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do you think it's weird?

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i just sent a message on my space to an old friend from elementary school who i have not spoken with in years and years. we used to be best friends when we were little girls.


now she seems like a hippie. and i am so not like that. (i would say im like the investment banker type) isn't that odd? i wonder what i would be like if we had still grown up together.


so, what do you think when old lost former friends contact you? do you think it's weird or is it welcoming?


i have been trying to branch out and reacquaint myself with people and life. and this is one of the ways i do it. do you think it's strange? or is it okay?


i'm not sure.

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It's nice to get back in contact with old friends that you havent seen in a long time. If an old friend contacted me right now and wanted to hang out I would be flattered and would be happy. It is always good to make new friends and reestablish old contacts.


Just two days ago, an old friend from Milwaukee called me to say "hi" and to see how I was doing. I hadnt heard from him in almost 5 months. It was great to hear from him and I nearly burst out into tears because I realized how much I miss my friends from back there and my life from back there.

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I think its pretty cool that this other girl is her own person. That she is a free flowing spirit who probably doesnt judge others by appearance or how they live their life. Thats what I think is pretty cool not weird!


i didn't imply that she is weird for being hippie like. i am implying that it is so weird how we grew up together as little girls and now we seem the exact opposite in personality. THAT is what is weird.


i dont know if you purposely like to twist my words around to put me down or what.

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