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What was your best kiss like?

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I was 21 when I had my first and best kiss ever. Yeah I know I was old. It was worth the wait though. I was 13 when I fell for my best friend and we went all though high school and we never dated. We never so much as hugged. He was my soulmate though. He understood me in so many ways. Everyone kept pressuring us to date, but we never did. I did date one boy in HS, and when Erik found out he was furious. The boy I "dated" was nice but not someone who I wanted to lock lips with. Basically, he just called me his gf.


Anyhow, I was 21 before I got the nerve up tp tell Erik how I felt. A lot had happened to us and we older and had changed a lot, but I knew I had to tell him how I felt. He was surprised, and before I left, as I was walking out the door, he called me and said, I want the one thing from you that I never got when we were friends. I said what is that, and he said, a hug. I melted so hard. When I got into the car, I lost it.My friend Wendy thought it had all gone wrong, but when I told her she cried too!


We went out on our first date, and at the end of the night he drove me almost home (this was funny cause my car was at his house), so he drove to his house, and he walked me almost to my car door and we held hands and hugged. The next thing I knew, he picked me up and spun me around and set me down by my car door and gave me the sweetest kiss I have ever had. It was amazing. The relationship didnt last, but he gave me the most awesome memory and I will cherish it for forever.

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Yeah I was lucky. I still miss the guy. We never talk or see each other, which is funny considering we used to live only blocks away. He came and was a pallbearer at my dads funeral. That was one of the last times I saw him. I last saw him the day he moved to Florida. I gave him a big hug before he left. Rumor has it he is back now, but I havent seen him. Its funny I know if I saw him my heart would stop, and I would want to vomit. Its strange how he still effects me that way, and to think I was only 13 when I fell for him. I guess he will always be a what might have been.

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My first kiss with my sweetie. And he was sneaky about it too


Our first date was playing pool, and we had some friendly bets. He put a bet on the table that if he won, he would get a kiss...of course I readily accepted being into him and all, knowing he would win since he was kicking my butt so far.


Alas, that was the game he LOST! So, no kiss could be given on principle.....but we were sitting down later having a beer at one of the tables and he leaned in near, I turned to look at him and he surprised me with a sweet, sensual lip lock that knocked my boots off. Ahhhh.....and the rest is history (and present and future!).


As cheesy as it sounds, I knew from that moment this guy was "it". It wasn't about "how it was done", it was about the moment, the power, and the intense knowing behind it all....

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Yeah I was lucky. I still miss the guy. We never talk or see each other, which is funny considering we used to live only blocks away. He came and was a pallbearer at my dads funeral. That was one of the last times I saw him. I last saw him the day he moved to Florida. I gave him a big hug before he left. Rumor has it he is back now, but I havent seen him. Its funny I know if I saw him my heart would stop, and I would want to vomit. Its strange how he still effects me that way, and to think I was only 13 when I fell for him. I guess he will always be a what might have been.


That's what I was afraid of. I had a HUGE crush on my best friend my entire freshman year and then that summer I went through the problems with Ian and my parents and he was the one I turned to. He became my best friend and everyone (including my parents and his) told us we should just become a couple. I knew that if we did and it ended bad, I'd lose the best friendship I've ever had. To this day, I'm glad I never did date him because he's still my best friend and here I am, engaged to Ian. I guess everything worked out.

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I've had alot of good kisses. A few stand out though...


I went out with this boy when I was 13. We met on a church trip and by the end of the day, we were practically an item. We ended up kissing for hours (the youth pastor let us go off on our own...being trustworthy and all..lol). In the rain, on rides, on benches, in the grass under the stars, in the back of the church van...yeah...the whole night was like...one amazing kiss after another.


There was this guy who went to my high school and he was gorgeous...absolutely physically perfect, imo. Anyway, we were both cutting class one day, and ran into eachother. We walked around for awhile, and I told him I liked him, and asked him out. He said he really wasn't ready for a gf yet and we walked around for alittle while more and I brought up the idea of friends with benefits. We discussed this some, and stopped walking. He sorta pushed me against the wall (gently), and kissed me...oh. my. god. He was amazingly good at it.


Good times. I haven't seen either of those boys in years.

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My best kiss was with a guy friend,I was hiding out from the world.He didnt have to say anything it was like a magnetism like something trying to bring us together and something pulling us apart.It literally took my breath away,I remember being dizzy and having a sense of calm overcome me.

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Hmm... is it normal that my best kiss was not with my current boyfriend??? My best kiss was my first kiss. A guy I spent months trying to get. When he kissed me it wasn't night time, we weren't drunk, and I was totally not expecting it. My entire body must have tingled, my lips felt different afterwards, I felt different: I had just had my first kiss. At 16, was amazing!

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ok, my best kiss well i've had a few, my best one's, my fave best is the one with my current bf NDG, it was really soft, and cute and cuddly, and i practically melted it was sooo good.

2nd was with someone i had a fling with, it was a fastish pasionate kiss, with loads of random busts of laughter between it.

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My best kiss was my first kiss with my wife. We had just started dating and were lying on the bed together watching a movie. I put my arm around her and she pounced on me. "I want you", she said. She proceeded to plant one on me, and it was the best feeling. That was actually the first time I really kissed a girl long and hard on the lips. I'll never forget it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used to think the best kiss I'd experience would come from a guy I was embarrassingly and foolishly in love with....until I went overseas for some months and dated a guy there. We had problems with communication since we couldn't speak each other's languages but kissing him was amazing. I primarily have to feel a sort of connection or something nearing loev for me to kiss decently but with him that waas definetly not a requirement.

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my best kiss is with my current boyfriend jack. we went out after my shift at the pub and we went for a walk. we went back to his place where we had a heavy kissing session which seemed to last forever.


some were small pecks and some just full french kisses. he is absolutely amazing. his kisses take my breath away every time.

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My best kiss would have to be my first kiss with my current boyfriend.



I told him I had wanted to kiss him a few times before, but I had been too shy to do it. He thought that was cute and jokingly teased me about it. He also knew I had never kissed a guy or even been kissed before.


A couple days later, we went to the drive in. Because neither of us could drive yet, his mom had to take us. During the movie we cuddled up in the back of the car under a blanket. It all felt so perfect and wonderful.


So when he least expected it, so I could surprise him, I turned my head and kissed him very lightly on the lips a few times. He responded almost immediately. After a few tender kisses, I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and I did it back, which led into some very passionate french kissing.


The funny part was his mom was right in the front seat haha. But she never even noticed. I was really worried about that.


I often think back to that night, which always makes me smile.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the one i can remember best, that was pretty dang good...yesterday my boyfriend brought me home from school, i had on a collar and leash(lets just say i was feeling really horny and was trying to make him feel the same, it worked) and he grabbed the leash, pulled me towards him and we kissed softly for a while(he wasnt extremely horny yet) and then we messed around for a while, i teased him alot, and he kissed me(so i couldnt lick/suck on his neck any more) and it was just soo full of lust, it was wonderful. but any kiss with him is feels wonderful...

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  • 1 month later...

My boyfriend and I had been friends for about a year.. he lives a couple of hours away and I hadn't seen him in months. We had talked about maybe becoming something more. Well, he picked me up and had to stop for gas. He came around to my side, opened the door, gently grabbed my face and kissed me so gently, yet so deeply. I've never felt "sparks" or "butterflies" like that....I still get them when thinking about it.

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My boyfriend and I had been friends for about a year.. he lives a couple of hours away and I hadn't seen him in months. We had talked about maybe becoming something more. Well, he picked me up and had to stop for gas. He came around to my side, opened the door, gently grabbed my face and kissed me so gently, yet so deeply. I've never felt "sparks" or "butterflies" like that....I still get them when thinking about it.


Aww thats so sweet

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I think the best kiss I've had was a few months ago when my boyfriend and I were standing in his lounge and holding each other very close and tightly and bam it happened, it was romantic and long and it took my breath away, I felt butterflies and love and everything bunch up in my tummy when we shared that kiss, afterwards I was on a naturally happy high all day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My best kiss (not that i'm overally experienced) was with my bf now. We were sitting down at the train station and he was waiting with him. I was laying on him a bit and i felt so safe. Then my train came so i got up and said i better go and went to walk away, but he grabbed my hand spun me round and held me while he kissed me. It was perfect!

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  • 7 months later...

I am 14 and my best kiss was in my bf basements we went down there to watch some tv, and i told him i was cold, and he put his arm around me and leaned in, of course, that didnt make me warmer lol, but, it was really cute, and we have kissed before but not like, intimatly, and, when he wants to kiss me, i have noticed he leans in close to my face, so, i looked to make sure no one was watching from the stairs, and i turned back and, we started french kissing, and it was the most intimate kiss, we were holding eachother really close, and it was so adventerous and mischivious, it was by far my best kiss.

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My first and best kiss was really beautiful although the immediate aftermath was...... hmm I'd been at a friends house since about 10am cos her parents were out and we were gonna have a dvd marathon. So we'd been lying on her sofa all day cuddling with her lying on my chest We were both really nervous and then i when she looked up at me i brushed the hair away from her face and we just kissed really slowly and sensually as i ran my hands through her hair...woah gettin turned on here!....errr yeah so anyway once we'd kissed like that for about a hour i had to leave. So we were at her door and had another really beautiful kiss....here's the bit where u need a black sense of humour She closes the door behind me and i swagger off up her drive quite chuffed with myself... I crossed the road outside her house and got run over by a pickup truck...ouch. Anyhow i was semi-ok but had to stay in hospital overnite and we'll say that i needed planty of kisses to recouperate

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