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advice on my mans size needed pls


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Hi, im not very experinced with men so i need some advice. My present boyfriend is the issue. He is 4 inches long erect(maybe a little over) and 3.5 inches wide. IS that considered tiny, small, medium etc? The sex is good, but i have nothing to really compare it with. Would you gals be satisfied with that? Or what you consider that inadequate, no matter how hard he tried and either 'fake' happiness or leave him?!? I dont really know what to do or think. I mean he uses it well, but surely there must be limits to what he can do with it, as ive heard that other men are bigger. Please give me an honest answer cos its important that i know what im dealing with. What would you do, say or thinkin this situation?



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Here are a couple of web pages that address the question of "average size"


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They match up with what I've encountered in personal experience. Your guy is smaller than average, but if you're happy with your sex life that's all that counts.


I don't think size alone would be a reason for me to leave. (well, unless the sole reason for the relationship is sex, in which case...) I dated a couple smaller than average guys, but each had other serious issues that made a long-term relationship out of the question. One, for example, lived 3 states away.

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As long as we had a good relationship and he was a good man and did his best to please me, I would stay. Men don't have any control over their penis size, so their characteristics which they CAN control are a lot more important to me - like kindness, honesty, etc....

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You should love a man for all that he is and how he makes you feel, not just because of the size of his penis. I'm sure he would be horrified and hurt if he knew you were on here asking that question.


It's like a man saying "should I be happy with tiny breasts, does this make her less of a woman, should I be happy with that etc?" The size of her breasts (or his penis)shouldnt even come into it.


At the end of the day, sex is good,you love him and you're happy,and it's all you need to know. Be happy with the man you have and love him with all you got.

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i would never leave him just because he is small. I just wonder whether im being fulfilled as much as i could be. I mean i havent had anyone else and so what i think is good may only be average, if u know what i mean. Is it really possible for penetrative sex to be as good with a man of 4 inches as with someone bigger, no matter the effort put in?? He asks me if i think he's big enough and im not even sure what to say. Do i lie?

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If sex is good then you're being satisfied. If your looking to have different experiences with 'larger' men... Be warned!!! I had sex with a 8.5 inches and the sex was AWFUL.


When your more experienced, oral sex comes into play and thats when the sex becomes really fulfilling and it wont matter how big it is, truthfully.


If he asks, tell him you'd love him with half that, and what he's got is big enough for you! Don't EVER even hint to a man that he is too small, a woman can adjust to any size, so that would be just plain insensitive and you could lose him.

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You should love a man for all that he is and how he makes you feel, not just because of the size of his penis. I'm sure he would be horrified and hurt if he knew you were on here asking that question.


It's like a man saying "should I be happy with tiny breasts, does this make her less of a woman, should I be happy with that etc?" The size of her breasts (or his penis)shouldnt even come into it.


At the end of the day, sex is good,you love him and you're happy,and it's all you need to know. Be happy with the man you have and love him with all you got.


Cant say it much better than that.

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I don't get it.


Why do you care? If he's the only one you've been with, and it's good, why compare?

You can't compare because he's the only one you've been with.

After you've been with others, and mentally compare, you will realize how silly it is.

The aim to be pleasured with the man you love. If that is happening; you've achieved the goal.


Sure, a bigger penis is gonna feel different than an average sized or below average sized one.

Is it better?

Depends on what you like and how you think.


I could personally care less.

Sex is a heck of a lot more than penis-vaginal penetration.

It all feels good!


my 2 cents

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They say average what age are they talking about? I am 18 and my body is still growing. So whats the average length for me at 18? Whats the average age these people are being compared to. And why would women compare someone to someone else. If you truly love that person and want to be with them. Then you dont need to compare them because you got all you want in your heart. Dont worry about things like that worry about loving each other. Not the stupid things.

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I just wonder whether im being fulfilled as much as i could be.


Dear, if you are "wondering" this, then get the hell out of the relationship. Because more than likely the answer is probably not.


When a person is "fulfilled" they don't go around wondering if they are or not. This is woman speak for, "Is this all there is?" and I'm not just referring to the literal filling that occurs during intercourse.


I smell bigger issues here than actual penis length. The way he asks you about it says a lot about his own issues too. Wouldn't you rather be with a confident man? Should women with small breasts or much larger breasts feel low confidence because they are not average?


He's the only guy you've been with and it sounds like you are not fulfilled......dear you don't need to be asking us these questions.....you know in your heart of hearts what the deal it here.....

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Good point lunabelle!


And I think the difference between breast size and penis size is that breasts can be enlarged, wheras the procedure for penis enlargement is in general, ineffective, only gives another half inch, and most men are dissatisfied with the results. Penis size is more like height. you have absolutley no control over how tall you are, but you can still get breast implants.

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I am 18 and my body is still growing. So whats the average length for me at 18?/QUOTE]


hmm, this is a new concept for me.....men's junk can keep growing after they are 18? I think this would be more the exception than the rule. Am I wrong?

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the thing is im not sure how good it really is............i havent had anything to compare it to. It just seems good. But thats because i havent had a man who is 'normal' or large size. You cant deny that 4 inches is a little bit on the small side and it makes me wonder if he can ever give me what a bigger man can.at least in pure sexual satisfaction. Is it possible for a man his siz e to please a woman in the way that a bigger man can? (penetration - wise i mean). Also i wouldnt leave him because of it..........im just curious. Thats all.

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well, most women can only feel the first 3 inches or so. That is where the PC muscles are. I think that most women would probably say that girth is a bigger deal than length. A man can have a long penis, but if it's as thick as a pencil, I doubt that would bring much satisfaction.


4 inches sounds like enough to get the job done.


I also wouldn't want to be with a man that's too big I don't like the idea of internal bleeding.

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I am 18 and my body is still growing. So whats the average length for me at 18?/QUOTE]


hmm, this is a new concept for me.....men's junk can keep growing after they are 18? I think this would be more the exception than the rule. Am I wrong?

Sorry did not mean it to sound that way. Im just saying I think age would be a big factor in this because age means alot of things. But yeah im 18 and fully grown. But the fact is if a woman says she loves you and truly means that then it does not matter what the size is. But people say men dont compare people. Ill be the truthful one and tell you. Guys do compare their womans boob size. I dont really care about it at all. Because if I love someone they are perfect in my eyes.

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