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girls what would u think of a 25 yr old inexperince guy


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Maybe no one should take the lead? Maybe it should be about expressing your feelings as they come and simply relaxing and enjoying the experience.


If inexperience gets in the way, it is generally because the person or persons have convenienced themselves that inexperience should get in the way. The guy worries that he has to do things to make up for inexperience, only to overcompensate. Or he freezes and doesn't do anything because he is afraid of making a mistake, that the girl would judge him. Really, its the same problem that many "experienced" guys and girls have. Instead of focusing on the present and the relationship you have now, people worry about comparing to other relationships or some imaginary standard. Don't worry about that. Just be you and everything will go fine.

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Don't go out with people you're not attracted to, that's even more pathetic. I wouldn't mind going out with a guy who was confident in himself and mature, and 25 yrs old WITHOUT ANY experience. I would mind going out with a guy who I wasn't compatible with and yet had 10 girlfriends prior. I don't see the point. He may be able to 'please me' sexually better, but not emotionally.

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