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Hey Guys,



Today I was working at my store when I was approached by this guy. His excuse was to talk to me by asking me for the price of these files. Anyway from there he started talking to me about my background, school, hobbies, he talked about his family and how he has a sister and parents are back home. Whenever my supervisor would come or if someone entered the asile he would automatically leave. Like he knew what he was doing...and we ended up chatting for about an hour and half...not sure exactly. Then he gave me his number and said I should call him and hes like if you want I can visit you tomorrow too.


After he left I felt kinda happy to have had a conversation but I am not sure whether I should call him or not. I mean I have gotten out of a bad relationship and I am not sure if I am ready to even pursue a friendship with any guy...what do you guys think?

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Yea, why not if you're interest go for it. Guys like girls who know what they want, are direct, and aren't like Cinderella waiting for the prince knocking on their door. If you like him and yet show no interest and keep waiting for him to display it to you, he'll walk away and you'll be left alone.

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But...i dunno...lol I am just looking for excuses to hide in the corner. I am a pretty girl and I know that somewhere deep down inside me. I know I am capable of loving someone but I dont want to waste it on anyone ...the pain lasts too long...

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I agree, don't over analyze at this point. if he calls and asks you out, just focus on having a nice date, not anything more. don't get freaked out, he just said hi, it's not like he asked you to marry him or anything. maybe he doesn't even want a relationship.

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Well the age differences is understandable, you're still in schoola nd obviously not ready to get marriage, not even to commit at this point. Make sure to set your boundaries if anything goes off hand and inform him you just liek the idea of dating, but that your plan isn't to commit yet.

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