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guys.. what do u think of agressive girls?

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Need more information here, in public/private, early on in a relationship or long term etc. Early on it's always nice if the girl is somewhat forward with what she wants because it takes all the games out of it. Shy has it's perks, but in the end it just depends on the guy.

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I like girls who are selectively aggressive. There are times where its okay to be aggressive, and there are times where its okay to sit back and just relax. Too aggressive is bad..but then again too shy is bad also. some where in the middle and she has to know when to be aggressive and when to hold back.

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ok, say you were to meet a girl for the first time and she walked up to you and said, hey i think your pretty cute my name is so and so. and she just sat down by you and started talking. would you be flattered or find her to easy?

When that happens to me it's generally a turn off IF it's got a compliment in it - like "Hey I think you're pretty cute." I much prefer a woman who just says Hi and strikes up a conversation. Really, just a "Hey, what's up?" is a much better opener, in my opinion.


While most guys are desperate for a compliment, and I have illusions that it would be nice, it's really odd when it does happen because it's so out of place. So just keep it mellow and go from there.

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ok, say you were to meet a girl for the first time and she walked up to you and said, hey i think your pretty cute my name is so and so. and she just sat down by you and started talking. would you be flattered or find her to easy?


I'd be flattered and I'd imagine most guys would be as well. I think sometimes people make too big a deal out of this whole "being a challenge" thing to the point where I'm willing to bet a significant number of guys and girls lose many potential partners and relationships trying to "be a challenge". As others have said before I'm sure, being a challenge doesn't mean showing that your not at all interested in someone else, it means showing the other person that you have independence and although you'd like to be with them, you don't need them to complete you.

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ok, say you were to meet a girl for the first time and she walked up to you and said, hey i think your pretty cute my name is so and so. and she just sat down by you and started talking. would you be flattered or find her to easy?


I admit I've actually done that to 2 guys. Both lost interest very quickly. Although I did it over the internet, lol. I told a guy I thought he was cute over Facebook (even though he didn't know me) and on a dating site came accross as too aggressive I think (told him he was hot & went on about how we seem quite compatible) and they both didn't message me back. I think guys like girls who "know what they want" (I've had a lot of guys compliment me on this) but they want girls who see them as equals as well, and won't just be head over heels for them. If you act TOO much into somebody, they get turned off. I don't think I acted desperate personally, but if you do it to such an extent, it may come accross as that. I think I personally came accross (in their eyes) as being too forward, and some guys may like girls who are a bit of a catch, they may equate it with immaturity...


Well I learned my lesson and know not to do it. In the future, I'd suggest just striking up a conversation & being confident, but DO NOT outright say "you're really cute" or somethng like that...

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ok, say you were to meet a girl for the first time and she walked up to you and said, hey i think your pretty cute my name is so and so. and she just sat down by you and started talking. would you be flattered or find her to easy?
I wouldn't think she's "too easy", it's just a compliment, it doesn't mean anything serious, but on the other hand, if she tries to go fast, that'd scare me off since I'm a little afraid of commitment myself.


I admit I've actually done that to 2 guys. Both lost interest very quickly. Although I did it over the internet, lol. I told a guy I thought he was cute over Facebook (even though he didn't know me) and on a dating site came accross as too aggressive I think (told him he was hot & went on about how we seem quite compatible) and they both didn't message me back. I think guys like girls who "know what they want" (I've had a lot of guys compliment me on this) but they want girls who see them as equals as well, and won't just be head over heels for them. If you act TOO much into somebody, they get turned off. I don't think I acted desperate personally, but if you do it to such an extent, it may come accross as that. I think I personally came accross (in their eyes) as being too forward, and some guys may like girls who are a bit of a catch, they may equate it with immaturity...


Well I learned my lesson and know not to do it. In the future, I'd suggest just striking up a conversation & being confident, but DO NOT outright say "you're really cute" or somethng like that...

Some girls did that to me, and one of them was a real cutie, I met her and still think she's an awesome person..I don't think it makes you seem "easy" I just find it cute when the other person is open hearted and tell you what they think. You're right with the confidence and striking up a conversation. About the "you're really cute" part, I think that depends on the person.. But it wouldn't hurt to wait a little.

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Some girls did that to me, and one of them was a real cutie, I met her and still think she's an awesome person..I don't think it makes you seem "easy" I just find it cute when the other person is open hearted and tell you what they think. You're right with the confidence and striking up a conversation. About the "you're really cute" part, I think that depends on the person.. But it wouldn't hurt to wait a little.


Thanks for your thoughts. I think in the future I will wait. I think the difference between chatting online & IRL is that it's much easier for me to be open online than IRL. So if I think a certain way about a person, I'm not so hesitant to tell them. ALTHOUGH I have also been known to do this IRL..I guess I can be somewhat blunt. I'm going to be a bit more cautious about telling people my feelings in the future though... I also get hurt when the person responds like that (i.e. ignores me in real life or doesn't respond) so I don't feel great about it either.

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I had this girl come up to me after a concert and say "hey, I just wanted to tell you that I think you are drop dead gorgeous"..... I was like "oh... well.. thank you"....


It was so bizar ......I thought she was cute enough, but, the scenario was weird and I didn't know how to respond.. It made it really akward....If she had come up and just started talking to me, I think it would have been better...

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Coming from a girl, I think it works both ways. As much as a guy doesn't like an overly straight forward, too aggressive girl, same for us girls. I have not reply to lots of guys on myspace, all due to their comments, too much straight forward. Total turn-off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah, I like aggressive women, but when they start off with a compliment (like.. you're hot, or you seem friendly even) it makes me go "hmm". However, if they just walk right up to me and start talking to me, then that's totally cool. It shows they like me and are going after what they want (which I like women that go after what they want), but it doesn't seem questionable to me.

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If you act TOO much into somebody, they get turned off.


Yeah that's so true. I tend to go off a guy who acts like he's really into me, and i tend to fall head over heels for the ones who dont seem to care either way it's stupid, but there you go...


I dont know what guys prefer, everyone's different so i guess it depends, but i think if a girl is aggressive towards getting a guy, then they end up being misunderstood, by both guys and other girls. Girls should show just enough interest to attract the guy's attention but then she should act all cool and confident... maybe start a conversation with a bit of playful banter (not as in your face as obvious flirting)... but try and be themselves and see what happens...

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