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Shy guys trying to make their crush jealous?


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Will a shy guy (at least shy around the girl they are crushing on) flirt with other girls in front of their crush to get her attention or make her jealous? I don't mean it from a manipulative standpoint but rather they are so awkward around the girl they like this is what they do? Any opinions from shy guys?

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I'm a girl and this happened to me like only a couple of weeks ago. I was really perturbed and some of the advice given to me stated that he was doing this as a way to impress me. People said that he might be trying to appear more outgoing becasue he usually acts in a shy fashion. As twisted as this is, it makes sense, and could very well be why the person you speak of is hitting on other girls.

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i don't see how he could possibly be too shy to flirt with you, but not to shy to flirt with others in order to make you jealous. you can't say someone can flirt with the best of them if he is unable to flirt with the person he really likes, that is just silly. maybe the girls can flirt and you cant which is why he's flirting with them. also don't worry about what he's doing with other girls, concentrate on what he's doing with you (i mean he's not ur bf ur just talking to him so he's free to do whatever he wants) and also to quote lil kim "for every girl with a man who be trying to mack do it right back to him and let that be that" just flirt with guys to make him jealous if he's pissing you off (you may forget about him in the process) haha

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i don't see how he could possibly be too shy to flirt with you, but not to shy to flirt with others in order to make you jealous. you can't say someone can flirt with the best of them if he is unable to flirt with the person he really likes, that is just silly.


that's BS - this happens all the time.

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No kidding. If you really like a girl, your behaviour around her WILL change... whether it be acting obnoxious or really reticient instead. Either way, someone who likes you could very well be testing the waters or just playing around, but it definitely does happen. I've seen it, done it myself, etc.

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When someone is special in your eyes, especially a newbie, you treat them differently. You act differently. You can't help it, nature is discumbobulating your common sense and making you do things that are either out of the norm or the opposite of what you really want to do. That's why it's better to be a Lion. You see a Lioness and you take a liking to her, but you don't act like a buffalo or flirt with the other lionesses. You roar, sniff her butt and go to town. I think we should all learn from our friend, the Lion... but restrain from the butt sniffing. It may not work for us humans.

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i find myself doing that through out most of the time im with the girl i like. when other of my girl-friends are around, ill end up flirting with them, and barley talk with her (which gets her really jealous [even tho she knows im only playing around]) and then when we're all alone ill actually talk and flirt with her some. i think its just certain kinds of guys that will do that, but depending on how they are they may take it a bit further than others. IMHO

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i'm a shy guy and i do that. i really dont know why though. i think it might be b/c i'm not mentally tough enough to try to get attention from my crush by talking to her, so i try to get her attention by flirting w/ other girls to make her jealous. its kinda stupid really b/c then she thinks i'm not interested in her and all that mess.

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A shy guy will not try to make anyone jealous because they wouldn't want to make someone feel left out and hurt. The shy person tends to know those feelings all too well and are extra sensitive about it, not wanting to make another feel like that. Jerks on the other hand, they will try to make someone jealous.


The act of claming up in front of a person you like has nothing to do with trying to make someone jealous. It is about nerves. For some, they get more nervous around a person they are interested in because they fear making a mistake and ruining any chance they have. They get scared that they will say the wrong thing, and thus don't say anything at all. That however, can be misinterpreted as games, trying to make the girl jealous, being cold and distant, not interested, etc.


The easy solution is to just go with your heart and let it guide you. If you are interested in someone, regardless of if you are male or female, say something! Don't try to hide anything, be honest. Don't let nerves get in the way. All these games and unnecessary acts just get in the way and prevent you from having what you really want.

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