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How do I tell my parents Im on course to fail?

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Im going to try and trim this story as much as possible so Ill do it in bullet points:


-I was a wellbehaved but unhappy child, and even more unhappy in adolescence, when I started getting depressive episodes and eating disordered behaviours.


-When I was 16 I started having manic depressive symptoms, my first major manic episode being late 2004-early 2005.


-This, along with inappropriate subject choices, caused me to break down that year, my first in non-compulsory education. I left with C,C,D grades and thereforeeee didnt complete the second year of AS/A2 levels, so I only got AS levels, and they arnt that great at C C and D.


-The next academic year my mother suggested doing things Id always reall wanted to do, so I enrolled to do AS/A2's at a new college in Drama, Art, Philosophy. At first report, tutors were very impressed/pleased with me..


-Ive been going down since Christmas and doing less and less college work, in fact I have 33% of my entire Art grade-worth of work due on Monday..have done none of it, and most of these days I dont even care.


-My mother knows how bad I am mentally and I hav an *Urgent Psychiatric Referral* pending, and I feel like I may have to admit mtself to a unit soon because my head is going crazy and unliveable with, and thats enoguh for her to deal with, how do I turn and say "oh yes and on top of everything, Im also now on course to do terribly my AS levels AGAIN, for the SECOND time"..



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I am sorry that you are failing some of your courses. Do try to understand that your school grade doesn't prove everything about your understanding of the subject. Try to realise it is not the end of the world if you fail, as there are so many successful people out there without doing high school, college or university.


Anyway, I do suggest that you see a doctor and determine to put all bad things in the past behind you and take life step-by-step in the forward direction.


Good luck.


Woof Woof!

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I agree. Talk to a college counsellor.


Any mental illness, be it depresion or bipolar, is regarded as a legitimate illness. My school is very flexible with me and you'll be surprised how flexible they can be with you. They aren;t out to get you, they don;t want you to fail- they actually want you to suceed. While they may seem to be the bad guy and load on the pressure, they are probably more than willing to accommodate your needs. All you have to do is ask- and believe me, that's the only hard part.

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I went through the same thing a year ago, man.


I failed my first year, and switched colleges... Then I started to go downhill again, and now I'm dropping out to get a job...


All I can say is, don't get to where I am!! Push harder, and fight that emo streak in you!! (Sorry, your picture tickles me - Me being a long-haired metalhead XD!!)


P.M. If you wanna know what I did during those years.


Hope this helps...

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I agree with seeing a college counsellor.


As for your parents Antilove, hopefully they are the supportive kind. To most parents, they want their kid to get good grades. But what they want more then anything is for the child to be happy. Your classes are an after thought while your health is top priority. Be honest with them. Chances are they won't care about the grades and will be concerned with how you are doing and making sure you get the best help you can. You can take classes over, you can be successful even without getting the best of grades. What really is important though is that you get the help you need and get better. Your family should understand this and be supportive.


Hang in there.

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hang in there anti love superstar...

if you need time off, take it.


it sounds like you are considerate of your parents feelings, which is causing you the fear of letting them down...but i think they will understand, and they would have observed that you did try when you enrolled in a new course and got good grades.


you can let them know that you don't want to hurt them, but this is the truth that you can't cope right now, and you need time and counselling.


they will be supportive.


if you think you want to bite the bullet and do it, then come up with a schedule and a timeline on how you are gonna finish your work and stick to it.


best of luck!

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