast keep their mouths shut about it.

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Hmm, I guess, but theres more than that, parents want to preserve their culture and nationality. For example I know a few nationalities which have lost their country however they have maintained their culture.


Oh yeah I forgot about but I had heard that mixing nationality actually is beneficially to humans in general, because it gives them strenghts from each nationality or something. I can't remember where I heard this though.

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You all know my story..... The girl that was crazy about me said that she will "only marry a Jew or atleast a Catholic Christian". I am an Indian (Hindu) and she is a Jewish American. I felt like crap when she said that... I even had to pinch myself to check whether I am in the USA or in a small village in India. What is the use of wanting to be with me so much? By the end of the day she gets back to her cave and starts her Jew hunt. She has now registered in link removed (jewish dating site) and seriously hunting for a Jewish guy.... I truly thought that in America personality and character will have more importance... but when I heard this religion thing from her I just lost it all....

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You all know my story..... The girl that was crazy about me said that she will "only marry a Jew or atleast a Catholic Christian". I am an Indian (Hindu) and she is a Jewish American. I felt like crap when she said that... I even had to pinch myself to check whether I am in the USA or in a small village in India. What is the use of wanting to be with me so much? By the end of the day she gets back to her cave and starts her Jew hunt. She has now registered in link removed (jewish dating site) and seriously hunting for a Jewish guy.... I truly thought that in America personality and character will have more importance... but when I heard this religion thing from her I just lost it all....


See this is the stuff that makes me mad about religions, I mean I know some mean well but why do they think that just because you share the same beliefs mean that you will get a long well enough to date/marry? I have the same problem my dad had the same problem and my grandmother had the same problem. I do get invloved in my religion as it is uplifting in some ways but I could never considered the people around my age who go there date-able as they are very disrepectful and lack courtsey towards other peers (such as myself) and they also seem like social bigots sometimes. And they judge. I geuss I also need to stop judging by the people but by what a religion teaches so thats why I continue to study it. I am much better with people who have the same basic out look on life as me and just want to enjoy it. So now I like somone who does not "share my beliefs" and I know somethings eventually is going to go down because we like each other. At least my parents don't care, they may be slightly disappointed but whatever.

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I remember reading an article in a music magazine about the R&B artist Amerie. She's black and asian. From what I read she speaks both languages, is very talented, intelligent and proud of who she is. I bet if she was around asian people she would get along just fine.....until she tells them she's bi-racial.


I think being so worried that someone won't understand your family customs because of their race is wrong. My mother wouldn't care if I was with a white/asian/latin women. Just as long as she has a good head on her shoulders.


"I be checking out mommies in the streets, malls and theatre lobbies/

loving the asian and caucasian girls with the black girl's bodies/

and the beautify black and latin ones knock me out like Muhammad Ali/"

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i agree that it is stupid for people to make such a big deal of interracial dating. i'm a ful asian, and right now i'm into a girl who's part mexican and part white. i really don't care what race they are as they have a good personality and we like each other. and if my parents say something about it, i dont care b/c its my life and not there's. there are actually many people in japan who are part asian and part black.

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Oh yeah I forgot about but I had heard that mixing nationality actually is beneficially to humans in general, because it gives them strenghts from each nationality or something. I can't remember where I heard this though.


Yeh, well tell that to people who have lived their lives believing that its wrong to marry to someone outside their own nationality. Its not that easy to change peoples views, which is a big shame.

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The only problem I have with interracial dating is if people do it for reasons other than love. I see lots of black guys dating white women, but I don't see lots of white guys dating black women. Why is that? Are white guys afraid of black women and is it some kind of status symbol for black guys to be dating white women? Do white women just want to anger their parents by dating a black man? It seems like a trend out there, and I am wondering if other people see it.

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