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What do you love about your sweetie?

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well the guy i have in mind i should be forgetting....


but the way he does random stuff like when i was on a date with him he brought me to his house to watch a dvd and he gave me the pictures he developed of the night we were out in a pub togther and in the middle of them he had put in baby pics of him when he was like 2 he was sooo cuuuuute




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I put this on a similar thread a few days ago. But it bears repeating.


Because she is the one person who truly understands me. She was the one person who was there for me when I needed someone or else I would have given up on life. She has a heart that shines and a soul that words can't describe. She is beautiful, inside and out. She puts up with my strange humor, and even finds it amusing. She has patience to deal with me and the issues built up from years of pain and anguish.


But why do I love her? I love her for who she is.


I love her because I love her. Does there really need to be any other reason?

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His wit, confidence, cheekiness, his laugh, his smile, the way when I'm confused he'll point me in the right direction, when we mess around and we tease each other, the way I catch him smiling at sometimes, when we go to sleep and I take a peek and catch him looking at me, when he kicks my * * * when I need motivation (not literally), the way he wants only the best for me, the way he makes me feel that I want to be a better person...

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lol looking at these i should say something different! but i love my sweeties smell, the way he looks like crap in the morning as much as i do, the way he taps all the time, so annoying but wouldnt change it, the way his hair goes all spikey if he sleeps with it wet, the way he pulls stoopid faces when hes confused and the way he hugs me, god never ever get a better warmer hug than that

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Quote: "well the guy i have in mind i should be forgetting...." Yes me too Aporia!


This is a bit quirky but ...I loved the way he stood beside me brushing his teeth in the morning, the way he left little surprise notes to say he was thinking of me, the way he stroked my hair when I was falling asleep, and most of all I loved that he was a completely adorable geek and not ashamed to admit it!

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The sound of her voice as it soothes me when I hurt.

The gentle touch of her arm.

The way we can think the same thing at almost the same moment.

The way she inspires me and brings out the best in me.

To list what I love about her would take pages. So I'll just say I love her, all of her.

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I love how he is obsessed with football, how when i get mad he makes a joke and then i'm mad that i'm not mad, how he still kisses me in the morning after he's seen what i look like when i wake up, when he calls during half time of a football game (he's a coach), his smell that is just perfect, how he thinks he's amazing at mario kart when i win every time, just him. i love him.

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I love the way he tickles me to cheer me up. The way he always puts me first, the way he still worries about me when he knows everywhere I go, the way he wakes me up by kissing my cheek, the way he makes fun of me no matter what I do, the way his shoes stink and when he askes me to smell them he laughs so hard he gets hiccups!...the way he loves for me to take off my makeup and tells me I look beautiful....--just to name very few...



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*hugs annie


Sorry about the breakup. I know it hurts to think of the good times you shared and that every little reminder of love feels like someone is stabbing at your heart. It's horrible. Take the time to feel bad, cry even. I know I was a wreck for days. Well, weeks even. But eventually things get better. Feel free to come to us for comfort. You've been here for so many others, let us help you out for a change.

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Thanks shy. It's just so upsetting. He told me he was really attracted to me, thought I was wonderful and charming, and he loved that I was sweet and good to him, but he said he felt a "spark" was missing.


I'm just heartbroken. Well, I have to see him tomorrow, because I am in the process of moving, and he promised to help my move my big heavy furniture.


I am just so sad. But, I guess life goes on.


Thanks. I really need support right now.

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I hate that thing about the "spark" being gone. It's like, I can feel the spark, from everything you say, you think things are great.... so what exactly is missing? I'm still trying to figure out what she meant by it, and its been months down the road.


Life does go on and you find someone better. It may not seem like it, it may feel like the world is falling apart on you. Take as much time as you need to heal. Before you know it, you'll be back on your feet again.

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Annie24, I hope you feel better soon. Breakups are hard but we are all here for you since you have been here for us. ShySoul, I also hate it when a guy tells me that the "spark" is gone. Sometimes, I wonder why when the "spark" is gone, why people dont try to work to get the spark back. In order to have a meaningful relationship, people have to put work and effort into it. To just say the spark is gone, kind of makes me think people just give up when the headiness and excitement of the relationship is gone.

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Or maybe its that they themselves can't place what it is that is wrong and instead of wanting to face it, just find it easier to make some magic label for it and give up on it. Either way, people should try to work things out. But for many they take the easy way out and run from things. Leaving the other person hurt and confused.


Annie, hope you are doing well. Take some time to do something fun. I don't watch the show, but I know you like it so maybe there is something from Sex and the City that can help your mood. Have a marathon watchng some episodes and us it to put a smile on your face.

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Annie24 - I am very sorry to hear you've broken up with your partner. I hope that you heal quickly and feel better soon. *Hugs* I wish you all the best.


I also agree with renaissance and Shy; people should try to work things out instead of realising something is gone and immediately calling it quits.

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