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Letters to our ex's

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Dear ex


I can't believe I still want you back. But the thing is, if I got you back, I'd dump you right away. I hate the person that you have become. I don't know how you changed so much in just 6 weeks, but you did, and I hate what you have become. Maybe you changed yourself for me, and after two years of faking it you couldnt help but go back to being the dumb * * * * party girl who everyone has a turn with but only after they have enough drinks because only a complete drunk * * * would want to sleep with someone as fat as you. You crave attention, you will do anything for it, and now that anything includes sleeping with anyone who is willing to pull their * * * * out of their pants. You want to know the real reason I am starting NC? Because I NEVER want to talk to you again. I will be better off for it. You are a loser, you have always been a loser, the only time you were accomplishing anything with your life was when you were trying to live up to MY standards. You will forever work at that grocery store, that is ofcourse unless you keep on "sleeping in" or forgetting that you are scheduled to work. Then you will probably find some other minimum wage paying job because that is all you are smart enough to do. Even our ex roommate who is a complete * * * * * is doing better than you in life, thats a sad thought. You would always laugh at her because you knew how unhappy she was, even though she put the facade of being happy on, guess what? Now that is YOU. * * * * and Alchohol can only keep you happy for so long. I hate you with all my being and am glad that I will never speak to you again.




someone who deserves much better

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dear ex,


I am sorry that I did not love myself enough to believe that maybe you had real feelings and that I was being careless with yours and my feelings.


I am human, I am not a robot. I cant do this anymore. I want to feel love.

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dear ex,

how did I turn so cold and careless. when did I kill all of my passions and why do I hide from them? Why cant I depend on people to come through for me? Why do I feel so alone when I am surrounded by my friends and my family? Why do I feel so scared and unloved? Why do I feel this way?

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dear ex,

why did you tell me that it was not possible to fall in love with me. why did you make me feel like I was not human and that I did not have a heart? why did you let me leave your life so easily? why did you tell me to go for it? what exactly do you think I should be looking for?

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Dear ex,


Thank you. If it wasn't for this experience, I would have never experienced pain for loss for the first time in my life. You did me a favor taking me away from your sociopathic family, your brother, HIS fat gf and, most of all, you. I also see the value in valuing myself now because of the act you committed. You don't value yourself by the way things seem from my point of view... but thank you. I am through(at least at this moment) being bitter about this. I'm through crying and pining for you(until the next time I feel the pain of not having you around). I through... needing to think that I NEED you around, when you very well held me back.


I still think you made a fool of me. I'm still angry you chose not to work on things. But I am glad I said "NO" to your fat, sociopathic, selfish * * *. I hope... to hell... that I never hear, see or every speak of you again.


Really needing this to be over,


The Red Mage

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Dear ex,


Come to think of it, we were not made for each other. You were to seclusive from people in general, which cause damage to me. Being with you made me feel alone... or at least when you were not around. I'm sorry but the unhealthy closeness to your family was hard for me to accept, you were too needy and you had no feelings of care or friendship for me.


I am glad we are not even friends. And now I have a sick feeling in my stomache(might be the junk food). I hope nothing good comes your way(sorry for the spite) and I'm kicking myself for trusting and loving you. I hope you have forgotten me and I am forgetting about you.

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Dear HWB,

I havent felt down like this in a couple of days. But today I did. I heard you were out of town , i am sure you had fun. I went on a date last night. He was very handsome , and very into me. I froze when he put his hand on my back , i felt like i was cheating on you. Is that how you felt?

I still cant believe after everything you did and said to me , not to mention breaking up with me , i still think about you and cry. More like SOB. but i guess its only been almost a month now - i just a little more time.

I do miss you - but i know that i want to be with a man who is crazy about me. Thats it - plain and simple - crazy about me.

You were not.

I was crazy about you.

I guess this is all a learning expierence , you know like one door closes another opens , but its tough. Maybe its the routine we had. I am sure i miss the routine. I miss the trips you took me on.

I am realizing that by me missing these things - maybe it wasnt true love afterall.

Maybe , honestly , it wasnt true love.

Anyway , I havent written you in awhile. And like i said i was feelin a little down.

Good news is - i dont really feel angry anymore.

Maybe this is acceptance or something.

Take care ,


PS. I still think i was the hottest chick you will ever get. LOL!

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Dear ex,


I think less and less of you each day (day 61 NC). I realize that even if I would have done more, it still woudn't be enough. How can you have unrealistic idea of what a relationship is. How can you ask me all those things to me and put that much pressure on me, then wonder why I became distant...


Bye bye my first love!

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I thought you were special, and the best guy that ever happened in my life, but after all those harsh criticism and cold breakup and "we are not right for each other", I realize that you are just a guy who's haunted by your past and insecurity.


I miss you a lot. But I will move on. I gave up some part of myself when i was with you, and now I am picking it up. I believe i will be a better person after this.


Memories will fade, and we will be strangers. If one day i come accross your mind, i hope you will be thinking of me fondly, because that's what i will do--

I never hate you, nor would I resent you.


I hope you can find your happiniess (after i find mine, of course).



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i thought i was over you and for a while i was, but you entered my mind again and i started missing you again. i dont know when this will end but if i can be over you for a brief period, then there is hope that i will be over you - for good. i felt like i had lost a part of myself when we split up - you were a special part of my life and even though you treated me badly, a part of me will always love you.

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I think about you every hour every day, You will never know how much you mean to me and you will never know how much I've changed since we broke up. Thats why I love you more now, not because I cant have you but because I understand you.

I would give everything I posess to show you what I can be for you, but I cant so I wont.


I will be forever grateful for meeting you and loving you, you know what you mean to me.


look after yourself you * * * *ing heartbreaker.



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been what, 6 weeks now? not a long time but certainly the longest we've gone without speaking to each other.


i've lost ummm... 50 pounds in the last 6 months. the first 25 i lost because of the stress i was going through in trying to deal with you. the other 25 i lost because of the outlandish way you just up and left. people ask me how i have lost so much weight, they want to know what diet i'm on. i just look at them and say, buddy, you don't want to be on this diet.


i tried to get the world of warcraft GM's to change my mage's name because as you know, i named her after you. suckers wouldn't do it. so i have play that short midget that looks like you and is named after you... blah.


your magnolias grew in the backyard, and good god are they beautiful. they are all that's left of the stuff you planted, i weedwacked the rest. the magnolias were too pretty to kill.


well, i gotta go.

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Hey. I think it's time we said goodbye to each other for good. We are heading in different directions and want different things. I'm really sorry for all the sh*t that's happened - neither of us deserved it. I really did like you so much. You gave me so much confidence in a time when i had none and you wanted me when nobody else did. I have changed so much and am grateful for the chance you have given me to really find out about myself. Lol i have even learnt how to be single and that there are plenty of fish. I am grateful that i met you and will always like you in my own way. Take care x

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i still love you and i fail to understand why...guess it must be the good times we shared together and we had plenty of those. i still smile when i look back on those moments but i remembered the times you have made me cry and it hurts like mad. you will always be on my mind my first love.



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