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Why do guys like long hair?

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I tend to prefer long hair myself, but I think that, on some girls, short hair can look great. It all depends, I guess. I think it's best, if you're a girl that wants her hair short, try to find a style that looks great on you, and not try to wear it like some other girl or celebrity.


Sorry to answer your question with a ramble, but honestly I don't know why. I guess it's just a cultural thing.

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long hair is a woman's pride..


It's utterly feminine to have hair down to the small of your back


feminine = sexy


Some guys prefer funky, edgy short hair...


some guys see hair as something covering the skull.


It depends on the guy lol

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My husband likes long hair. I think men like it because they consider it feminine....they like to put their fingers through it, etc. It softens a woman.


However, short hair looks great on a lot of women, and you will find men that like short hair too.



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I don't think all men like long hair, I don't think even men whom like long hair will be turned off by a woman whom wears short hair really well!


However, I think it is part of the "feminity" of it, I know my boyfriend loves to run his fingers in my hair, pull it a bit, loves to see it undone - to point he will take it out if I put it back just to see it...he just thinks it's sexy.


However I am sure he would still find me sexy with it short. But I have had my hair short when I was younger, I much prefer it mid-length to long now so I have no plans to cut it anyway! It's only coming off if it's because I was ever going through chemo or something...my mum is bald right now due to chemo and she is gorgeous because she is so strong, determined and it shows her face/smile so much more...so even bald can be absolutely beautiful! It's all about the person wearing it in the end.....

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Being a hairdresser...I personally find it annoying when a woman says

"Oh god I can't do THAT to my hair, my hubby/boyfriend/leech/tyrant

would KILL me if I did THAT".


HAIR IS HAIR...I agree with Dako..its what's UNDERNEATH that counts..including having a mind of your OWN.

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I've had long hair, pixie-short hair, and chin/cheekbone length hair (now). I may have imagined it, but my impression was that the typical 'profile' of the guys who would look at me on the street, strike up a conversation, etc. seemed to vary as a function of my hair length. Younger, more conservative student-types seemed to like long hair; and older guys (30+) seem to like shorter hair. It may not really be hair lenth per se, though...it's probably more about my overall 'look' with different hairstyles.


My dad used to say that ALL men LOVE long hair, and that I should NEVER cut it, no matter what. What a burden....hair for others. Yuck. Chopping it all off was my joyful 25th birthday present to myself, and I've never regretted it. Shorter hair makes me feel a little stronger and more independent.

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My goal is to get hair down to my tailbone. It's almost halfway down my back so far. But I have a long back


I think short hair looks sexy on some women- I personally don't know if I'd be able to pull it off. Long hair is sexy and youthful, but hard to play with.


It's also rare. You don't see many women with bum-length manes.

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