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Hey guys,i'm still alive,I wanted to commit suicide,but after calling the hotline for suicide,they gave me good advice,but I had to go to the hopsital because I injured my arm(alittle bit)and my fingers,I kinda stapped myself,so I'm typing with one hand.But you know what you guys are right,when I was at the hopsital for couple hours,getting my arm&fingers fixed my mom was the only person there and she cried.So yeah,suicide is stupid decision and I will not kill myself,or have thougts or hurt myself anymore.And you people on these forum are amazing your advice,is actually inspiring me,well thanks guys I will keep you guys updated.

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Well I'm really glad you are still with us, I just wish you did not have to go through that pain to work out that there really are people who care about you.


Go out and chase that dream of being an animal doctor. Don't ever give the people that bully you the time of day. Their actions say far more about them than they ever will about you.

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Have you ever thought........Maybe your the ONLY person in the world that your mother loves, with all her heart and soul....A mothers love is unconditional.....You don't know love until you have a child, THAT, is real love.Try to understand the empty pain you will leave her with if you ever did that.

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Have you ever thought........Maybe your the ONLY person in the world that your mother loves, with all her heart and soul....A mothers love is unconditional.....You don't know love until you have a child, THAT, is real love.Try to understand the empty pain you will leave her with if you ever did that.


Yeah, that's very true, it would be really hard on your loved ones, so please dont!

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Well done old chap, you have taken the 1st step on to a road that will lead to joys you can hardly imagine. Down that road are love, pain, joy, hope and experiences that will make your life.


But right here, right now is where it all starts. Look around you remember this place! always deep in your hart. This place is as low as it ever going to get it's the very bottom of a pit of despair.


You are now standing just above remember it and never! ever! Go back there.


Now look up ahead of you is grate hill on the top of which stands your dreams, the claming of that hill will make you the man you won't to be, its claming will forge you soul, get you respect and find you love, its blood hard it meant to be but once your at the top, you will now your worth as a man.


You will not be alone on that clime thaws that love you will walk with you some of the way and in doing so share life and time, love them back and help them on there clime.


You are very luck, when you wake up tomorrow you will know where you're heading and that is the rear thing.


I was you 20 years ago, now I stand on the top of one hill, I was a nerd now I make CG FX in one of the world biggest vfx post houses, I have a grate wife and each day I look for more hills to clime with joy.

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Very glad to hear you didn't commit suicide. The only person that loves you unconditionally (yes your mother) was there on your side. See, it's not true that everyone hates you, a mother will never stop loving you. Don't let yourself get so depress by nasty comments at school, those are the true losers.

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I know what you mean with the parent trauma. I have a step-mom who literally hated me since the day that she moved in, but I always had my dad there for me. Anyway, she always says that I'm a failure, but no one else that I've ever known has ever said anything like that to me before. People usually come to me for help, and many of my teachers have told me that I'm going to do great. I really found it hard to believe. I really thought my mother was right for a while, and so I went to a counselor. She has met my mother and she doesn't like how my step-mom is sooo controlling. This is the deal "hurting people hurt people." My counselor told me that, and I know that it's true. Your father probably doesn't mean half of the stuff that he says. He's just hurt, and in return, he hurts others. It's not fair, but look at it this way. You have dealt with this for a really long time right, I've dealt with it for 14 years. I just set goals. I tell myself that I only have a couple more months, weeks, or days; I count down. I leave in less three months for the military and I CAN'T WAIT!!! They've been taken care of me and helping me through all of this, so I can say it's slightly bearable because of them. So here's a quote/ poem for you.


What God Hath Promised


God hath not promised

Skies always blue,

Flower-strewn pathways

All our lives through;


God hath not promised

Sun without rain,

Joy without sorrow

Peace without pain.


But God hath promised

Strength for the day,

Rest for the labor,

light for the way,

Grace for our trials,

Help from above,

Unfailing sympathy,

Undying love.

-Angie Flint


I would strongly suggest talking to a councelor. They can really help out. Remember, even though it may not seem like it at times there are people who love you and they would hate to see you hurt yourself. If you need to talk, write me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. If you want more quotes, I posted at least 5 others. I think it's under ten reasons why.


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I read all these posts and stuff. I'm so happy you didn't commit suicide. You see, I'm just the same way. I have a misreable life and no friends or anything. Also, I'm a vergain, and will be until I get married which won't be until I'm like in my 30s or something. XD I have a seriese of mental illnesses, and becasue of that I get depressed and suicaidal all the time. It's like a period for me. XD But look at me right now....I'm happy. Happy becasue someone is still alive. Also, I too am a nerd/geek. I was teased a lot. But I did something to make the teasing fun. I would pretend to agree with them and if I did, they stopped teasing me and just ignored me. Read my sig: "The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It's what one dose with the gift of life that makes them who they are." That is my favorite quote. I like to share it with others becasue it has power in it. Life is only worth living if you look at the good. If you look at the bad all the time you will only feel bad. Hell, I'm suprizes I even bother to live the way my life is going right now, but I have yet to give up. I never give up. I have only one thing I'm good at, and that's the Yugioh TCG. Hell, I recently had a over 500 duel win streak. I have dueld hundreds of times in my life, but I very rarely lose. I might have what it takes to win the world championships in Tokyo Japan. See, look at what's good, not what's bad, and you will know the power of life. If you read this, please PM me. Cause when I feel down I will need someone who has survived this like you have.

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Everyone feels this way at one time or another. That their live sucks soo much. Honestly, once you are done with high school, all of that nerd/dork/sissy/ crap goes away. People grow up out of the bully mentality. And the people who don't never have good lives. These people who are picking on you feel insecure about their own self's. Life is so beautifull and wonderfull at times, and also dark. Trust me their will be an end to this, give it time.

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Hi Clan,

We all hope u r feeling much better now, and everyday will be a better day if u hang on...I can understand the pain you are going thro' but the only way round to heal the pain is to show your dad that you can be a confident, independent & successful young man in a few years time. I have had friends who's dad hated them most, but who have also turned around to the son when he was successful. Someone here already mentioned that may be ur dad is hurt..n...that's why he's hurtful....Think abt ur mom...isnt she great...she'll always love you..no matter what..whether ur dad dislikes u or even if the whole world dislikes u...so remember that...u've someone who loves u so much, cares for u so much and has all her hopes in you. Dont let her down!!!

Self harm / suicide might seem the easiest option when u r in pain...but it will do more harm if by chance u escape death. I have tried it before and failed and even now i've been having the side effects and I regret for having tried that in the first place. Believe in yourself Clan, have faith....and definitely things will change...every single day, every single hour will be better than before....you only have to hang on....live to see that it gets better...

One little suggestion, fight back the bully....dont stand it....dont tolerate it...get them revealed to ur school authorities, get it reported as they deserve to be punished for pushing anyone to the extremes of endangering their lives...(Remember, you will be doing someone else good if you fight this back...also, u'll feel confident/courageous...). If you dont feel you can handle these, share these with your mom...she'll definitely help you...


Best Wishes,


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Hi Clan,

I'm so glad you're still here and have every right to be!!!! Being a virgin is something to be more than proud of and my 19 year old son still is!!! That is most definitely the "COOLEST THING IN THE WORLD!!!!", so congratulations!!!!

You know that alot of bad things can happen if you have relations with somebody and not totally know them. People have urges, but you always have to think about the "Big Picture!" and the consequences there of.

Anyway, I was a geek/nerd as a kid in high school too and just as Leopold mentioned about how he attended his class reunion, it cracks me up. Hehe!!!

All of the jocks and cheerleaders/stuck-ups are losers for life!!! Justice has been served!!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!

I'm sorry your dad isn't supportive, but "Thank God" your Mom is there for you and mine alway's was too, even though I think she felt helpless at times.

My dad used to call me names and beat me alot and you know that I never deserved to be treated that way!!!

This makes any child or young person grow up without self-esteem or worth for themselves. It's not fair, you don't deserve it and need to find your voice for your own sake!!!

I'm not saying to be disrespectful to your dad, but geeeeeeeeez it's hard to have a whole lot of respect when somebody is dissing you, right? You're his son and he is supposed to be a dad.

As a mom of 7 and no don't get any creepy visuals as people mix me up with one of my older daughters. Hehe! That's fun, so eat your hearts out stupid stuck-up classmates. Woohooooooo!!!

Well I guess I will say the best thing to do is pull yourself together and dig down deep for all of your courage (you are a worthy person!) and say, "Dad, I really need to talk to you about some things that are bothering me."

Remember "Your Courage!" and be open and honest about how you feel, because everybody has a right to have valid emotions and feelings.

Go one step further with the A***** at school and if they start any crap with you, just simply say "Your just jealous" or "Too Bad You Can't Be Me, Hey?"

If somebody hits you, it's not gonna be all that serious, cuz adrenaline takes over and you wouldn't even feel it till the next day. Sore, but worth it!

I went up against 3 big girls once, but I really had just had enough and they beat the ever loving crap out of me and I didn't make a sound.

Needless to say that really freaked them out!

I had a very bad swollen black eye, busted up lips and multiple bruises on my arms, etc. and still got my licks in.

Pain is pain whether emotional/mental or physical, so face up against the world, cuz I have faith that you will find all of the strength you need.

Be proud, be a survivor and Love Yourself!!!! I'm not telling you to get into physical fights, because it's not a remedy, just face up to the bullies and you'll be ok (I promise!)

There is nothing and nobody to die for, so go forth into this world and kick some serious ***!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life will be worth more than you could ever know, so choose "Life" and I guarantee it will be grand!!! Believe in yourself and the world will be at your disposal.



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Hi clan2009, please don't let the cruel people in this world push you over the edge, its so hard when you feel you have nobody and nothing … I feel your pain and know everything around feels hopeless but for yourself you need to hold on.. This world is a great place with the most wonderful people in it and you need to surround your life with these wonderful people and by joining this forum is your first step. We are hear to listen and help and trust me there are so much lovely people around that will make you feel so good about yourself..


You are young and have plenty of time to not be a virgin, to make great friends, and to be whoever you wish to be.. This life is full of opportunity and I can feel a lot of opportunity in you. Please stay brave and don't let the cruel pressures of society and the cruel people in this world bring you down, know in your heart that you are better then them, because you truly truly are.. we will always be here to help you.

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To the Forum enotalone, want to tell you that I am Inspired by your warmth and kindness to this young guy clan2009w - all of you have helped this young man. Want to say thank you for caring - Thank you Spugly Fuglet you are something awesome. I do not see any of you as wounded, but as pure-humans empowered with 'bands of love' and 'cords of compassion', all of you ROCK!

bobo85, Outcast-Angel, coollady1957, maggie 18, orgasmictofu, GottaLetItBurn, slightlybent, Spugly Fuglet, devyn, AntiLove SuperStar, jubeanation, Ailec1987, Bethany, Finchabald, zcloud,

leopold, melrich, doyathink, iamteddybearfeelmecuddle, nikolean 2, MewSkitty, gotgame, ID25, janine1, and the list goes on...


why I love the human race gentlehart 1st post 5/1/06

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im so happy you realized that your mother loved you. I cant say ive felt as bad as u but mabey because i havent gone threw high shcool yet next year ill be grade 9. i have friends that are considerd nerds and i have friends that are cosiderd popular so im in the middle and i still get picked on from insecure people who need the help well good luck for wherever life takes you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know your depressed now. I know that I havent gone through the same thing, but dont go through with it. Everybody plays their part in the world. You are as important as anybody else. How many times have you asked a girl out? Go do it as soon as you get a chance at school.


Why are you upset about being a virgin? Your still in high school, theres nothing wrong with being older before you have sex. Personally, I am a virgin, and I have no problems with it. I dont have a girlfriend, but im fine. Sometimes it may not seem like it, but you are really important to alot of people. Ill bet you that there is atleast one girl in your class that really likes you and just doesnt have the nerve to say it.

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Cheese is good.


The sun came out one day. Rain came too. Somewhere outthere a old hobo was talking to a person about how he loved icecream. His teeth are missing, he has no home, is mentally ill, his wife left him, and he sits outside a Basket Robbins store smiling. He asks people how they are. And he agrees with everyone on one thing.


He still loves Swiss cheese.


Why else would he still be here?

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No girl will ever like or a guy will like me dude,im a pathetic nerd who needs doesnt deserve to live.Well after highschool I want to be animal doctor.My time is running seriously cutting myself,isn't killing me fast enough, i'm gonna sign off these forum and call the suicide hotline,after that well I don't know really.But I would like to thank you guys,you guys are the first and probaly only people who even bother to respond to my topic and listen to my pathetic nerd,I cant believe you guys are not bothered by me complaining about how life sucks, thank you and bye!


I have know two 'nerd' friends, as you describe. Both ended up with girlfriends eventually. 17 is still very young. They were 23 when they first started dating.

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