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I have been awarded joint custody

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She really did not want to sign the agreement. It meant she was giving up some of her control. After I mentioned that I was paying for everything so far and that it would cost her several hundred dollars to fight for an agreement neither of us would like as much, she grudgingly agreed. I have not and will not use my son as a weapon against her but the look on her face when she was signing the agreement in front of the notary was priceless.


Now the agreement is signed and stamped. My lawyer has a copy, I have a copy, and I will give my ex her copy next time I see her. It is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. The agreement is lengthy but rest assured it is fair and honest. It also works both ways.


The bond I have with my son is now protected.

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Awesome! I'm glad you two were able to come to an agreement that works in the best interest of the child. Those are always happy stories, even if both sides don't get exactly everything their own way.


Now go be an awesome dad.

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