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Why is it that the guys I know never seem to go for the really good girls? The guys I have been with in the past have dumped me and in such hurtful and selfish ways. Also, the guys I'm interested in lose interest and stop calling me. Why? I don't call them too much and just enough to show I'm interested. I'm a genuinely nice, friendly, outgoing, positive and attractive girl. I guess you can say I'm the kind of girl guys want to take home to their mom, but that never seems to really be the case.


What bothers me is when people say that there's no problem 'cause I'm attractive, but I really don't care at alll about that. I want someone to fall in love with my personality and the ones have cared for end up spending time with girls who are complete opposites of me (don't have high values). Those of you who don't know I'm a virgin and it's times like this that I'm thankful I haven't slept with someone who will end up leaving me high and dry. I don't want those type of men to have that kind of hold on me.


I know some where down the road I'll meet that someone and most likely I won't for quite awhile. I guess you could say I'm just venting out. It just seems like all the "nice guys" are the ones who end up hurting me the most and so I'm not sure if I really believe in a good man anymore...

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it seems men and women have this problem

as men, there's the expression "nice guys finish last". we always wonder why women go for jerks, and when a guy is nice, we get walked all over.


its tough for both sexes. you are still young. cheer up, enjoy life. be the best person you can be, just make sure that when a good guy does come along yu dont throw him away

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I know what you're saying. I'm such a laid back chick, not a drama queen, I'm nice, funny, usually outgoing (with a touch of social anxiety that I have tried so hard to overcome) and I have found that guys are just not that into that. They want the bar stars, the blondes with the blue eyes. I'm not generalizing, this has just been my experience.


But the right guy does come around. I found my perfect guy. He loves that I'm so laid back and that I don't get mad and cause drama for the stupidest things. He loves that we can just sit and watch cartoons and drink brew together. He loves that I don't have annoying catty friends. He's still getting used to the idea that I have more guy friends than chick friends, but he's awesome.


When you meet the guy that loves you for you, you'll know. It's worth the wait

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They want the bar stars, the blondes with the blue eyes. I'm not generalizing, this has just been my experience.


Ahh, the blonde, blue-eyed, tanned, big breasted bar stars...


gotta love them. Especially when a big group of them pull up in their sorority bus...


but orgasmictofu is right, you don't want a guy who only has the above requirements. And Heckabekah, I completely admire your strength to not just give in to a man. I waited until I felt like someone really deserved my virginity - even though I felt like I was the last one among all my friends - and I am glad I did. I thought I was going to have to wait forever too for a good guy, one who would actually be worth it...but forever comes sooner than later. He's around - and afterall, after all those "not so nice" guys, it'll make you feel even more lucky.

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I could have written this post myself!

I am the type of girl you could get married to.. not for just a 'bit of fun' like most men want. I just want someone who loves me for who I am and who would spend time getting to know me instead of going off with the first girl who will give them what they want.

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my goodness...where were all you girls all my life

like shamus said...its tough for both sexes.

for some reason...nice people have bad radar ...we can never seem to be able to find each other.


btw Hecka, i have great respect for you for being a virgin. most of the girls at my college seem to just piss it away for the local frat guy at the drop of a hat...from my observations of course.


Orgasmic Tofu...

i've noticed my gf seems to have a lot of guy friends too...and you two sound pretty similar...i guess they come bundled with every "nice girl" out there huh...

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I was thinking this a few days ago as I was reflecting on my past failures lol. All my ex's have been right cows in one or the other and I myself is nothing like them?!?! I guess i'm very down to earth, not clingy but enough they don't get the wrong impression that I don't care and I aint the most ugly bloke around either but for me to find a girl that is like how I described myself or even close too, seems near impossible!!! so sorry I aint got an answer but if you ever do find the answer please tell me...

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Well, I could say the same... all you women are nothing but evil, blood-sucking demons... but I won't. lol The truth is, there's good and bad men and women out there. You might be seeing more rotten guys right now than good ones, but that doesn't mean we don't exist! (Obviously we do; I'm sitting here typing this at this very moment.)


I could rant on and on about how much the girls I know are very much like the guys you described and go on and on about 'when is my time gonna come...?' but I'm not going to. I'm too tired today to so. lol Otherwise, hey... I'd be right there with ya doing the same thing.

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Hahaha...I have blonde hair, blue-gray eyes and am in a sorority...lol.


Nothing against that I have a few friends who fit that description as well lol, and not all are dramatic "stereotypical" sorority girls like in the movies. It just seems harder to get/keep a male's attention when about fifty 'hot' girls show up at once and are ready to "PARTY!! WOOT!!" But, you deal with it and just wait for the right guy to come along!

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Another type that guys are really into aside from Bar Stars/Blonde Chicks are .... Exciting Angsty Dramatic Types With Issues.


I'm one of the second type, when I was at my *worst* I also seemed to be the most attractive. People just want some excitement in their lives perhaps, I dont know.

That is so true.....I know girls who create drama because the boyfriends like it. They'll cry, pick fights, and even tell them about other guys.....But yet... it all ends up in the sack.

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You people are looking in the wrong places.


Obviously if you go to a bar to find someone, you'll find someone that wants a bar star, no brainer.


As they've told me, my kind of girl is a "nice boring girl". Guess what? I wont' find nice boring girl at a bar, she doesn't hang out there. Nice boring girl may be somewhere else, like doing homework or reading a book at her house, so not the best place to have some public exposure.


And guess what happens when nice boring girl decides to go to a bar, she founds guys looking for bar stars, so nice boring girl gets frustrated about her bad luck to find a soulmate and goes back home to continue reading...


So why you don't find people like that? Well, because they are somewhere else avoiding other people...

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Well I love to go out and have fun, but I'm not really into going to bars and drinking until I pass out! No thank you! It's difficult to find someone who's in between...someone who enjoys a drink but does it responsibly.


I don't like to stay in a lot and I'm not much of a reader, but I think what's more difficult than finding guy with similar likes and dislikes and a guy who is on a similar maturity level is someone who has similar morals and values. That's what it all comes down to.

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