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My girl is still ignoring me and hasn't called but i won the lottery!


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Like coollady said, it was all in jest. I'm sure none of us expected anything from him.


As for the same girl, this was the girl already talking about marrying you, moving to be with you, and having your kid. Why would you think money would change any of that? She loved you when you didn't have money. And thats what counts.



I'm going to wait a little while to come forward because of her im still in love with her and had a good job before and im going to that job and acting like nothing has happened.


Do you think I can still have her. I left a message on her phone saying it was urgent.

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Do you think I can still have her. I left a message on her phone saying it was urgent.


You have to divorce the two. If you tell her about your win now and she decides to get back together with you....what will that say, how will you feel.


I think you have greater issues to consider right now than your ex.

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You have to divorce the two. If you tell her about your win now and she decides to get back together with you....what will that say, how will you feel.


I think you have greater issues to consider right now than your ex.



The thing is I don't even know if shes my ex or not; im just worried and haven't heard from her.

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There are other issues to consider. The money doesn't change anything in your relationship. You need to talk with her and figure out where you both stand. Be honest and really listen to her. And this doesn't change the problem trusting that you seem to have. If anything, with so much money, it will probably be harder to trust people. That is one issue that you really need to deal with.

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Ben - - See how quickly life can change though? Just a couple of weeks ago you posted with the title how can I go on living (or at least something close to that!) And see what God had in store for you? Cool, huh?


Love is as much as choice as it is a feeling. You cannot force her to love you or stay in a relationship with you. And if you do, how will you be able to trust that love and know it's just not for the $$$? How will you know she is true about her feelings? Not to mention that fact that long term relationships are hard enough, pressuring someone to stay together when they're really not into it just opens up a ton of other problems.


Money does change things in your life, more than you will ever imagine. Try to be like Forrest Gump when he bought stock in Apple ---"That's just one less thing to worry about". Again, go see an tax attorney tomorrow! Then see a financial advisor that is well established. GET GOOD TAX ADVISE! You now have a big target on your back with the IRS!


I get the chance to be around people with lots of money with my work. The ones who are really rich seem to have it together. Most of them are very down to earth and act like you and me. The ones to be afraid of are the ones who "act rich" because they usually don't have as much as they say and are out to get something out of you. You're only 23 if I remember right, if you only had two nickles to rub together you would change so much between now and the time you are 28. Now that you have wealth, you probably will be faced with even more choices. Stop worrying about this girl!!

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Hey all knock it off!


The guy has won the lotto and your all trying to hold out your hands and beg for some of his cash?!?!?!



Doc, people were kidding around...I think there was only one that may have been serious out of it all! I personally at least was kidding and even disclosed so in my post, I am quite happy where I am now, even if broke! There are far more important things in my life at least.


But you do have the point about people becoming strange, which is why I suggested both a lawyer and a financial advisor...I have through past careers known a couple people whom won lots and it's advice I always give after seeing their situation.


But anyway as for the girl, I certainly don't suggest he tell her he won, if she comes back on her own that is another thing though. There are plenty of woman out there yes, but if he has now become a millionaire, there are much fewer whom will be in it for the right reasons, so he needs to be careful (and if you get married....pre-nup!).

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AGAIN I agree with RAYKAY! She is a very bright women!


If I were I would claim, the money, and go hide with it for a while! go Travel, donate to charities as well! Its good to help people! And I agree God does work in mysterious ways! but you have a huge blessing! So go celebrate but also try and help others! You seem like humble person! Just go and have fun, you deserve it!


And people stop asking the guy for money!


He will probably help those who are UNABLE to help themselves!


Have a great day everyone!

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Everyone that was saying things about needing money, were just kidding, joking around with ben. I honestly dont think any one here would be silly enough to seriously ask the guy for money.


I myself am wondering why he hasnt claimed it yet. I keep hearing on the news how no one has come forward yet.

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Everyone that was saying things about needing money, were just kidding, joking around with ben. I honestly dont think any one here would be silly enough to seriously ask the guy for money.


I myself am wondering why he hasnt claimed it yet. I keep hearing on the news how no one has come forward yet.


Sometimes people take a while to get lawyers, financial advisors, and don't want to go public yet.


Sometimes people also lose tickets....

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I was thinking maybe he didnt win the big jackpot (365 mil ) , but won one of the smaller Nebraska prizes. Just a thought. Take a look at this, which was at the bottom of his original post.

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And pay attention to the fifth paragraph. I dont mean to sound so skeptical about his claim. IF you think about it, he never said he won the BIG jackpot. He just said he won the lottery , period. Winning the lottery could mean as little as winning $3 .

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I was thinking maybe he didnt win the big jackpot (365 mil ) , but won one of the smaller Nebraska prizes. Just a thought. Take a look at this, which was at the bottom of his original post.

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And pay attention to the fifth paragraph. I dont mean to sound like so skeptical about his claim. IF you think about it, he never said he won the BIG jackpot. He just said he won the lottery , period. Winning the lottery could mean as little as winning $3 .



and I'm getting some things in line.. and yes I won the big on.. I'm taking cash option so I will get a 125 million lump sum after taxes. If I took the 365 I would get about 256 million in annunity over 30 years. Prize payment breakdowns on on the site link removed

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