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Healthy dinner recipes?

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I've been snooping around online at different recipes, but none of them have looked that interesting. I'm trying to find something new to use for making dinner home (living with parents) that is low in carbs and doesn't contain a lot of sugar. I'm thinking along the lines of chicken, pork, or other kinds of meat that could be used as part of it. I'd like to stay away from pasta and highly saturated foods, though.


Anyone have any recommendations?


I'm open to all kinds of suggestions. I'm your typical bachelor cook, so I have barely any cooking skills if it doesn't require a microwave. But recently I've had this urge to learn how to cook some basic healthy meals via oven/stove. And we all know how much the ladies appreciate a guy who can cook.

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Take 12 shelled shrip, once fraying pan and 2 limes.

Pop shrip in pan when hot Sqwaswe Lime jjuse on for 3 to 4 mins



Steam, veg (no popatos) and make a bad, cut and fry in white wine beef strips and place on top, use not salt butter and add water to make spuse.

Small anount of butter dot over heat. Black pepper on top no salt.


Rost lemon chicken, Whole chicken, cut up 2 to 3 lemans pop in side, put veg around chicken, All must be in side an Aluminum sheet fold sheat oevr to cook until juses from shicken run clear.


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chicken & bacon cesar salad


Buy a romanie lettuce heart, peel it so your left with big leaves.


Place on a plate, add some cooked chicken, and some thinly sliced hard italian cheese, some croutons & ceaser salad dressing.


add 3 well done rashers of streaky bacon on top.


Low in carbs and Fu**ing tasty!!!

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Do you like spicy stuff? This recipe seems long but it's not really because you can make the dressing so that you have it for next time as well.




Third Olive Oil

Third Lime Juice

Third Fish Sauce

Garlic Crushed

Chillies to taste

Tablespoon Crushed Palm Sugar

Tablespoon chopped Ginger


Put all in Jar and Shake




Half Soy Sauce

Half Olive Oil

Juice one lemon

Tablespoon Honey


Marinade chicken breast in this for 20 minutes then put in very hot oven to roast for 20 mins or done.




Julienne 1 Capsicum

Julienne 1 Carrot

Slice Half Spanish Onion

Handful of Bean Sprouts

Chop Half Chinese Cabbage

Handful of unsalted peanuts

Dice 1 Mango

Cup of Chopped Coriander

Cup of Chopped mint


Mix all salad together. Pour over plenty of dressing. Take Chicken out of oven and cut into bite sizes and mix through salad.

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Do you mean the George Foreman grill? That's really popular, I had one when I lived on campus in university, and it was great for cooking chicken (basically the only thing I used it for.. I don't like hot dogs or eggs much, which a lot of ppl. seem to use it for.)


Could be a good investment...

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nooo its not the george foreman, its kinda like that but its smaller but its a things where you can crack a egg in it an it will cook. stuff like that..

its on a infomercial.

ill see if i can find it online. lol


but the george foreman grill is good

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chicken & bacon cesar salad


Buy a romanie lettuce heart, peel it so your left with big leaves.


Place on a plate, add some cooked chicken, and some thinly sliced hard italian cheese, some croutons & ceaser salad dressing.


add 3 well done rashers of streaky bacon on top.


Low in carbs and Fu**ing tasty!!!


Be careful with ceasar salad! Depending on how it's made, it can have as much as 1000 calories! That's as much as two big macs! Yes, it is low in carbs, but very high in fat!


Go easy on the cheese, use light caesar salad dressing, light on bacons also.

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Heres an easy one that a single guy can do in minutes. Smotherd chicked or smothered steak. Low fat and carbs.


Chicken breast or steak


one can cream of (mushroom for steak) or (chicken for chicken) soup


bake at 350 for 30 min or until center is done!


I like to do this if I'm not in the mood to cook or want something fast and it's soooo good.

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