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Everything posted by gotgame

  1. Thanks guys for your replies. I no for sure she is not cheating. So that is out the window. I really love this girl. she is smart, beautiful and sexy. Like when I first met her I thought to myself life couldn't get any better than this. But now its differnet. She will always be smart beautifull and sexy in my mind. However, I do agree that with out having any type of sex life, I do not have a relationship. I am just a teddy bear and a roomate. She tried going off her depression pills a year ago and that did not work. She got really bad, like shaking, thinking about un healthy things. So she went back on. I am afraid, and I think she is too if she does go on something else for her depression that she might have a tough time. I have asked her how her other relationships were and she said that her sex drive was high with other guys. She told me that she was actually the one asking why they don't be more intimate. Maybe I should just develop a six pack and see what happens.
  2. Everyone feels this way at one time or another. That their live sucks soo much. Honestly, once you are done with high school, all of that nerd/dork/sissy/ crap goes away. People grow up out of the bully mentality. And the people who don't never have good lives. These people who are picking on you feel insecure about their own self's. Life is so beautifull and wonderfull at times, and also dark. Trust me their will be an end to this, give it time.
  3. Hello everyone I need some advice Me and my girlfriend have been dating seriously for about 2 years now. We moved in together about a year ago. Ever since we got past the courting stage, our sex lives has dramaticlly decreased. Its to a point where we will go months now with out being intimate. My sex drive is high for her, however her sex drive for me is non existent. She shows little to no sign of "wanting me". I have tried everything from flowers, massages, cooking dinner, doing all the house chores, giving her space. You name it I have tried all the romantic gestures. I feel sometimes if I don't try and be intimate she would never be intimate at all with me. She says she loves me, and would like to marry me someday. I feel exactly the same way about her. However, I don't want to continue a realtionship where intimacy is non existent. I want to propose to her, but If this problem continues I don't know what I am going to do. I feel because of this lack of intimacy I have been getting into more fights with her than usual(about stupid stuff, not the intimacy issue). We used to never fight. I have told her about my feeling about our problem, and she knows I feel this way about our intimacy. I feel if it has been a while since we had sex she will force herself to have sex. I DO NOT WANT THIS, I tell her if SHE does not want to have sex than we won't. So heres the catch. Ever since she was a little kid she has had depression. She takes pills that makes her not depressed. So when I talk to her about our intimacy problem, she blames it on the pills(the side effects). I tell her she should see a doctor about this, but she never does. I feel like we are heading down a path that I am really afraid of. What Do I do?
  4. I have been dating my girlfriend for almost two years now. We moved in together about 9 months ago. Lately we have been getting into more fights than usual. She says I say bad things to her(Example) "she is two feet away from the trash bin and asks me to throw something away for her, and I say the trash is right there". This is a specefic incidence that happens a lot. But tasks that are so small where she can easily do it her self she asks me to do them for her. I don't mind doing it a few times but when I have to do it half a dozen times a night it gets a little stressing. And then when we are fighting she says since I go to college full time(more down time during the day) and she works full time I should be doing more, and not saying these hurtfull things. Am I in the wrong? What should I do?
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