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What are some signs you use to identify a loser? What turns you OFF?

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Everyone knows what they want out of a relationship. But what are some signs that tells you this new date or your partner in a new relationship is a total loser and should be avoided from now on? What are some signs that you use and that other people have never heard of?


I've heard of people buying a SO diamonds, trips, and cars only to dump the person after receiving the gift. The receiver would be a loser in my eyes.


Anyone who is verbally and physically abusive should be avoided.


Someone who hates my friends is a loser.


Someone who tries to talk down to me would be a loser.

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Anyone who fits this description:


link removed Go to articles, then "identifying losers in relationships."


Those are good reasons.

A guy is a loser if he always ask to borrow money. The first time may be okay if he forgot his wallet or having financial problems. The next 10 times are a problem.

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Geeze this list could get long...


Here are a few:


He borrows money from you on a regular basis

No job

Lives in his moms basement

When your at dinner he only makes eye contact with his food

He's ever been fired from a construcTtion job due to appearance

He never asks how you are...EVER.

Blatantly stares at other women (or worse men) and or flirts with them...


The list goes on, but I don't want to steal anyones thunder

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ppl hu typp lik dis neva get nowher wiv me


Ranging from the petty to the major, No Nos are:


calling me "babe"/creepy things like that

using sarcasm in conversation too often

tells me he/she "loves" me when they barely know me

spending any real amount of money on me, that makes me suspicious

not having any friends to speak of - you have to wonder why.

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I would consider a 'Loser' a guy who is too wishy-washy, weak-willed, always trying to put on a show to be popular and impress his friends (or strangers), and the type of guy who won't stand by me. That's a Loser.


Add to that a lot of the things the other ladies have already said.


And just a little while back, I went to meet a blind date on a Tuesday night, a work night for both of us. He was good looking and had a good job, yep, good on paper... *Within* less than one hour, he had drank five large beers, and flirted with the waitress, twice. And I had already gone home. For some reason he just kept calling, couldn't understand why I wasn't interested, I guess, lol...Yep, he was a Loser!

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I'm with ladybugg on the comment that this could be a long list -


FOR ME - someone who obsesses is a turn off


Someone who talks about pickin' people off is sort of scary to me


and guys who are WAY too into violent sports like UFC or boxing scare me.


guys who make too many sexual references or innuendos...

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Talking bad about others, especially exes.

Not having good relationships with all their family.

Negativity towards women, seems to be too interested in sex rather than relationship

Lots of drugs/drinking

Stays out all night partying all the time, always out with friends

No ambition

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i hate labelling people losers.....sometimes they have their own problems or issues for the way they act around people.


If you don't like some people just don't bother about them simple.



Well if loser offends you, does it look better to say what are some qualities that make someone bad relationship and dating material?


Sometimes people do not figure out someone is bad for them until they start dating or get into a relationship with this person. Sometimes these qualities do not show up early in a relationship or during the getting-to-know-you stage. So it's not so easy to say "don't bother with them."

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I've had some pretty crappy dates in my life, but the following 2 take the cake and these happened in the last 4 months.


* * * * #1 - blatantly checked other chicks out at the club - would be all like "hey, check out that chick - she's totally hot" or "check out the rack on that one" & crap like that...super impressive


* * * * #2 - went on a first date & had some drinks at a bar. he whips out his cell phone & starts taking pics of various chicks butts...impressive yet again

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I've had some pretty crappy dates in my life, but the following 2 take the cake and these happened in the last 4 months.


* * * * #1 - blatantly checked other chicks out at the club - would be all like "hey, check out that chick - she's totally hot" or "check out the rack on that one" & crap like that...super impressive

lol, superimpressive, indeed. i feel for you, gf. i've had similar experiences, if you read back the one 'dude' who was blatantly flirting with the waitress, and she wasn't exactly cute either. Then he had the nerve to keep bugging me for a second date. Hell just a little while ago, he called me wanting to know if I'd changed my mind! (um...Nope. Haven't changed my mind...)


* * * * #2 - went on a first date & had some drinks at a bar. he whips out his cell phone & starts taking pics of various chicks butts...impressive yet again

good god, i hope you got rid of that one, what a jerk!.

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Apparently how they treat a waitor at a restaurant is ultimately how they'll end up treating you. So if they're rude to the waitor on your first date - bad sign!!


It's fun to imagine that life is this simple.


But if that statement were true, I have an ex who would have been hitting, beating, kicking, biting, screaming at, pushing into the wall, threatening and calling names, throwing furniture at, and throwing the waitresses head-over-heels, backwards, down a flight of stairs. But, no, he was always quite sugary-sweet to the waitstaff.


I would guess that the waistaff imagined I was quite a lucky girl.


I, myself, would like to end up with a man who is simply respectful and decent towards *everyone*, not just the waitstaff. And one who is especially kind to me. It should go with out saying, that if he is unusually rude to *anyone*, without good cause, then that is a bad sign.

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