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Could someone tell me what to do, I want my ex back

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thank you, it gives me a lot of strength and more believe in myself

but it also sometimes has got to do with me, I understand

I'm happy you shared this text with me and the help you gave me before

Now I'm (little) more sure about myself and I guess it was my inner voice who told me how to handle and the way it was handling you've brought under words (or the writer of that text) If you need any help let me know!

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Blegian Girl, good, now try to start loving yourself, forgiving yourself, and using this "bridge of heartache" to walk over to a better YOU. This will not be easy but you can be PROUD of yourself for having the courage to "let go" for today. You are powerless over the "ex".


It's NOT about anything you should have done or didn't do... learn from what you've experienced, and remember "everything is exactly how it should be right in this moment".. even if it hurts for now, just know that sometimes in life we just have to be "sad for a bit".... you'll get through this, don't be afraid of your feelings..


cry, cry, cry, write here, let go, cry some more, be grateful for what you've learned about yourself and start to look forward to the "new guy in your life who YOU will be more emotionally healthy for, and who will love you for YOU".. the best is right ahead of you, you just have to get through this tough part, and you're starting to do it now with class, and grace...


One moment you will feel like all is okay and then the next you will feel panic, sadness, well remember this is all part of this process... so feel it all, but do NOT re-act to it with contacting him.. okay? for today, keep "letting go".... and all will be just right for you...

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his new girl seems to be so enthousiastic and he likes it

but I felt like that too but I didn't show it very much (also b/c otherwise there would always be people who take profit of it that I feel so good) and b/c I wanted to turn that feelings on in doing something usefull or looking forward to things or to prepare something I could surprise with at a later moment but what she is doing is showing it directly and I guess for him it seems I wasn't that happy by beeing together. And that I cried he's seing it has something very negative but for me it was the maximum of loving him

I feel quite sad and confused right now b/c I thought and tried to chose the best way but now it's like he didn't understand my 'language'

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  • 2 weeks later...

if there's perhaps anyone who can say about his- or herself that he/she is a critical person and maybe experienced in life as well, I think I'ld love to send several PM's with that person or the better to chat with at Messenger b/c I'm feeling quite confused and about some things I don't know what's good and what's bad anymore. Please let me know

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  • 2 weeks later...

thank you so much

yes he's often playing a role to look happy and funny and to be social to other people and doesn't show his bad feelings then

he also seems to be not sure at all about himself (he uses other people their opinion after getting one, is saying things that contradicts something previous),..

so the next time I'll confuse him (guess 'again') to look happy and to *shine*

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  • 2 weeks later...

he seems a little depressed and said (computer) that he never wants to be back with me and I'm nothing more than something bad to remember etc.

guess also at home it goes worse and he's going more and more his own way

asking myself if it's just temporarely and if it's possible for me to show him a change

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To me it looks like he's acting quite similar as this exgf. does, he also seems bored sooner than before. Guess I should impress and eventually confuse him. Have no ideas about how to do that right now. Just want to make sure I have good notes at Christmas and more social contacts and have removed my wisdom teeth and my theoretical driving licence and take more care of my outside.

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Well first off I'd stop living his life and start livings yours. This is a perfect time for you to develope as an individual. Sure it hurts but you gotta live! And your going to.

Anytime you feel the urge or the want to contact him or find out the latest in hi life, get up go for a walk or jog, go to a movie to the mall anything. Try to write.

No one knows whats going to happen and you can't control it.

Live your life.

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Thank you so much!

I started thinking a lot this weekend. Maybe I will type down some of those thoughts so perhaps it can help getting advice.

Indeed, I found out I AM a more interesting person as soon as I start doing SOMETHING. And b/c I only had very much ideas, inspiration, feelings but I didn't know so well how to give them place and I was doubting about things whole the time so somewhere I can understand he lost interess, also b/c he said 'It's about what you do, not what you want or think'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

update: they stay friends

This weekend he went to the birthdayparty of his summerlove who's leaving near where we are living for our studies so we didn't see each other at the bus. Today I will hear if I can start doing work in the weekends (studentjob), I really hope I get the job. I start to 'disappear' for him, today I didn't logged in at the forum he's visiting, I blocked him and our common contactpersons at Messenger (he already blocked me). If someone has opinions or further advice, please let me know

During this period I'll keep continuing working at myself (also here are ideas more than welcome) like jogging, studying, staying healthy and working.

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