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gone crazy

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My girlfriend is totally driving me up a wall. So much so that I think she's crazy. She can't seem to stop critizing me and anything or everything I do she has something negative to say about. Lately I'm walking on eggs when I'm around her. This is driving me crazy and then she wonders why I get very distant and and try to avoid her because I just need a break from all her crap. This situation is terrible because I have feelings for her.


I don't know what I must do. I just know that it is getting worse. Anybody have any advice on such a situation. Any more of this and I think it's going to be messing me up badly.


This is an ex that I have dumped before, mainly due to the same reasons. The breakup was 5 months and after that she contacted me and begged me to take her back. Dum me gave in. If I dump her again then it's going to take me another 5 months to feel normal again and I dread doing this. Staying = pain / dumping = pain ...

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Ha, no kidding. That's a not so subtle hint. I hate to say this, but she's breaking whatever agreement you two made to reconcile. She has to learn that her partners in her relationships don't serve as her dumping ground to unload all of her gripes. I'm afraid the only way she will have to learn this is the hard way: by repeatedly losing good partners until she wakes up to the fact she drives them away.

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She can't seem to stop critizing me and anything or everything I do she has something negative to say about. Lately I'm walking on eggs when I'm around her. This is driving me crazy and then she wonders why I get very distant


Have you told her this pretty well verbatim?

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My girlfriend is totally driving me up a wall. So much so that I think she's crazy. She can't seem to stop critizing me and anything or everything I do she has something negative to say about. Lately I'm walking on eggs when I'm around her. This is driving me crazy and then she wonders why I get very distant and and try to avoid her because I just need a break from all her crap. This situation is terrible because I have feelings for her.


I don't know what I must do. I just know that it is getting worse. Anybody have any advice on such a situation. Any more of this and I think it's going to be messing me up badly.


Sit her down and let her know how stressed you are. Try talking it out if thats your choice or break up with her.


Don't let this girl drive you crazy and make yourself sick over.


Be true to you.

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I have a similiar situation w/ the critisizing. Only she critisizes everyone, not just me. Everything is negative. If you're partner is doing something similar, maybe it isn't you, and maybe it isn't neccicarily her. My girl is down a lot, and I have come to realize she is suffering from depression. I don't know if the cases are that similar, but I just wanted to suggest it. I am also reading this thread for advice on my relationship.


Good luck.

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Im that girl, I critisize my boyfriend to the hilt!! I have gad and depression and that just adds to it.

Im trying to fix things now.


How long do you think your relationship will last if you continue to behave like that - depression is not an excuse to make your partner's life as miserable.


You can see what is it doing to plugger123 - don't do that to your boyfriend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Plugger 123, All I can tell you is that I'm going through similiar situation, but for 10 years now. I have told him multiple times how I feel, he's swore to me he would try and change, he is now on antidepressants, and let me tell you HE HAS NOT CHANGED. I have asked him to see a counsler, but he refuses. I am not the only one who is affected by his attitude, everyone around him is. Well, I just hope you make the right choice!

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