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First off, I'm not musician bashing, because I have musical friends...


but what's the big attraction? Why do people gush over musicians (not even famous ones). I was out with a friend the other day and there was a guy playing a guitar and she was melting over him. Can anyone clear this up? lol

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I think men who are musicians tend to have really nice arms, especially guitar and bass players.


Sometimes they just have an energy and confidence on stage that makes them sexy, even if you normally would not look at them twice on the street.


Although I find some of them cute, it would never compel me to be a "groupie" or to grovel over them- because their egos are inflated enough.





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*Picks up guitar* LoL, I dunno, I can play but I never tried doing it in front of anybody....maybe I should hehe. I think that it's cool to be able to sit down with any in tune guitar and just start playing, maybe girls like it just because they took the time out to learn to play. It does say something about a person if they actually bother to learn.

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Musicians give off alot of sexuality. I dont know really how to explain it. I guess it would depend on the type of music. But rock stars generate sexuality on stage-the way they move, the words they sing, they touch peoples emotions and feelings. Some girls think they totally relate to the musician through his lyrics and they know him like their her soulmate.

They also represent youth and rebellion- never growing up-wildness,,this makes them sexy even if their not that good looking..........

Alot of them are very shy and introverts offstage, totally different persona onstage which I think women find even more attractive because they come off as being humble.

In actuality musicians who are famous get many women and remain unfaithful because there is always women running after them. I think very few remain with one woman.




First off, I'm not musician bashing, because I have musical friends...


but what's the big attraction? Why do people gush over musicians (not even famous ones). I was out with a friend the other day and there was a guy playing a guitar and she was melting over him. Can anyone clear this up? lol

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I am also surprised that some girls tend to like guitarists! I myself am a guitarist, but am not the typical guitarist with a rock-star mentality. I work on a lot of heavy metal and technical music that will take me years to master and it seems that the stereotype of women jumping all over guitarists are those that play pop rock or mainstream punk, so I'm unsure if my technical music will attract them, lol. I am not sure if girls drool all over that, but I don't want the guitar in my hand to just attract a girl, I want them to see who I am, and I am definitely not a ego-driven person.

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And now a humor break...


What do you call a guitar player without a girlfriend?



What do you call someone who hangs around with musicians?

A drummer!


I think DN got it. When I was single I was almost exclusively drawn to what I called the "artsy writer/musician type." They seemed more in touch with emotions (as I learned, not necessarily in touch with THEIR emotions, but emotions in general...), and chicks dig talking about feelings. Also creativity is attractive...particularly if you're a creative person yourself.


I wound up marrying a drummer. He's the one who told me the drummer joke above. A dummer I used to work with at my old job told me the guitar player joke.

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Well, it may be a little bit of the above, but think about all the untalented musicians and how they still get girlfriends or "chics" as they would call them. Lol. I think it's about them being up on stage. In fact, i think just about anybody on stage is perceived to be sexy, especially under all that dark lighting! If 'rock stars' played on the ground, or on an equal level to us, would we think they were all that sexy 8-[ ?


My second theory on the matter is that when most people see bands, they are drunk, or alcohol is involved, so they see them through "beer goggles" Lol.


IMO, only some musicians have sex appeal and they are the ones with the real talent. In fact, talent in any form is sexy, whether it's been good at maths, chess, or music!

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When it comes to romantic music, jazz (not that tacky "smooth" jazz stuff) tenor saxophone blows rock guitar out of the water, especially for women/girls who are into more relaxing music, and have a sense of maturity towards music in general. The saxophone is the closest instrument to the human voice, so it is as if you are practically singing to someone, or a group of people... which takes a lot of courage.


Music, well art in general I guess is so appealing to women because it is showcasing self-expression, at least from the good/talented musicians/artists who really have something to say/show, hoping to touch the soul of the listeners/viewers.

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For me, it's the creative and artistic element. My boyfriend is an amazing piano player (can play everything from Ben Folds Five to Coldplay). When I used to go to his house for parties before we were dating, he would usually play piano. Everyone would just *STOP* and listen when he played because it was so incredible. To be able to catch peoples' attention like that is a rare and unique gift in my opinion - who wouldn't be drawn to a guy like that?

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I think, aside from creativity, people are drawn to them because of "status" or "implied status." The industry as a whole makes quite a lot of money, has a lot of influence, and it's marketing is very strong and never-ending.


I remember playing a short piece on guitar for this woman and as soon as I played the first chord she was like "wow, that's really good!" and talked through the rest of the short song. She didn't even hear the rest of it but she was very impressed. Personally I was a little irritated because I wanted her to hear the whole thing but I guess it didn't matter, to her.


Not everyone feels this way, but a very large portion of people do. I think more often than not, people who understand and/or play music have a different level of appreciation for it and the people who play it.

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In actuality musicians who are famous get many women and remain unfaithful because there is always women running after them. I think very few remain with one woman.


Actually that aint true..


Look at the most known musicians whom are dubbed the pop-punk, ego-pumped, girls go crazy over, people: Billie Joe, James Hetfield, Dexter Rollan, Travis Barker, Tom DeLonge and others...they are all married some even for many years with kids and so on.


From a frontman, punk-guitarist perspective, i would say thats becoz they get borred with the unpredictability (if theres a word like that) of the whole popularity wall. I mean sure, playin a gig, gettin drunk, then waking up in the morning with a hot chick (or guy if youre elton john) completely hung over, would be fun for a while. But it all brings unbalance and thats what they long for in their spontanious, uncontrollable life.







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