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Is suicide good advice?

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I was just thinking to myself (dont judge Im not crazy. Just thinking) at what point what it be good advice to tell someone to kill themselves.


Ofcourse im most cases that would be bad advice. But what If I say I had no arms no legs fell in a tub of acid was blind, deaf, and became a mute from it. If I in that situation I would think myself why doesnt someone kill me. I would not be able to express nor comunicate with anyone muchless be in any physical condition to commit suicide.


Would it be right to kill someone in this conditon or would it be good advice to give.


Where do we draw the line on this. I have in the past thought of suicide and always wondered why wont someone just tell me to kill myself.

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It's 2021, Ravenous flesh eating zombies have taken over much of the world. You and a few people are living in an old fortress that has so far managed to keep the zombies at bay...until one day.


Edward Lucero, a man whom you've known for 2 years now, is one of those men who have seen the horrors of the zombie horde first hand - he lost his wife and daughter to the undead. However, he's managed to move on with his life and survive there in the tattered remains of an old American fortress living on what MREs are stilll around and drinking rain water. You've come to respect Edward for his resolve and dilligence.


On one cold Tuesday morning you are awaked to the sound of a crash. The forward barriers have fallen to the zombie horde! Gunfire rings out as the last human remenants making a fighting retreat to the inner barricades inside the fortress. Edward opens the heavy steel doors to only reveal that what guards were left inside the inner sanctums of the fortress have turned undead!

Edward is bitten on the arm, but manages to fight back the undead and slam the steel door shut.


You all make your way to the underground parking structure to requisition an old armored bus...it looks like it was used to move prisoners around. You all hurridly load it with supplies, and drive through the gates and horde of undead creatures that try to gnaw at the steel plating.


As you all drive down the old abandoned highway towards an uncertain future, one thing remains: Edward is turning. His body temperature has dropped to dangerously low levels. His skin and eyes have gone pale. He has the look of fear and horror in his eyes, and as you gaze into those eyes of his which are slowly glazing over.


That is when you realize that you may need to advise suicide as a way out.

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I can think of many times when yes, self death would be better than other kinds of painfull end BUT!. I would never tell any one to do it, ever man and woman must face there own end. I believe how you face death says as much about who you ase as how you face life. Me I would fight for ever moment.


"Rage! Rage against the dieing of the light"

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If you were blind and deaf, it would be just a little hard for someone to "tell" you to kill yourself.


The kind of "mercy killing" that you described is called euthanasia, and it's a highly controversial topic. I recommend that you google the term.. you'll get a ton of sites on this issue.


Oh, and I agree on the zombie thing (LMAO CluelessGuy). Ditto for anyone with an alien growing inside their chest.

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Whoa hey dont jump to conclusions I was just thinking and I would never give such advice. However I would want someone to give me that advice if it was good.


Cluelessguy you too play WOW? Im on uther. I am a druid.

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Even in utter agony, one may undergo deeply profound experiences and revelations that would not have existed before. I used to put creatures (insects) "out of their misery" until some very wise person told me that they wouldn't want me to determine when the last breath is taken. I think it is no one's business but yours but I feel the decision is so incredibly selfish and Ruprechtian.

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Haven, I've communicated with deaf-blind people before, it's difficult for them, but not impossible to communicate, there exist special typewriter like devices that prints braile or similar languages they can read by touch, and they can communicate back with tyepwriters/keyboards. Just an interesting fact for anyone who didn't already know


And I would never suggest suicide to anyone, the effect suicide has on those that care for the person are terrible, and always outweigh the relief that suicide would bring someone. And life can always get better, suicide is a dead-end I would wish for no one.

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I would not tell a person to kill themselves. It is bad advice. I'm a pastor's kid and there was a situation like this in another church my dad pastored before I was born. It really haunts my dad and the other people involved. The aftermath of the death is overwhelming. And plus even jokingly telling someone to kill themselves could put you on the wrong side of the law for endangering a person's welfare. Bottom Line: Never Ever Tell Someone To Kill Themselves!!

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Well the rationalist in me says that such a person wouldn't have much to live for and if they wanted to kill themselves, so be it.




Then I'd think...well suicide is the choice of the individual, and that decision is not for anyone else to interfere with. An outsider's role is neither to encourage nor discourage suicide, but to allow the individual their own choice.

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Then I'd think...well suicide is the choice of the individual, and that decision is not for anyone else to interfere with. An outsider's role is neither to encourage nor discourage suicide, but to allow the individual their own choice.


O now you have me going, yes we are individuals but we also change over time in our own life times we become new individuals.


Me at 6 is not the me at 16 or at 26 or even 36,

I found that when I get ending it all thights I think, yes but what would the other mes think who have yet to come into being


Do I have the right to kill them as well.


Will the me at 46 also think that now is a good time to kill my self or will he have a better advice on how to deal with things here and now.


"I am more than one individual


I am many


I am the Gesthtalt Spugly Fuglet."


See what I mean thats Me at 46, "thanks" *waves throw time at self*

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Well of course you are many different people over the course of one lifetime, but still - you are responsible for any of your incarnations above anyone else.


Otherwise it's just impossible. Who's to give an age when we become responsible? It's moer clearcut to give it to the person for life regardless of what they are like at the time.

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Haven, I've communicated with deaf-blind people before, it's difficult for them, but not impossible to communicate, there exist special typewriter like devices that prints braile or similar languages they can read by touch, and they can communicate back with tyepwriters/keyboards. Just an interesting fact for anyone who didn't already know

Yeah, I know what Braille is. Helen Keller and so on. I just meant that someone who had just fallen in a tub of acid and was suddenly blind and deaf would have a hard time communicating with people (as stated in the original situation that I was referring to).

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