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So what are some things that make you "good" in bed?

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Someone whom is into it, and actually seems like they want to be part of the action. I think just showing you genuinely enjoy it, and actually genuinely enjoy it REALLY comes through in the experience.


Someone whom is also there for shared, MUTUAL pleasure...not just to get their rocks off.


Someone whom is also confident with themselves and their body, and what works for them. It kills the mood when someone keeps hiding their body due to confidence issues, or is clearly focusing more on "what is he/she thinking of my love handles" instead of thinking "DAMN, this feels good, I want more!!".


It's about the experience, not the end goal. And showing you want to be there, and are there for BOTH of you, really makes a world of difference.

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And what makes some one better at oral sex than someone else?? I mean, I've heard guys say, "she gives really good...um....cabesa" What does "good" mean??



Just from what I have asked male friends....they really like when someone pays attention to the whole package...and areas other than just the penis, whom is not TOO gentle, and uses various techniques (mouth, hands, fingers, tongue, etc). But, it's pretty individual as to what would turn each guy on. So ask! Some like fingernails brushing along the sensitive areas, some go more for the deep throat action.


It's no different than guys giving oral...some give it WAY better than others. You have to tell them what is GOOD for you!

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Into the experience, into me as much as I am into them, wanting to share pleasure equally, patience, creativity, a sense of humour, comfort in their own body, knowing they are sexy and rocking it!, a deep sense of sensuality and connection to the moment, leaving no part of the body or mind unattended, knowing how to use ALL senses in the experience, knowing and showing foreplay Outside of the bedroom all the way leading up to it...........


Lots and lots of things. Love, and being in love, is a beautiful element as well. Even bad sex is great sex when you are in love.

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Into the experience, into me as much as I am into them, wanting to share pleasure equally, patience, creativity, a sense of humour, comfort in their own body, knowing they are sexy and rocking it!, a deep sense of sensuality and connection to the moment, leaving no part of the body or mind unattended, knowing how to use ALL senses in the experience, knowing and showing foreplay Outside of the bedroom all the way leading up to it...........


Lots and lots of things. Love, and being in love, is a beautiful element as well. Even bad sex is great sex when you are in love.


Yup, I now want to add creativity, sense of humour, connection, sensuality and patience to my answer too!


And love...yes, love makes it all 1,000 times even more amazing!


Thanks itsallgrand

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Just ask him what he likes! All guys are not created equal.


Communication really helps. Then take what we tell you, and add your own little spin on it. That creativity...will make you famous...


It never hurts to say how you feel about the guy either...and how lucky you are to be with him...big points...

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Wow!I didn't think I was going to get so many responses about this.Thanks everyone.I just want to make sure that I satisfy whoever I sleep with.I don't want them to go back to friends saying,"she sucked."I'm sure no one would want that.By the way,I didn't mean for that to sound like I sleep around b/c I don't.I've only been with one guy.

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If a girl doesn't just lie there, gets involved in the action, feels passionate & knows how to communicate it... I dunno personally as I am still a virgin (!) but umm grab a copy of Cosmo. there's a million articles on this every issue

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There's a lot of people that say that someone they've had sex with was really good in bed or really bad in bed.So my question is,what makes someone good in bed?What can you do to make it so good?Just wondering.


Hi ilovecats,


You are quick with preparations, aren't you.


In addition to what others said please consider BC and preventing STD's.


Do not worry, relax, enjoy the ride.

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Good question:


What makes being "good" in bed...


1. Paying attention to one another's needs.


2. Being confident.


3. Relaxed.


4. Being a bit adventurous 1:


5. Foreplay (unless a quickie is wanted....)


6. Some people are not into this but I feel cuddling or just talking and holding one another afterwards is extremely sexy.


I have to agree with RayKay...being in love with one another makes all the difference.

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You need to click with someone. You need to be compatible and that's it.

Some guys said to me that I am great in bed and some were not thrilled! So it is all based on chemistry between two persons.


Of course you need to have reasonable amount of self-esteem (about your mind and body), and you need to be relaxed and not ashamed to discuss about sex. You have to feel that sex is something great and be open to enjoy it completely. And having sex with someone you don't find physically attractive is doomed. You mustn't be affraid of intimacy.

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Good sex is different things to different people, I think the best approach is to gain sexual knowledge and practice, practice, practice. Dont ever believe that all the people you are sleeping with are the same find out what errogenous zones they have and then use the knowledge you have gained.

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